The Mentally Unstable Adventures of Xander Slade (The Ring Master Goes to Prison?)

The Mentally Unstable Adventures of Xander Slade (The Ring Master Goes to Prison?)

“Come on Katie, just a little bit further,” the man said to his wife sweetly as she was bringing new life into the world.

The wife pushed hard one more time and lets out a scream, and the new baby girl was finally welcomed to the world. The doctor handed the child to the nurse standing beside him. “You did great honey, he said, kissing his wife softly.

Katie smiled up at her husband, her green cat eyes shining bright. “What should we name her?”
“Cyanide Suicide Micgrole. She can be our “Cyanide sweet –tooth suicide.” Maxin said in a sing-song voice.

The wife said sighing, “All right, guess its fair, since I named Celk.”

The doctor walked back into the room with a grim look on his face. “Mister and Misses Micgrole, I have some news that might make you want to re-think keeping the child.”

“Why would we give up our baby girl?” the husband said with a hint of venom and hatred in his voice, causing the lights in the poor, rundown hospital flicker.

The nurse came back into the room with the girl bundled into a ratty old towel instead of a new baby blanket like the other babies got when they were born. “She is plagued by the curse of the Puppeteer. You can tell by her blood-red cat eyes and her raven hair with streaks of blue. I can feel the power of the cures pulsing through her veins,” The doctor said.

“H-how c-can t-this be, d-doctor? A puppeteer has not been born in this village let alone this country- in nearly five hundred years,” The wife said, while looking down at her baby girl cradled in her arm with a look of worry.

“Well you must have had a Puppeteer in your family at some point, and it skipped man generations, luckily, or every time one was born, the baby was killed right after birth.” The doctor said while looking at the cursed baby in the ratty towels.

“We will keep her. She is our daughter; she was brought into the word because of us!” Mr. Micgrole said as he raised his voice in anger, which caused the walls to rattle along with the lights.

“Sir, please calm down,” the doctor said sliding a hand through his thinning black hair. “We understand the decision to keep the child but she will be very frowned upon in Croan,” the doctor explained.

“I ALREADY KNOW THIS YOU TWAT! MY OWN MOTHER KILLED MY BROTHER WHEN HE WAS BORN BECAUSE OF THAT DAMN REASON! I AM KEEPING THIS CHILD, WEATHER, MY WIFE OR ANY OTHER DAMNED SOUL SAYS NO!” Mister Micgrole roared in the delivery room, causing parts of the ceiling to fall off and the flicker and go out. Maxin plucked his daughter from his wife’s arms and smiled down at the sleeping bundle in his arms. “ I love you, my Cyanide sweet-tooth suicide. I shall never let a soul harm you, my little Celk or your mother,” The father of a new child said with a sigh. He planted a soft kiss on his baby girl’s pale forehead.

“Honey, maybe we should listen to the Doctor? What if she hurts Celk?” the mother said to her husband, her cat ears slowly bending back from frustration.

“Mommy, no, we should keep her; she’s pretty. I promise to be careful around her. Daddy loves her and I love her. Pwease, I want my little sister,” seven-year-old Celk said to his mother. His big emerald eyes had a pleading look in them.

“I will let you leave the hospital and go back home; she is healthy. Be forewarned, she has a hard life ahead of her,” A hint of worry showing in the doctor’s gray eyes.

Chapter 1:
“Hello, private investigator Micgrole speaking.”

“T-there is a rumored freak show in the old forest near the town of Croan.”

“Thank you for the tip-off miss; we will get right on it,” Mr. Micgrole spoke to the mysterious woman.
Then suddenly a high-pitched scream came through the phone line from the other end.

“Miss, is everything okay?” Maxin said panicked.

There was no answer, the line was dead.

“Damn it!” Micgrole yelled, causing the walls in his office to shake. He slammed the phone back down onto its receiver. A small man with pale skin sprinted into the room.


“ Just go away, Jeadakovic !” Micgrole yelled at the man his anger boiling.

“I’m your partner! Now tell me what the heck is going on!” Jeadakovic yelled back at Maxin.

“Fine. You know my daughter, Cyanide?” the taller man said smiling as he brought up the name of his young daughter.

“Yes, that’s all you ever talk about and Celk.” Jeadakovic said while rolling his eyes.

“Well s-she’s a Puppeteer and there’s a man by the name of Xander Slade. He runs a freak show. He is also one off the only living Puppeteer’s. H-he’s been trying to kidnap her. I just got a tip off that there is a freak show is going on in the forest near the out skirts of town.

Yes, you only talk about her and Celk twenty-four-seven. Jeadakovic said while rolling his eyes.
“Well s-she’s a Puppeteer and there’s a man by the name of Xander Slade. He runs a freak show. He is also one of the only living Puppeteers . H-he’s been trying to kidnap her. I just got a tip off that a freak show is going on in the forest bye the out skirts of town .I was hoping it’s Slade’s circus, but something happened to the lady, I was talking to her. The phone line went dead. I need to stop Slade. I need to prove that all Puppet masters aren’t bad or insane.

Chapter 2:

Slade grabbed the girl bye her long gold hair and slammed her to the ground.

“you know the rules about the phone! You do; you do! So why was it used?” Slade growled darkly into the girls ear.

The small fragile girl was curled up on the ground crying. “I-I d-don’t k-know,” the girl whimpered. “
“I CALL BULLSHIT GIRL! YOU GET THE CAGE FOR A WEEK!” Slade yelled in his unstable tone.
“P-please, M-master, no! I’ll b-be g-good.” The girl cried louder as her body started to shake.

“Too late, little girl!” The madman smirked.

Slade dragged the girl down to the animal cells, where the more exotic and dangerous acts were housed. Wear the girl would spend her week of punishment and probably would not survive. But Slade didn’t care. The girl put him at risk at being caught by the police and he could not risk that. He was close to getting the little girl by the name of Cyanide Suicide Micgrole, he could taste it.
“I will not be prevented from capturing the girl because of an idiot like you!” Slade slapped the girl across the face, leaving a red hand print on her soft skin. The girl was then thrown into the cage that would end up being her death bed.

Xander ran off and cackled his high-pitched laugh. The noise reverberated through the circus grounds. When the circus folk heard that noise, echoing through the camp, their veins went cold, and they knew to watch their backs.

Chapter: 3

Back in the old, dusty office, Maxin sat worried at his desk. His once midnight-black hair was slowly graying on his head. “What am I going to do?” he sighed to him self.

“Micgrole, we got another call on that freak show. There is another show tonight lets go and investigate.” Jeadakovic said as he entered the office.

“Are you sure it’s Slade’s circus? I don’t see the point if it’s not his. Maybe we should just move on.” Maxin huffed. “I am so tired of his childish games! He’s just a fucking freak!”

“Just calm down and I’m seventy-five percent sure it is Slade’s circus. Now come on.” Jeadakovic said and grabbed Maxin by the wrist and dragged him out of the office. “Now get out of this damn funk. Will fix this; your family will be safe.” Jeadakovic said to his long-time work partner while dragging him out the door.

Chapter 4:

Ladies and Gentlemen! Freaks and psychos! Welcome to the freak show Circ du Psychotic! Where the mentally unstable come out and play!” Slade boomed into the microphone is voice shaking slightly.

The show started out with the snake man slithering down from the rafters, His green skin gleamed under the spot light. “Our first act of the evening is the Notaries Snake man Jacoby.” Xander sneered into the microphone, as Jacoby slithered out into the audience.

“Now ladies and gentleman, our next act of the evening is the Berry brothers.” The Berry Brothers were conjoined twins, but they were bound together like a spider. The spotlight then turned to a corner in the tent where the twins spun their web. They walked down the web slowly. Their long legs carried them to a group of girls watching the show.

“Hello, ladies,” the twins said in unison. The girls began to scream as the brothers walked away. The twins began to spin a web across to the pain part of the stage, The Berry Brothers started spinning the center of a new web, going faster and faster, until they finished. The crowed was in awe of the human spider.

“Ladies and gents, the amazing Berry Brothers!” Slade bellowed.

The next act was a woman named Xaveria. She could morph into anything she please. The first part of her act involved her turning into a fly and get trapped in the web the twins had just spun. People began to scream at the size of the fly Xaveria transformed into. Some of the audience fainted. Others ran out of the tent screaming. You could hear Slade’s cackle from behind the stage. Xaveria began transforming into a giant bird with big talons so she could rip herself out of the web. After cutting herself free, she transformed into her regular form. She has long black hair that went halfway down her back and silver eyes, she called a love struck volunteer on to the stage.

Chapter 5:

“Well this is definitely a freak show,” Jeadakovic mumbled to Maxin as he watched the show.

Maxin was distracted by the lovely lady by the name of Xaveria on the stage. His green eyes were glaze over with lust as he watched the beautiful lady transformed on the stage.

“Shut up, Jad!” Maxin huffed and watched Xaveria lustfully.

“You have freaking wife and kids!” Jeadakovic yelled and slapped Maxin across the face.

“Nothing’s wrong with a little fun, old mate.” Maxin smirked at his friend as he spoke.

Maxin was then called up onto the stage by the lovely Xaveria. “Everything is going to plan, Jad.” Maxin grinned evilly.

“I see what you’re doing, Maxin, you sly do,” Jad chuckled.

Maxin began to walk towards the stage to where the freak lady was standing.

“Well, aren’t you a handsome gentlemen? I saw you eyeing me in the audience.” Maxin blushed underneath the hot circus lights as Xaveria spoke. “Oh, you’re in embarrassed?” Xaveria giggled. She then placed her index finger under Maxin’s chin. “Now tell me, what would you like me to transform into?” Xaveria asked while stroking the flustered man’s cheek.

“A zombie,” Maxin replied, pretending to be under Xaveria’s spell.

Chapter 6

“Alright, men. Slade is very dangerous. Slade may seem insane, but he is a very intelligent man. He is sly and agile. I pray to god that Micgrole and Jeadakovic didn't mess this up,” the chief said addressing his team.

“The main entrances are here, here and here,” a lower ranking officer explained while pointing to a map of the area.

The chief began to explain the final plan to get Slade and end his reign of terror on the world.

Chapter 7:

Xander Slade could sense mischief in the air, but he could not put his finger on it.
What could it be? What could it be? It couldn't be that phone call the girl made earlier. Perhaps I just don’t feel at ease tonight. Ahh, well, I should be fine. People are stupid. No one can catch me. Some have been close, but none have succeeded. Slade thought to himself and let out a high-pitched cackle that echoed through the backstage area.

Then, suddenly, Slade felt two sets of hands grip his upper arms, and another two set grabbing onto his legs. A set of handcuffs went onto his pale, thin wrists, and another set onto his long nimble legs.

“Put me down, you fuckers!” Slade growled and struggled against the restraints. “How the hell did I not see this coming? Slaves, help me, damn it!” Xander shouted, his anger rising no one came to his aid.

“Xander Slade, you are under arrest for sexual abuse, rape, murder, and the illegal running of a freak show.”

“Oh, but I had so much fun doing it all.” Slade smirked up at the police officer. “Hmm, you’re kind of cute. How about you let little old me try you out?” Slade cackled out as the police officer gave him a disgusted look.

“I think this guy belongs in the psyche ward,” the officer said to his cohorts as they carried Slade to the police cruiser to take him to jail. Slade did not get a trial date, he had already admitted to all his crimes.

Chapter 8:

Xander Slade sat in the center of a white padded cell, wrapped up in his straight jacked. He rolled back and forth across the floor. His red cat eyes scanned the walls, trying to devise a plan on how to escape this place.

“I need to get out; I need to escape…But how?” Xander said talking to another person. “They even have my hat…I love my hat…I’ll have to get it back when I escape,” Slade continued to talk to himself.
As he rolled he found he had come to realized he could easily manipulate the straight jacket with his flexibility.

A man came into the room wearing a white coat, khaki pants, and a button-up shirt. He had greasy hair and thick rimmed glasses.

He crouched down in front of Slade. “Alright Xander, it’s time for your lobotomy,” the man said as if he was talking to a tiny child.

“Why the hell would I need one of those?” Slade yelled, as he attempted to stand up in the strait jacket. But he just could not find his footing and had no success of getting up.

“Oh, two is much easier than four was.” He giggled as he was being carried. They entered the room, where Slade would practically become a potato to the world.

The two men set Slade into a chair. But before he could be tied down, he busted his arms free from his straight jacket and sprung himself on to the light fixture on the cracked ceiling and hung upside down.

“You can never get me. I am Xander Slade, the most notorious Puppeteer this dammed planet has ever seen,” Slade cackled, and kicked a hole into the cracked ceiling that leads to the attic, finding his hat along the way. He could hear the hospital workers down below, yelling to get him, but all were too frightened. Xander Slade had escaped. There was no stopping the mad man; he would get Cyanide Micgrole, no matter what he had to do.
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So this is my original story. PLEASE DO NOT STEAL MY CHARACTERS!!!