When Two Worlds Collide

Moving to L.A.

I woke up the next morning with a killer headache & a little nausea.

I looked next to me to see that Thomas had disappeared and I let out a sigh.

As I looked up Thomas walked in with a tray that had cereal and juice on it.

“Morning.” I sat up and smiled.

“Morning beautiful.” He placed the tray on my bedside table and kissed my cheek softly.

My smile disappeared as a wave of nausea came over me.

“Oh shit.” I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom as I leaned over the toilet and began vomiting.

I felt Thomas sit behind me as he rubbed my back and he tied my hair back for me.

“Sorry you had to see that.” I said as he helped me up and over to the sink so I could brush my teeth and splash some water on my face.

“It’s okay. I’ve had a hangover before. I know how it feels, but i’m assuming you never have until now.”

I shook my head. “I’ve had drinks before but i’ve never been drunk.”

I sat on my bed crossed legged and he pulled the covers of me as he sat in front of me grabbing the tray.

“Here. Eat something. I know you think it’ll make you feel worse, trust me I thought the same, but you’ll feel a lot better.”

He handed me a bowl of Milo cereal and he was right, as I ate I felt a lot better.

Except later on that day I ended up vomiting again which resulted in me lying on the couch under a blanket with a bucket next to me.

“Are you sure this is from the hangover?” Thomas asked, rubbing my back as I leaned over the bucket.

“False alarm. I don’t know, i’ve never had one before so I don’t know how long they generally last for.”

“Not this long. I hope you’re not sick for your graduation on Friday. That won’t be fun.”

“Oh crap. I forgot about graduation... damn.”

I turned myself around so I was lying on a pillow that I had placed on Thomas’ lap.

I felt him start stroking my hair and I heard him start singing. “You’re my one in a million, my soul companion and the universe just came through. Who’s connecting the dots, what’re the odds that found you?”

I had no clue what he was singing but it made me feel relaxed.

Before I knew it I was sleeping and dreams, more like nightmares, flooded my mind.

My mind was reenacting my car crash but with a twist. Thomas was driving and he was saying something to Anthony who was in the front seat. I couldn’t quite understand them through the slur in their speech which made me assume they had been heavily drinking. They were the drunk drivers instead.

All of a sudden I felt my heart pounding in my chest and I could feel myself shouting but nothing was coming out.

I tried yelling stop at them multiple times but nothing. Not a sound came from my mouth.

We had now come to an intersection and a set of bright lights caught my eyes and as I turned my head I saw a car heading straight towards us.

My breath was caught in my chest and the lights came into contact with us causing me to jerk from my sleep.

As I sat up I sort of shouted Thomas’ name and as I looked around he was gone.

I felt my heart beating against my chest and I was hyperventilating.

“Amy. AMY! Are you okay?!” I was looking around frantically when my eyes made contact with his and his hands were suddenly on the sides of my face.

He sat down and I pulled him into a hug and buried my face in his shoulder.

He rubbed my back slowly and as he did my breathing slowed.

“I’m sorry. Bad dream.” My hand was shaking and he held it.

“It’s okay. You’re fine babe. You’re okay.”

This is why I never liked thinking about my past because whenever I did I had horrific nightmares.

“Here, come with me.” He walked me into the kitchen where I noticed that something was cooking on the stove.

“Are you making dinner?” I smiled as he handed me a glass of water.

“Yeah. I make a mean butter chicken.”

“Oh, do you now?”

He laughed. “Also, the guys are coming over.”

“No Lauren?”

“Um.. nahh. She got a call for a small part in another movie on Disney so she had to leave. She said she was really sorry that she was going to miss you graduate.”

“She can miss it if it means she has a job.” I smiled a completely genuine smile. “I know how much she’s been wanting to get another acting job. I’m glad she got one.”

The boys eventually arrived at our house and we all sat in the lounge eating the absolutely amazing dinner that Thomas had prepared.

Unfortunately my stomach bug didn’t like it as much and I ended up sprinting to the downstairs bathroom.

After I had finished puking I slid down onto the cold floor and lay there with my face pressed up against the tiles.

This time it was Anthony who helped me up. I brushed my teeth once more and as he sat me down on the couch next to Thomas I felt dizzy.

“Can you please get me some water?” I looked at Thomas who looked extremely concerned.

He pressed his palm to my forehead before retracting his hand quickly.

“Crap. Anthony. I think we need to take her to the hospital. She’s on fire.”

“Sorry to cut this short boys. We’ll all see you when we get back to L.A. Have a safe flight tomorrow.”

The guys head out and Anthony drove to the nearest hospital as I lay in the back with Thomas.

Thomas carried me in as I was walking extremely slow from the dizziness and Anthony went to the front desk in emergency.

“Hi. I need to get my friend checked out. She’s been vomiting all day, been dizzy and recently we noticed she had an extremely high fever.”

The receptionist put us through straight away and as I was put in a bed the doctor did numerous tests on me.

By 2am Anthony and Thomas had fallen asleep in the seats next to me bed.

I grabbed my phone and took a photo of them sleep before posting it to instagram. “Sleeping beauties keeping me company during hospital visits.”

At 3am the Doctor finally came back in with the results and Anthony & Thomas shot up from their chairs.

“Is she okay?”

“She’ll be fine. She just has a mild case of food poisoning.”

They both let out a sigh of relief.

“We’re going to give her some medicine and she needs to drink lots of water. We’re going to keep her in overnight just incase it becomes worse but she should be better in the next few days.”

“Alright. Thank you.”

The Doctor left the room and the guys turned to me.

“So, who’s volunteering to stay with me?” I laughed.



They both sat down and started scrolling through their phones when they both groaned and laughed.


“Sleeping beauties?”

I laughed. “I couldn’t resist. You guys looked so adorable.”

A nurse came in with my medication. “These are going to make you sleepy if you aren’t already.” She smiled and also handed me a bucket.

“Thank you.”

I had managed to fall asleep that night and by the morning I was feeling a lot better.

I checked my phone in the morning to see Thomas had tagged me in something on instagram and I groaned when I saw a photo of myself asleep.

Thomas and Anthony walked in with some food and they sat down pulling their chairs closer to the bed.

“Really Thomas?” He laughed at the photo.

“I couldn’t resist. You look so adorable.” I shook my head as he mocked what I had said last night.

I stuck my tongue out at him as he handed me some food.

The Doctor walked in as I had a mouthful of it.

“I see you’re feeling better this morning.”

I put two thumbs up as I swallowed.

“Well, you’re free to go. Just make sure you take the medication when you get home and you should be good.”

“Alright. Thanks.”

I hoped out of the bed and I realised I had no shoes.

“Looks like i’m going home barefoot!” I laughed and Thomas put me on his back.

He sighed. “You’re pathetic.” I smacked his arm.

“Excuse me. You just put ME on YOUR back.”

“Whatever.” I giggled and we drove home so I could shower.

I was moving out for good in a week and I couldn’t help but smile.

I walked downstairs where the guys were playing the video games my brother had left behind and Anthony saw me smiling.

“What are you so happy about?” I sat in between them both on the floor and watched them play.

“Just excited to be moving out in a week.” I took the third controller and joined in.

“Oh. Speaking of moving out...” Anthony started.

“Well, Eric and I bought a house with two of our friends and Thomas bought a house with Colton & Joey and they need another roommate. So, you don’t need that apartment anymore. You can move in with them.”

“Sure! Sounds awesome. NO! DIE DIE DIE!” I saw Thomas look at Anthony from the corner of my eye as a I hit the controller buttons.

“You’ll get used to it. She doesn’t play often but when she does... it’s like a monster inside her is unleashed.”

I heard him laugh as I kept shouting at the screen.

“Keep laughing buddy, but you’re the one being beaten by a girl.” Their laughter stopped as their attention returned to the screen.

Unfortunately Anthony ended up beating both of us because I kept getting distracted by Thomas who was purposely grazing his knee or shoulder against mine.

I looked at him when I lost and although he wasn’t looking at me I could see him smirking.

Anthony eventually head back to his house and I head off for an early night and Thomas head off as well into the spare bedroom.

That night I heard a creak in my room and Thomas slid into my bed next to me. This happened every night until we left.

I had my graduation and I had left early to finish packing up everything.

I couldn’t sleep that night due to pure excitment.

My parents said goodbye at the airport and of course Mum had tears in her eyes which made me cry.

I slept on a variation of Anthony & Thomas’ shoulder throughout the flight and I woke up on Thomas’.

After we had gone and sorted out the apartment situation Ant drove Thomas and I to the house.

When I stepped out of the car my mouth dropped. “Are you kidding me?! THIS is your house?!”

I stared at the huge what looked to be 3 story house. “This is incredible.”

Joey and Colton came outside and helped me take my stuff in while I walked inside the house in awe.

It was like a fancier version of Lauren’s house and there was a spa on the outside deck. The view was stunning.

I turned to Anthony. “I can’t wait to see your house Ant.”

He smirked and pointed next door just as an absolutely stunning girl walked out onto the deck and waved. I didn’t recognize her fully until she faced us.

“Hey guys! Oh my gosh. Amy!” She waved excitedly at me.

“Kendall?! HI!” I waved back.

“Come over here once you’re settled in!” She shouted back.

I ran to where my stuff was and chucked it in my room before heading out the door over to Ant’s house.

I was greeted by Kendall who pulled me inside the just as gorgeous house into her arms.

“How are you girl?” She left the door open as the guys all walked in.

“I’m great! How are you? Loving the brown hair!”

“Thanks! After the bleach blonde I had I thought this was a healthy change.” She smiled.

“What about yours? What happened to the bright red?”

I scrunched up my face. “It was hard to maintain. Kept going orange.” She laughed.


Eric walked out all sweaty and he picked me up in a hug.

“Hey Amy!” He spun me around and placed me back down as I cringed.

“Boy, WHAT have you been doing?” He laughed as he waved the sweat sent in my direction.

“Dancing! We turned the garage into a studio for us to practice when we can’t be bothered travelling to the actual studio.”

“Ahh. Have you guys come up with any dances for your music yet, which by the way, you still need to show me.”

Everyone had sat outside on the deck.

“Well,” started Anthony, “Eric and I had to put the other 3 through bootcamp before we could start. Although we have been trying but we can’t come up with anything and we were sort of waiting for you to get back to help us.”

“Oh, well. Once i’ve heard the music i’ll definitely help when I can!” I smiled.

“Well, we have two that are completely finished and ready to release.”

“Ooo, which ones?”

“Our New Kids On The Block cover and an original.”

“Can I hear them?”

Anthony smiled and it looked like he had an idea.

“Sure, but come down to the studio with us. See if you come up with anything on your first listen.”

We all stood up and head into the garage/studio when Kendall looked at her watch.

“Hey guys, I have to head out. Amy. We need to catch up just us two okay?”

I smiled. “Definitely!”

We head through the garage door and into the studio.

“Wow. This is great. You can smell it’s new still.”

I looked around at the room, the floors where lined with floor boards and there was a wall covered in mirrors.

Eric walked over to his laptop and searched for a song as I admired the room.

“You ready?” Eric looked at me as his finger hovered over the play button on his mac.

“Oh. Yeah sure. Oh wait...” I tied my baggy shirt up around just under my chest.

“Okay. Ready.” He pressed play and I listened to their New Kids On The Block cover first.

At first I freestyled random dance moves until the chorus came around for the second time.

I then randomly stood sideways and started mucking around.

I did a move where I put my right foot forward then my left and repeated that once more. Once my left foot was stopped in front of me I jokingly thrust my hips forward a couple of times.

I then slid to the left and then right where I accidently bumped into Thomas who laughed along with me.

“Sorry. I can’t think of anthing right now.” Anthony pushed me aside so I was standing next to him.

“No. Do that step thrust move again.” Eric played it just before the chorus and as I did the dance move he copied me adding some stuff onto the end of it.

“I like that. What do you guys think?” They all nod and came together and stood behind me so we were a in a triangle formation.

“Start the song from the beginning. Secharia. Ladao. Come to the front. Stand beside me. Okay good. Now Diggs, Augusto and Rudloff I want you boys to line up behind the guys in the gap. Good.”

I stood in front of them to look at them. I grabbed Thomas. “You stand here.” I placed him on the left then I switched Joey and Colton so Joey was in the middle.

“Good. Now the height formation looks better. Okay. So when the song fades I just want you guys to do your own thing wave at the crowd, whatever you want. Then as the music hits on that loud ‘step by step’ I want Anthony and Eric to do the step thrust move and I want you three to watch them like you’re observing them. Then when they do the slide to the left and then the right thing that’s when I want you guys to join in. Cool?” The smiled and nod at me.

I pressed play on the laptop and watched them be idiots throughout the fade in.

I noticed Thomas watching me as I danced along with Anthony and Eric which caused him to stumble a bit when it came to him joining in.

I laughed and started the song again. “Focus Thomas.”

He bit his lip. “Sorry... I was distracted.”

“By Amy,” I heard Ant say under his breath and Thomas hit him.

“From the top guys.” They started again and got it perfectly.

“I really like that” said Joey with a smiling Colton next to him who nod his head.

“And this is why we asked her to help us with choreography.” Eric said smiling at me.

“Well I have to be good at it to be an assistant teacher so..” I smiled.

“Do you guys mind if I use this studio later? I need to rehearse the dance for class next Wednesday. I want to get it perfect because i’m supposed to know it by then so I can actually help.”

“Yeah sure!”

‘Sweet. Well, i’ll probably come back over between 10 & 20 minutes.” I ran next door as I pulled out my clothes to find my dance gear.

Eventually I settled for a pair of baggy tracksuit pants and a sports bra before I ran back next door.

I threw my hair up in a quick ponytail as I ran through the door when I ran into Colton.

“Oops. Sorry.” He laughed and I noticed he had quite a cute smile.

“That’s okay.” I ran into the studio to notice the guys were gone and I shut the door behind me getting into it straight away.

I pressed play on my iPod as ‘Do It Like a Dude’ begun to play.

I did the dance over and over again and I was frustrated by one part that I was almost getting but not completely.

I cussed lightly under my breath as I restart the song again.

It came to the one part that I couldn’t get and as I did it over and over again I finally perfected it.

I turned to get my bottle of water when I was scared by Thomas standing against the door.

“You’re good. Really good actually.”

“Thanks.” I smiled and bent down in front of him to grab my water bottle.

“Believe it or not but uh.. I think I might just be a little better.” I raised an eyebrow.

“Is that a challenge to a dance off?”


I laughed. “Scared?” He shook his head.

“Nope. But you would be so i’ll save you by not challenging you to a dance off.”

“Whatever.” I took a huge drink of water and put it down.

“I know you’re just scared because you actually suck.”

He did a shocked face and smirked.

“I’m better than you.” I laughed.

“Thomas. You better shut your mouth before what you say comes back around and bites you in the ass.” He laughed.

“Can’t help that i’m better.” He walked closer to me.

“Shut up.” I said playfully.

“Why? Because it’s the truth?” He smirked as he came closer.

“Thomas. Shut up.”

“Am I making you angry?” He said playfully.

“Yes, and you’ll regret it.” I laughed before finishing my sentence and I turned around to face him after I put my iPod in my pocket.

As I did his face was right in front of mine, his breath hot on my lips. He placed his hands on my hips as he lightly pushed me up against the wall.

“Let me guess? Shut up?” I nod and he had a smirk on his face.

He moved closer his lips almost on mine and I felt his breath as he spoke. “Make me... or i’ll make you.”

I was scared of being this intimate with someone again and I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

I almost pulled away when he spoke again. “Guess i’m going to have to make you.”

He pressed his lips against mine and I hesitated for a brief moment before kissing him back.

He deepened the kiss and I could feel my breathing becoming heavier as he lift me up so my legs were wrapped around his waist.

He began kissing down my neck and my shoulder before going back up to my mouth.

He dropped me when we heard someone at the door.

Anthony walked in and both Thomas and I’s breathing was extremely unsteady and Ant raised an eyebrow at us.

“Um... are you guys okay?” Thomas took my water bottle and drank so he didn’t have to speak.

“Fine. He said he was a better dancer than me so we had an intense dance off.” I said through my unsteady breathing.

“Oh... okay.” He smiled as though he didn’t suspect a thing.

“Why are you in here?” I asked to change the subject.

“I left my jumper in here. Are you guys finished.”

“Oh. Okay. Uh, yeah. Got the dance down and I beat this ones ass so I think i’m going to go have a shower.” I quickly left the room and head next door to my bedroom where I flopped down on the bed.

I closed my eyes and almost dozed off when I heard the door shut quietly behind me.

Thomas flopped down on the bed next to me and he intertwined our fingers together.

We both turned our heads to face each other and he kissed down my nose to my lips.

I closed my eyes and let out a sigh and smiled.

He slowly started kissing me as he placed his hand on my cheek.

He then begun to deepen the kiss and as he did I rolled over on top of him and he sat up so I was on his lap.

I felt his hand on the back of my head as he pulled me closer to deepen the kiss.

I pulled away to catch my breath and we both smiled at each other before he pressed his lips to mine again.

I pulled his shirt off over his head and chucked it on the floor but he realised I didn’t have one so he couldn’t do that to me.

I heard a knock on the door and Anthony’s voice came through muffled.

“Uh.. Amy?”

I pulled my lips from Thomas’ as he kissed down my neck. “Yeah?”

I heard the door knob turning and I jumped off of Thomas.

I felt my heart racing as I realised Thomas was still shirtless.

“Shit.” I said under my breath.

Anthony walked in and looked at us both. “I don’t want to know.” He pointed at Thomas’ bare chest.

I smiled as he looked at me. “You left your water bottle in the studio.”

“Ahh. Thanks.” I grabbed it from his hands as he eyed us both before walking out.

Thomas turned to look at me as Ant shut the door.

“Look. I really like you but I don’t think I want this to be a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship right now.” I felt my heart sink and my face drop.

“Oh.. um.. okay.” I stood up and grabbed my stuff for the shower and I felt him grab my waist.

“Don’t take that wrong way. I’m just not comfortable with classifying myself as ‘in a relationship’ right now.”

I pulled myself from his grip and turned to face him. “Whatever makes you comfortable.”

I walked out of my room and into the bathroom to have a shower.

I spoke to myself out of frustration. “I don’t want to classify myself as ‘in a relationship?’” I made quotation marks with my fingers for the last 3 words.

“Bullshit. You had no problem classifying Taylor as your girlfriend so soon.” I cussed under my breath & I was still mumbling under my breath as I was startled by Lauren and Kendall sitting on the couch.

“Oh, hey girls. What’s up?” I smiled awkwardly at them.

“What are you so worked up about?” Lauren asked as they both eyed me.

“Ugh. Just boys. They suck.”

“Oohh. I think we need a donut run and you need to spill Kendall said.

“Okay. Let me get dressed first.” I put on a clean pair of track suit pants with a singlet and my favourite pair of hightops.

Just as we were leaving the boys walked in and Anthony asked where we were going.

“Where are you girls off to?”

Kendall spoke as she pulled me out the door. “We’re going to catch up. Bye.”

Thomas was looking at me smiling and I looked away as I was yanked out the door.

We went to the closest donut shop and we sat down after ordering milkshakes and grabbing a small box to share between ourselves.

“You. Spill. Now.” I swallowed my piece of donut and groaned.

“Well. Thomas and I have been getting along really well since the moment we met right. Yet, as soon as I was gone he found a girl that he was more than happy to call his girlfriend and be publicly affectionate with.”

They were both staring at me as they chewed their donuts.

“So, he kissed me for the first time today.” Their eyes widened.

“It was not just a normal one either. It was pretty um.. intense. Like my legs were wrapped around him and wait. TMI.” They shook their heads.

“No! We want every detail.”

“Okay. Anyway, that’s when Ant walked in and he dropped me and stepped away from me. Then I went back to my house and he followed me into my room. That’s when things started to really heat up. He had his hand on the back of my head pulling my face closer to his deepen the kissing and I um.. I took his shirt off. Then Anthony walked in again and he pushed me off of him. After Ant left the room he says to me, and i’m not even kidding; ‘Look. I really like you but I don’t think I want this to be a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship right now. Don’t take that wrong way. I’m just not comfortable with classifying myself as ‘in a relationship’ right now.’ WHO THE HELL SAYS THAT?! I feel like i’ve been crushing on him just for him to put me in the friends with benefits zone.”

“Wow. That’s intense. But you and Thomas. I mean I kind of saw it coming.” Lauren said when Kendall spoke.

“Look, i’ve known Thomas for a long time and i’ve seen what he’s gone through. He talked to me about the whole Taylor thing and he said that he felt really uncomfortable saying that she was his girlfriend. He’s still really cautious with relationships. I don’t think you should take it so personally, I mean you know what it’s like to have been in a bad relationship.”

“Yeah, but I got over it. I mean, I can understand how hard it is to trust someone again after they’ve cheated on you, I saw my Mum go through it. I saw how hard it was for her but she was able to get remarried and that’s a bigger commitment than a relationship.” I put my head down.

“Shit. I’m being a horrible, selfish bitch aren’t I? I just really like him and I feel like i’m ready to be in a relationship but he’s not and I feel like that’s going to create some serious conflict eventually.”

Kendall placed her hand on mine and she smiled at me.

“Just don’t take it personally. He really likes you too, it’s just going to take a while for him to be comfortable with the idea of considering you guys as a couple.”

I nod my head and smiled. “Yeah I guess.” I took in a deep breath and sighed.

“Anywho, Lauren you’ve been awfully quiet. How are you and Anthony going?”

She swallowed her mouthful and smiled. “These donuts are really good, that’s why.” She laughed.

“We’re really good. Going strong. We both love each other a lot. I feel really good about us.”

I smiled. “That’s really good. I’m happy for you both!” She shoved one of the mini donuts we bought in her mouth and nod her head in agreement and put two thumbs up.

We were all sent into a fit of laughter at her puffed cheeks as she tried chewing it which caused her to spit some of it out on the table.

Sitting here with my best friends was nice after being away from them for so long and it made me realise I didn’t miss home all that much.

I loved L.A and I knew living here was going to be the best thing to happen to me.