Status: this is my first story so comment, subscribe and let me know what you think

Wait. What?


We walked downstairs and Leda was playing WOW, Nate and Matt were playing Mine Craft on the Xbox. I didn't see Destry. Blake ran and sat by Leda he pulled his laptop on to his lap and started playing with Leda. I rolled my eyes and asked to no one in particular "Where did Des go?" everyone just shrugged their shoulders. Then my phone buzzed 3 times, which was a text. i looked at it thinking it was Des, but it was an unknown number, this is the conversation Hey r u ok kayy?:) who is this? Abbey. who else? idk an abbey Kayy i gave u my fone # ik u know who this is u must hav the wrong # this is the one u gave me kayy IM NOT KAYY jeez sorry, who is this then Zack Sorry bro imma girl o im sorry no its ok its a commoun boys name well whats up looking for a friend ????!!! lol he left and idk wer he went oh lol :D. Then the picture of Des poped up on my phone and Caves of ice started playing, I answered it and waled to the kitchen "Zack?" "Yeah where are r u?" "I ran to go get some stuff and this child won't let me go! She"s trying to kiss me! she said she would only leave me alone if I prove I have a girlfriend" "But you don't." *awkward silence* "Fuck, fine where are you?" "Walmart." "the one closest to us>?" "Yes that one." "See you in a little bit fucker." "See u sweet heart." "Fuck off." I hung up and yelled "I'll be right back." I waked outside and got in Nate's car, got in, started it, and drove off.

Once I got to Walmart, I went over to the DVD section and there was Des being held captive. I walked over to them "Please let go of my boyfriend." "Prove hes your boyfriend." "Fine." she was starting to piss me off, so I leaned over and kissed him on the lips making it look like we were french kissing. That would be grouse to french my best friend. I pulled away "Can I have my boyfriend now?" She let go and glared at me, and me being the I don't care who you are if you make me mad I will flip u off, so I flipped her off. "Thank you Zack." "Don't mention it. Seriously don't tell anyone we kissed, we will never hear the end if it.". "Got it, let's go home now." I got in nate's car Des got in his and we drove home.
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Please let me know because if you don't like it I will stop, so thx :)