When Two Worlds Collide


The two weeks flew by faster than I had wanted and when Saturday morning came around I became sad.

Thomas, Anthony and Lauren took me to the airport as I had said my goodbyes to the boys back at the apartment.

I had begun shamelessly crying as Eric wrapped his arms around me for quite a while and he kissed my forehead before sending me on my way.

“Goodbye! See you all in 6 months.” They waved as I left the apartment.

I heard my boarding call as I finished checking in and I felt my heart sink.

I looked at Anthony who looked a bit sad.

I turned to Thomas and he wrapped his arms around me for longer than necessary but I wasn’t complaining. He snuck in a kiss on my cheek as I turned to hug Lauren.

“You know what?” She asked as she pulled away.

“What?” I smiled.

“I’m going to fly down to see you graduate and then i’ll fly back with you.”

“Really?” My smile grew bigger.

“Really. I’m not going to miss my cousin graduating!”

Thomas’ head came up. “Wait, you’re cousins?!” We both laughed.

“Yep, but we prefer to call each other our best friend because we pretty much are.”

“Wow.” He looked shocked.

I turned to Anthony who was looking at his feet.

I slipped my arms through the gap between his and his torso as he had his hands in his pockets.

I felt his arms snake around me as he pulled me closer.

I heard him whisper into my ear. “I’m going to miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too. I can’t wait to hear about all of the amazing things you guys have done when I get back. Don’t forget to Skype me either.”

He smiled. “I won’t.” He kissed my beanie covered head as I heard the finally boarding call.

“Goodbye guys. See you in 6 months. Oh, and you guys better have planned a kick ass belated 18th birthday party for me when I get back.” I winked and laughed.

As I lost sight of them and stepped onto the plane it hit me that I really wasn’t going to be able to physically see my best friends for the next 6 months.

I buried my face in my sweater as a few quiet sobs escaped. I didn’t know how I would handle this.

The last 30 minutes of the plane ride was bumpy as the snow started to fall.

I loved the snow so I was immediately excited as I saw little specks of it falling as I got off the plane.

Unfortunately my parents were unable to pick me up from the airport due to a birthday lunch they had for a friend so I hailed a taxi to drive me home.

When I walked in the house was completely empty. It was nice to be back in my own house. I love being away but home was home and i’d always miss it no matter how long I was away from it.

I walked up to my bedroom throwing off my jacket when I reached the door and dropping my bags on the floor.

I flopped down on my bed staring at the photo of Anthony and myself. I turned my head and buried my face in my pillow before turning it the other way.

Before I knew it I had been asleep for 2 hours and I was woken up by the smell of something chocolatey.

I opened my eyes and my blanket was over me and my Dad was setting down a hot chocolate in front of me along with some of my favourite sweets, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.

“Hi Dad. How are you?” He sat on my bed picking at one of the mini marshmallows he had brought in for my hot chocolate.

“Good sweetie. How was L.A?”

“It was really good. His band mates are all really cool. Especially one of them.” He smiled.

“What about Anthony? I thought you two had a thing.” I slapped my forehead lightly.

“Dad, for the last time. He is literally like a brother to me and he has had a crush on your niece for like 3 years and he finally went out with her last week.”

“Lauren? Really?” I shook my head.

“How have you not seen it? Every time they were around each other they flirted like crazy.”

He scratched his head. “Wow.” I just laughed it him before he stood up and head for the door.

“Thanks for the drink and Reese’s dad. I love you.”

He smiled. “I love you too. Good having you back.”

“It’s good being back.” I took a sip of my drink and turned my laptop on toe check my emails and there was nothing really of importance.

I was about to head downstairs when my phone started buzzing. I picked it up to see Anthony’s name and picture.

“Hey Ladao!” My voice was croaky from sleeping.

“Whoa. Your voice sounds strange. Are you okay?”

“I don’t know. I fell asleep as soon as soon as I got home. Now that you mention it my head feels kind of funny. It’s probably just a cold, but i’ll be fine.”

“That’s no good. Just rest up.” I smiled.

“I will. What are you up to?”

“The boys and I are just with RedOne at the moment. We just got done talking about what’s going to happen this year when we go into the studio next week. They already have some tracks they want us to do and they want us to get them out there as soon as they can. So we’ll be in the studio next week. BOOHYA!” I laughed at his excitement.

“That’s awesome! Can’t wait to hear it all.”

“Yeah. We’re doing a cover of New Kids On The Block’s song Step By Step!” I had him on speaker phone by this point so I was clapping from excitement.

“Ugh. You know I love me some NKOTB.” He chuckled.

“I know you do.” I heard him sigh.

“I already miss you.” His voice was sad.

“I miss you too. I’ll be back soon. Just think, with all of the stuff you boys will be doing you won’t even be thinking about me.”

“Don’t say that. Of course I will be. You’re my best friend, my little sister.”

I heard my name called from downstairs and when I looked at my tray all of the food and drink was gone.

“Oh my gosh.” I laughed at myself.

“I just ate a bunch of Reese’s, mini marshmallows and drank all of my hot chocolate in the 30 minutes we’ve been talking!”

He laughed. “Sounds like something you’d do.”

“Anyway, I better go. Gotta get back to the meeting.”

“Wait. I’m about to go downstairs. Say hi to my parents before you go. They miss seeing you around.”

I ran down stairs, tray in hand and I chucked it all in the sink.

“Mum. Dad. Come say hi to Anthony before he hangs up.”

They were both in the kitchen as they came over to where I stood.

“Hi Anthony. Hope everything is going well! We miss you! You’ll have to come back and visit soon.”

“Hi guys. I miss you too, and your cooking. When I come and visit with Lauren for Amy’s graduation you’ll have to cook me some of your amazing butter chicken! Mum could never make it as good as you.”

“I will Anthony!”

“Wait... you’re going to come down with Lauren?! YAY!”

“Yeah. I think Thomas wants to tag along as well.” My heart skipped a beat.

“Awesome!” I turned to my Mum who spoke.

“Lauren? Your cousin Lauren?” I nod my head.

“Yeah. She’s dating Anthony now. Sorry to burst your bubble. We’ll never be anything more than unrelated brother and sister.” I heard him chuckle.

“Anyway guys. I really have to go, but we’ll Skype soon alright?”

“Alright! Bye! I LOVE YOU!” I made kissing noises into the phone.

“I love you too. Bye!” I hung up and began helping my Mum cook dinner.

“Aren’t you like.. what’s the word? Oh. Totes. Aren’t you like totes crushed about him dating Lauren?”

I thought about. “Of course, because you know. I’ve been so madly in love with him my whole life. I’m crushed. BROKEN! How will I ever recover?!” My Mum laughed at me.

“Nahh. I’m happy for them both. They both deserve the very best. Everyone does,” I saw her look over at my Dad and he planted a kiss on her over the counter.

“So, who’s this Thomas that might be coming down as well?”

“Oh. He’s just one of Anthony’s band mates. We got along really well the whole 2 weeks and I guess he wants to be a good friend.”

My Mum eyed me. “How come every time I make friends with a guy you automatically think we like each other?!”

She laughed. “I’m sorry. You know how parents are.”

“I know how my parents are.” Mum and Dad laughed.

We finished cooking dinner and we all sat in the lounge room watching TV and chatting about my time in LA. I had taken quite a few photos so I showed them those.

“Oh, and I secured a place in the same apartment block as the guys and it’s close to the dance studio and college.”

“Oh that’s great!” My Mum smiled at me. “What did we do to have such a mature and independent daughter?”

“I don’t know.” She laughed and I looked at the time.

“I should go to bed. I have dance class tomorrow.”

“Goodnight. I love you.” I kissed them both on the cheek and prepared myself for bed.

The next morning I woke up and went for a run; my ankle was so much better considering I had twisted it and it was good being able to run on it without a sharp pain going through it.

When I got home I immediately had to start getting ready to head off to my dance class.

We worked on our routine for the showcase that was on just before I left for L.A and we were literally practicing anytime we could.

Thankfully for me I was able to pick up any changed parts easily and it was all starting to come together.

The first 3 and a bit months Anthony and I & Thomas and I had talked either on the phone or via Skype at least every second day but we had both started to become busier. I was busy with with final exams and dance practice & they were busy with going into the studio.

About 1 and a half months after that we stopped communication almost completely, talking only once every two weeks because we were all under a huge amount of stress.

There had been some problems with them getting their first single out when they had planned and it looked like it wouldn’t be out for a few months now and I had my exams and my dance showcase.

I missed them so much but I didn’t want to bother them while they were under pressure. My parents said it would be good calling them and talking to them because it would calm them down talking to someone about it but every time I planned to call them I forgot due to study.

I was glad for it to be all over in a month and i’d be able to see them both.


I walked out of the exam room for my last exam and I let out a sigh of relief.

I made my way home and prepared myself for my showcase and usually I never got nervous because I always had Anthony and Eric with me to calm my nerves but they were nowhere in sight.

I arrived at the studio to go over the dance routines a few times with my class and as I went through it more and more the nerves disappeared.

“Alright guys. Time to head off to the showcase. Good luck and I am so proud of everyone.”

We head out to the van and made our way to the building that looked bigger than I thought and I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

We did our stretches backstage when they called out our dance company and it was time to go on.

We walked out onto the stage and as I looked to the front row where I expected my parents to be my heart stopped.

I saw sat behind them all of the boys smiling faces as they waved at me. I noticed Anthony was sat with his arm around Lauren’s shoulder and he kissed her on the cheek.

I couldn’t help but aww until I noticed Thomas also had his arm around a girl as well and my heart sunk and I knew Anthony saw my face drop because he had an apologetic look on his face as he saw where I was looking.

I pushed the thoughts that were filling my head to the back of my mind as the music started and it was time to begin.

All of the first dance went extremely well getting a standing ovation from the audience and as soon as I had started dancing Thomas didn’t matter.

It was now time for my solo dance and instead of feeling nervous, I felt hyped. The adrenalin took over as I danced and I had to say I killed it better than I had every time i’d rehearsed it.

I finished and for a brief moment there was just silence. Then all of a sudden every single person was on their feet clapping and cheering and I felt tears of happiness fill my eyes.

I looked over to my family and my parents had tears in their eyes as well as Lauren, Anthony and Eric.

Colton, Joey and Thomas looked stunned and whoever that was next to Thomas didn’t look impressed at all.

I walked off the stage as the applause died down.

My class all surrounded me in an embrace and my teacher pulled me up in a hug.

“You did so good! I made the right decision giving you a solo.” I hugged him tight and he lifted my feet off of the ground.

“Thank you for giving me the chance before I leave. It means the world to me.” He put me down and continued cheering as everyone else hugged me.

First place prize for the groups was a $10, 000 cheque which I knew my studio needed more than anything.

First place for the solo dances was a scholarship and a chance to star in a music video for who I couldn’t exactly remember but I had made sure that I wouldn’t be put up to win that. My specific rules were if I got the most points that second place would get the prize and become 1st place.

I was so excited when our group came first and they all started tearing up.

I won first place for the solo and I could see how disappointed 2nd place was until they heard that I was giving up first place and she dropped to her knees out of happiness.

She ran up to me and wrapped her arms around me and she wouldn’t stop thanking me.

Everyone eventually started clearing out of the auditorium and everyone took their turns fair welling me as I grabbed my bag.

My class all stood around me as my teacher spoke. I knew this was going to be emotional because they did the same thing for Anthony’s last class.

“You’ve been with us for almost 7 years now and you have been a really amazing, fun and genuine girl to teach. You’re such an incredible dancer and I know that I and the class wish you nothing but the best for your future wherever it takes you. Don’t forget us.”

I was tearing up. “Aww you guys. I love you!” I stood in the middle of the circle as they did a massive group hug around me.

They all said their final goodbyes to me and I was the last person to head out.

I looked around the car park and I spotted everyone, except Thomas. I let out a disappointed sigh but I walked towards them all with a smile.

Anthony ran towards me and picked me up in a massive bear hug!

“You were amazing! I am so proud of you!” He put me down and my parents, Lauren and Eric took their turns hugging me, as well as Colton and Joey.

I was disappointed that Thomas wasn’t there and I felt a sinking feeling wash over me.

We all ended up driving back to my place and my parents had bought two celebratory baked cheesecakes which were my favourite.

I had a quick shower and as I put my tracksuit paints and singlet on I heard a creak at the door.

Anthony was smiling at me.

“Hey. What’s up?”

“Are you going to come down and eat some cake? We’re celebrating you, you know.”

I smiled. “Yeah. I just wanted to wash the sweat off.”

“Good. You stink.” He laughed and I threw the first thing I could find at him and jumped back.

“You realise you just threw your bra at me?” I laughed.

“Sorry.” He shook his head.

I remember the fact that Thomas wasn’t here and I felt my face drop and Anthony saw it.

“I’m sorry about Thomas. He spoke to me before asking her out. He was really scared about hurting you and now I see he had good reason to be.”

“What did you say to him?”

“I told him to do what would make him happy. To be honest, I think he just liked the idea of having someone treat him like does. She gives him all her attention and she’s extremely affectionate with him.” I saw him cringe.

“Ew.” I shook my head. “I’m upset but if he thinks she’ll make him happy then fine. I can’t force him to feel something he doesn’t.”

“He really likes you. I think he just saw the opportunity while you weren’t around and went for it.”

“I don’t care if he likes me. I don’t really like him all that much at the moment.”

“If it helps, she’s kind of a massive bitch. She never wants to hang out with us and when we try to hang out as just us guys she makes plans with him which she forces him to go to. She almost talked him out of coming tonight to stay back in LA, but that was one thing he wouldn’t miss.”

“Where is he now?” He looked down.

“On a flight... to head back to LA.” I nod my head and I felt tears building up but I held them back.

“Of course. Oh well. There’s nothing worse than a guy who’s whipped.” He smiled at me.

“He’s a good person, I know you’ve seen he is, he’s just not very good when it comes to making decisions about relationships.”

I looked at him. “I know.” We were walking down the stairs now to where everyone else was when I stopped him.

“Is she ugly?” He laughed.

“I wouldn’t say ugly, but she’s not the prettiest. Definitely had some work done.” He did the ducks lips and I laughed.

“Ah well. At least i’m not competing with much.” He smiled and pulled me into a side hug when we reached the kitchen.

He cut me a slice of cake and handed it to me before grabbing some for himself.


I took a bite. “Oooohh. Mum and Dad. You know how to please my stomach. This cheesecake is divine.” Everyone laughed and I noticed a really familiar one amongst them all.

I came to a halt in front of Anthony who groaned when he bumped into the back of me.

“Oh, sorry Anthony.” I managed to pry my eyes away from Thomas’ figure that was sat in my favourite bean bag to look at Anthony when I apologised.

Thomas smiled at me and I looked away before sitting on the couch in between Lauren and Colton.

Everyone continued their conversations when I saw the blonde girl who Thomas had been so attached to the whole night.

She walked in and as she spotted me she had a smug smirk on her face. She sat down on Thomas’ lap and as he looked back at me she kissed him.

It was as if she was flaunting him in front of me. I tried to slowed my breathing as I became angry and as she grabbed a cookie off of the plate in front of her she still had that smug smile on her face. I wanted to walk up to her and slap that smile off of her face.

I was about to ask her name when Thomas introduced us.

“Taylor this is Amy. Amy this is Taylor.” I looked up at her and smiled before reluctantly shaking her hand over the coffee table.

“Nice to meet you.” I said through a fake smile.

“Hi.” Was all she said and it wasn’t very friendly either.

Hi. Are you shitting me. HI?! You’d think she’d have the decency to be nice to me in my own house.

She turned back to Thomas as they engaged in a conversation that involved none of us.

I never understood how a guy could get like that.

Colton started talking to me and it took my attention off of Thomas.

“Are you okay?” He was smiling at me.

“Yeah, i’m fine. Just not feeling very talkative tonight.” My eyes flickered up to Thomas briefly and Lauren pat my knee.

“You were really great tonight.” Colton said, still smiling.

“Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Still smiling.

I looked at him confused. “How are you always so happy?”

He smiled, of course. “I don’t let things get to me. Situations with work, or people.” He coughed and looked at Thomas.

I bumped his shoulder lightly with mine.

“Does everyone know what I sorta like him?”

He chuckled. “Yeah, everyone except him.”

Thomas was staring at me when I looked at him from the corner of my eye, except he wasn’t smiling and I saw his attention flicker to Colton who I noticed was leaning in close to me because we were whispering.

Like he has any right to feel any kind of jealousy, I thought.

“You’ll be fine. You could pretty much get any guy you want.” I laughed.

“Really? I don’t think I could.”

“Yeah. You’re talented, you’re funny, you have a 5 star personality not to mention you’re stunning. I’d date you but, and don’t take this the wrong way, I don’t like you like that.”

I smiled. “That’s okay, but you’re making me sound better than I actually am.”

He laughed. “I’m saying it how everyone else says it. You just don’t see it like that.”

I smiled. “You’re really sweet.”


Colton and I were just getting to know each other when Joey stood up. “I’d hate to be a party pooper but Colton, Taylor, Thomas, Eric and I should get going. We have an early flight back tomorrow.”

There was that sinking feeling again.

Everyone stood up to say goodbye and I hid away in the kitchen to wash my plate.

I was scrubbing at it harder than was necessary when I was startled by foot steps behind me.

“Aren’t you going to say goodbye?” I turned around to see Thomas standing there. I wasn’t in the mood to say anything to him.

“Usually saying goodbye to someone requires that you’ve said hello first.” He took in a deep breath.

“Ouch. So you’re sassy too?”

“You have no idea.” I said under my breath.

I put my plate on the sink to dry and as I went to say goodbye to Colton, Eric and Joey I felt him grab my hand.

I looked down and I slowly pulled it away as I walked off.

I could hear him following behind me but I didn’t bother to turn around.

I hugged the boys before they head out the door and when Thomas went to hug me his girlfriend grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door.

As much as I disliked her I was glad she saved me from an awkward hug.

Lauren said goodbye as well as she head back to hear parents where she was staying for a few nights. Then she was staying with Anthony.

He kissed her at her car before she drove off. I expected him to walk up to his house but he walked back into mine.

I looked at him with a confused expression as I followed him all the way up to my bedroom.

“No really. Make yourself comfortable,” I said as he lay down on my bed.

“I thought that’s what I was doing.” He laughed and I lay down next to him letting out a sigh.

He put his arm underneath my head as I rested on it.

“You’re right. She was a motherducking bitch. Excuse the pun.” He burst out laughing as I did the duck lips.

“He tried talking to me when I was in the kitchen. He was like ‘aren’t you going to say goodbye?’ Like what the hell? We spoke for the first 4 and bit months while I was gone and he didn’t have the decency to tell me he was seeing someone. Not only that, he had the NERVE to bring her to my dance showcase and leave straight after, not congratulate me, not even say HI to me and then he expects me to talk to him.”

I let out a long breath to calm myself down. “I’m sorry but guys are confusing.”

He laughed. “I know, but so are girls.” I laughed.


“I don’t get why people these days can’t just say how they really feel and save everyone all of this bullshit we put ourselves through.”

“You could tell Thomas how you’re feeling.”

I sat up and looked down at him. “Are you crazy?” He sat up next to me.

“No. No no no. Hell no.” He looked at me eyebrow raised.

“Okay. I guess i’m being a hypocrite expecting him to say something when I won’t.” He smiled.

“I think you just need to stop thinking about him for the next month and enjoy turning 18 in 2 weeks.”

“Oh my gosh. I totally forgot it was my birthday in 2 weeks. I didn’t miss Thomas’. I sent him a birthday text but he never replied.”


“Shit. Sorry. My head is a Thomas free zone.” He laughed and we lay back down.

“So how are you and Lauren.” He smiled.

“We’re great. I love her. She’s the most amazing girl i’ve ever met. I am FOREVER grateful for you introducing us.”

I smiled. “Well, my brother and my cousin deserve the best so why not? You guys are my favourite couple.”

“Aww. I love you!” He pulled me into a hug squishing my face into his chest.

“Anthony. ANTHONY! Can’t. Breathe.” He let go of me laughing his ass off.

“I’m sorry.” He messed up my hair and I looked at him unimpressed.

“You know what. You can sleep in the guest bedroom. Come on.” I grabbed his foot to drag him away but he clung to my head board.

“I PROMISE I’LL BE GOOD!” He was laughing hysterically.

“Fine.” I climbed under the covers as did Anthony and I thought for a minute.

“Do you think us sleeping in the bed is inappropriate now that you have a girlfriend?”

He laughed. “Amy. She knows that you sleep in my bed every time you’re at my house. She knows nothing is going to happen.”

“I guess.” It still felt weird but I dealt with it. I had to admit, having someone sleeping next to you was comforting in a way and I needed a lot of comforting right now.