When Two Worlds Collide

Leaving was going to be hard.

After my brief moment of shock a smile crept onto my face as I wrapped my arms around my best friend.

“LAUREN!” She squealed, as girls do when they haven’t seen each other in a while, and hugged me as tight as she could.

I pulled away from her as I invited her in. “Oh my gosh. I have missed you so much!” She had watery eyes as did I.

“I’ve missed you too.” She managed to kiss Anthony on the cheek as we caught up while waiting for Thomas.

“How have you been?” I smiled at her curious to know what she had been up to and as she spoke Thomas walked in and weirdly enough I hardly payed attention to him.

“I’ve been great. Dancing has been really good and I hear you’re coming to work in our studio when you come back here in June! I have to admit, I got really excited when I heard about that.”

I smiled at her. “That’s great and yes I am! I am so excited to be working there. Hopefully it’ll be easy to juggle that and college but i’m looking forward to the challenge.”

She smiled and just stared at me. “Wow. I can’t believe how much you’ve grown up since I last saw you which was just over a year and a half ago. You look amazing.”

“Thank you. So do you and I love your shoes!” She held her foot out as I admired her studded high heel ankle boots.

“Thank you!” Anthony walked over to us.

“Hey girls. I don’t want to be pushy but we should probably get going.” We gave him and apologetic look and as we head out I noticed him holding Lauren’s hand all the way to the car.

I greeted Thomas as I locked the door behind me. “Hey, you look great.” He smiled.

“Thanks. You don’t scrub up too bad yourself.” I laughed at his awkward compliment.

“Thanks. I try.” He chuckled and I knew he was nervous.

“You know, we don’t have to do this if it makes you feel uncomfortable.” His head shot up as he looked at me.

“No. It’s fine. Really, I just haven’t been out on a date in a while.”

I laughed and winked. “Well, this isn’t really a date now is it?” He nod his head.

“Yeah, I guess not.”

It wasn’t, but deep down I wanted it to be.

The restaurant we ate at was beautiful and the night was all around great. Catching up with Lauren was nice although I felt bad that I was taking her attention away from Anthony so I turned to talk to Thomas.

Lauren at one point in the night turned to Thomas and I as we were giggling. “So, how long have you guys been dating?” Thomas nearly choked on his drink and Anthony chuckled.

“Oh, we’re not dating. I’ve only known him for the 2 days i’ve been here. I met him along with the rest of Midnight Red.”

She nod her head and made an apologetic face. “Sorry, I just assumed.”

I smiled. “It’s okay.” I saw Thomas out of the corner of my eye become incredibly quiet and until he started drinking it was almost impossible to get a response from him.

Throughout the night Lauren and Thomas had a few drinks so they were a little intoxicated. Anthony and I couldn’t because we weren’t legal yet.

Thomas and Lauren stumbled out to the car nearly tripping over each other.

Anthony got behind the wheel as Lauren stumbled into the passengers side giggling.

Thomas slid in the back next to me and instead of sitting on the side he sat in the middle buckling himself up, well attempting to at least.

I chuckled and grabbed it from his hands clicking it in for him.

I was worried more about Lauren at this point than Thomas purely because when Lauren became like this anything come out of her mouth and you couldn’t shut up.

“So, you two.” She was looking back at Thomas and I. Thomas was sort of award about what was going on around him but I could see him dozing off.

“Why aren’t you dating her Thomas? She’s hot as hell, she dances, she’s got a bloody fantastic personality. I don’t get it.”

I just shook my head at her. “Lauren. Can we not do this now?” She giggled.

“We can do this now. So, Thomas. You’re not answering the question.” His eyes were closed but he wasn’t quite gone yet because I saw his eyes open halfway to look at her.

“She’s great, absolutely fantastic... but so was my ex. She’ll probably just do the same thing my ex did. They all do in the end.” I felt my heart break. It literally felt like someone had ripped my heart from my chest and ran over it over and over again.

I saw Anthony look at me in his rearview mirror with an apologetic look on his face when he turned to Lauren. “Lauren. That was a super inappropriate question.”

She laughed. “Are you kidding me? No one cares. Do they? Thomas?” He shook his head.

“Amy?” I wiped a tear from my cheek and cleared my throat before speaking. “Nope. Not one bit.”

“See?” Anthony just looked frustrated and I buried my face in my coat for the rest of the drive home.

I left it up to Anthony to get Lauren into her house safely and as much as I protested to helping Thomas, Anthony forced me to.

I had an unhappy look on my face the whole time until we got him into bed.

As soon as I let go of him I stormed out and into our apartment.

I was in the process of undressing when Anthony walked into my room.

“Amy. You need to calm down. I’m sure he didn’t mean it.”

I turned to him, tears building up. “Anthony. A drunk persons words are their thoughts when they’re sober. He thinks i’m going to become an asshole like his and cheat on him. What frustrates me even more is that he said it with knowing me for just 2 days.”

I shook my head and laughed as Anthony stared at me, not knowing what to say.

“I know. When did I become this girl? I don’t know what the hell is happening to me. Gosh. I hate it!” He laughed at me now.

“I think you just need to let it go and not read too much into it.” I nod my head.

“I know, I know.” He smiled and hugged me.

“Thanks Anthony for taking the keys from him as well. I don’t think I would have got in the car... especially after...” I had a lump in my throat.

“Just thanks.” He hugged me again and kissed the top of my head.

“Goodnight love.”

“Goodnight Ladao.” He turned and smiled on his way out and as my head hit the pillow the over thinking began.

“Shit.” I was in for a long and restless nights sleep.


I woke up in the morning absolutely exhausted from the sleep I didn’t get.

The first thing I did when I got up was put on my gym gear and went for a run.

The cool, winter air felt good on my face and it woke me up.

I managed to find a small park near us so I stayed there for a while doing my exercise routine.

I stood back up once I was done and as I began my run home I stood on a rather large rock and my ankle turned to the side a bit too far causing me to let out a loud hiss as I fell to the ground.

I pressed my forehead to my knee as I lifted my foot off of the ground.

“Shiiiiitt.” I was about to call Anthony when a figure stopped in front of me and kneeled down.

“Hey. Are you okay?” I looked up into his gorgeous green eyes and I was momentarily distracted from the pain.

“Miss. Are you okay?” I laughed.

“Miss? You make me sound old, but let me check.” He laughed at my joke and then stopped when I hissed from the pain.

I leaned my head back as he poked at my ankle.

“I am having the worst week.” I accidentally said out loud.

Thankfully he didn’t hear.

“Ouch. Your ankle is twisted. Thankfully not too bad. It might bruise a little but you’ll be walking fine in a couple of days.”

I bit my lip as I noticed his lack of shirt.

“So, you’re a doctor are you?” He laughed.

“Far from it!” I raised an eyebrow at him to get him to finish his sentence.

“I’m a dancer. I’ve had injuries like this before”

“Ah.” He moved over next to me as he pulled my arm around his shoulders and placed his around my waist.

“Let me help you.” He pulled me up and sat me down on the bench.

“I think I might need to take you to see a doctor just to get a bandage put on it.” He looked up at me.

“No.” He raised his eyebrows.


“Not until you tell me your name.” He smiled and looked down.

“Alex.” He held out his hand and I shook it.


“Now will you let me take you?” He laughed and I nod when he walked me over to his car and helped me in the front seat.

He drove me to the Doctors and patiently waited as they bandaged up my ankle.

He smiled at me as I hobbled over to where he stood.

“I... I was just wondering, do you want to go get some frozen yoghurt with me? I know a great place!”

I smiled up at him. “Sure! I love frozen yoghurt.”

He drove me to a small place along the beach and we sat on a bench talking until we’d both finished eating.

In such a short amount of time I had learnt he was born in England until his parents divorced and he moved here with his Mum. He was starting at the same college as me this year and he was attending regular dance classes, which he had done as an on and off thing until he decided to take it seriously at the age of 14.

“You now know a little bit about me now I think it’s time you told me a bit about yourself.” I smiled.

“Well. I am from Seattle, Washington where I am living with my parents for the next 6 months until I move up here permanently. I started dancing when I was 10 going on 11. I am going to be studying at the same college as you start of next year and I am going to be an assistant dance teacher when I come back.”

“Awesome. Where are you staying right now then?”

“With my best friends. They’ve both recently started up a boy band called Midnight Red and they moved here 3 days ago and i’m staying with them until next Saturday.” He smiled.

“That sounds awesome!” I looked at him confused.

“Wait. How come you’re not dogging them being a boy band? Aren’t cool guys like you supposed to hate boy bands?” He chuckled.

“You’d think, but I kind of dig it. I’m a closet One Direction fan. Shh!”

I burst out laughing. “Oh my gosh. You’re awesome.” He chuckled out my loud laugh and bit his lip.

I was taken back momentarily as I noticed his attention flicker to a very attractive males bum as he strolled past.

“Oh my gosh.” His attention turned to me as I slapped my forehead.

“Are you kidding me? I’ve been flirting with a gay guy this whole morning?!” He laughed at me.

“I’m sorry. I probably should have said something sooner hey?”

“You had my hopes up Alex and you just cut them down!” I laughed as did he.

“Well hey. At least you’ve just gained a new friend for when you move back down here!” I smiled.

“I guess I have. I think this would be an appropriate time to exchange numbers then.” We handed each other our phones as we typed in our numbers before handing them back.

I stood up forgetting about my ankle and Alex managed to grab me before I fell back.

I laughed. “Thanks.” I clung onto him as he put me back in his car and drove me home.

When we reach the apartment block he helped me all the way upstairs to my floor.

We reached the door finally and he politely opened it for me as I clung to him for dear life.

All of the guys were there and I spotted Thomas just as he swallowed a tablet for his headache.

Anthony turned to as he noticed Alex holding me.

“Amy. What happened? Who’s this?”

“Alex. Can you please just help me over to the seat?” He helped me until we reached the one seater and I pulled the foot rest underneath my ankle and I smiled up at him as he sat on the arm.

“Guys. This is Alex. Alex this is Anthony, Colton, Joey, Eric and Thomas.” For some reason when I reached Thomas I felt a hint of anger and I shook it off as best as I could.

“I stepped on a large rock while I was running on my way home and I twisted my ankle slightly. Alex was kind enough to stop and help me to the doctors to get it bandaged.” He smiled awkwardly at everyone.

Anthony just nod his head. “Crap. Thanks for helping her Alex.” He smiled but I could tell he was being cautious.

Colton had made conversation with Alex after I had explained everything. I saw everyone was getting along with him and I noticed Anthony slip away to his room and I stood up to follow him.

I felt Thomas’ eyes on me as I walked off but I pretended to not notice.

“Hey. Anthony.” I closed the door behind me and whispered. “You could be a bit more friendly to him. He did help me today.”

“Yeah, but what are his intentions once he gets closer to you? It could have just been an easy opportunity for him to pick up a girl.”

I laughed. “Okay, one.. I’m not as naive as you’re making me sound and two he’s gay so you don’t need to worry.”

I saw him breath out and it was like his worries had disappeared from that one word.

“Wow. Okay. Sorry.” I smiled.

“Now will you come out and be social?” He chuckled.

“Fine.” I started to hobble away and I felt his arm snake around my waist as I nearly fell.

“Thanks.” I said embarrassed.

“I feel like I look so pathetic right now.” Ha laughed.

“Pathetic? Pssh.” I looked up at him and just shook my head.

“Seriously. The Amy I know and love wouldn’t let a little injury make her feel this way.”

“Well it feels like the Amy you know and love is slowly disappearing.” He shook his head now.

“No. Not disappearing. Just maturing.” I smiled and he kissed my head as sat me down in the living room.

The boys were all laughing with Alex with gaming controllers in their hands but Thomas sat curled up in a ball on the couch.

Anthony went over to join the guys on the floor when Alex checked his phone.

“Shoot. Sorry guys, as fun as this was I have to go. Hopefully i’ll see you all soon!” He walked over to me and hugged me before heading out the door.

Thomas was still curled up, his face scrunched up from the noise.

I lightly tapped his shoulder and he looked up at me.

“Come on.” I stood up and I felt him follow me out the door.

The door slammed behind him and he winced.

I grabbed his hand and opened his door pulling him in.

“Better?” I smiled opening the blinds.

He nod his head. “Thanks.”

“I’ve had to cure quite a few of Anthony’s hangovers when he drank... that was before he got caught.”

He smiled and even though there was still anger inside of me from what he said I smiled too.

“I’m sorry.” He pulled me onto the couch so I was off my foot.

“Sorry? For what?”

“For saying what I said last night.” I shook my head.

“Honestly, it’s okay. Promise.” He smiled at me and grabbed my hand as he stared into my eyes.

“I don’t really think that you know? Out of all of the girls i’ve known you’re the first one in a while that i’ve been able to trust even though we haven’t known each other that long. I don’t why that is but I do.”

I smiled at him as he smiled back.

“Maybe when you get back we can go on a erm... uh...” he laughed nervously.

“I’d love to.” He smiled at me and it was the biggest smile I had witnessed on his face since i’d met him.

He leaned in closer and closer to my face when we both jumped at the door opening.

Joey looked at us both. “You guys weren’t about to get kinky on the couch were you?”

I burst out laughing. “No! I was helping cure his hangover.”

“With your mouth?” I couldn’t stop laughing.

“You’re funny Joey.” He shrugged his shoulders.

“I try.”

“I know you do.” He faked a shocked face and as he head out the door her stopped to give me a noogie.

I turned to Thomas. “How’s your head feeling?”

“Not good.”

“Here. Turned around and lie back with you head in my lap. Wait...” I put a pillow in between my legs before I let him put his head down.

I started to massage his temples slowly and I saw his eyes close.

Wow. This feels really nice.”

About 5 minutes later I stopped and as he sat up his eyes widened.

“Whoa. My headache is completely gone! You my friend have magic fingers.”

“You know it!” I laughed.

“You feel like rejoining everyone?” His face said he didn’t want to but his mouth said “sure.”

We walked back into the apartment only to see the guys sat were still sat on the floor and I noticed Lauren sitting on the couch like Thomas was before.

“Hey Lauren. Need a little?” I wiggled my fingers as she nod her head.

I started massaging her temples and I heard Anthony and Thomas speaking.

“Does she do that a lot?”

“Oh yeah! She did it for me all the time. One day I came over to her house with a hangover and I put my head in her lap and she randomly started massaging my temples and BOOM, my headache went away. Now she does it for all of her friends.”

“Wow. Well, it’s amazing. She just did me and I feel great!” I saw Anthony smirk.

“She just did you, did she?” Thomas pushed his shoulder.

“Oh my gosh. You’re so dirty.” He shook his head.

“Sexy. Flirty. Dirty. That’s my motto.” They both laughed and joined in on the video games.

Looking around at all of them made me sad. I had only known them for a few days and I had no idea what I was going to do without them for the next 6 months, especially Anthony. He meant the world to me and we hadn’t been apart longer than a week since i’d known him. I looked at Thomas.

Thomas. I just hoped that when I came back we could pick back up from wherever we left off when I leave. I hoped that he wouldn’t find a girl that he decided he liked enough to date. I knew that was selfish but I liked him and I knew that when we hung out when I got back that crush would grow into more.

I shook off the thoughts and when I was finished with Lauren she cuddled up to me and I wrapped my arms around her.

“I’m going to miss you when you leave. We need to spend as much time with each other over the next week and a bit, okay?” I heard her say.

“I’m going to miss you too, but it’s only for 6 months. It’ll be over before you know it, but definitely.”

I let out a long sigh. Leaving was going to be hard. Leaving was always hard and I knew that from experience.