Born for This


Bouncing an exuberant eight month old on her hip, Emma back tracked to her bedroom door to see her husband in a pair of track pants and a white tank top. She raised an eyebrow as the baby played with the glistening T hanging on its thin gold chain.

“That’s what you’re wearing?”

The fighter looked to his right and felt his heart swell at the sight of his son, his own flesh and blood. Pulling his eyes away from the cute pudgy face, Tommy took in his wife’s irritated expression. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

Emma shook her head, a gentle curl falling from its bobby pin, “I just thought you’d want to look... presentable for your last fight.” She stepped through the doorway and sat on the edge of their bed putting her son down beside her, letting him roll around a bit.

“Listen, about this being my last fight...” Tommy leaned against the dresser and shoved his hands in his pockets. Things were about to get real ugly, real fast.

“Don’t even go there, Thomas.” Her voice was hard and left no room for argument, “You promised me this was it.”

Tommy shrugged, “It’s just one more tournament. Don’t know the name yet, but it’s a week lon-”

Emma bit her lip, trying to keep her temper under control. The last thing either of them needed just before stepping out of the apartment was to get the baby crying, “A week long... are you trying to get yourself killed?” Tommy opened his mouth but was silenced instantly, “Let me guess, you already told JJ you’d do it so there’s no point in me arguing about it.”

The fighter shut his mouth and suddenly found a great deal on interest in the flooring. He heard his wife’s soft voice cooing at their son before her footsteps left the room. Tommy finally looked up again and his eyes immediately gravitated toward the circular picture frame on his bedside table.

“Alright, smile!”

Tommy wrapped an arm around Emma’s shoulder as she cradled a sleeping infant in her arms. The flash of the camera startled the newborn sending him into a fit of hysteria. Tess stood back with an apologetic look, tucking her camera back into her purse. After handing off her son, Emma wiped some of the sweat from her forehead watching a nurse donning teal scrubs carry her son back to the NICU.

Tess tossed her purse over her shoulder and gave Tommy a quick hug, “I’ll be back later tonight with Brendan and the girls.” The blonde waved good-bye to the new mother and excused herself from the room leaving Tommy and his wife alone for the first time in a while.

“I’m so proud of you.” He muttered sitting on the edge of Emma’s bed, taking her hand in his.

The brunette tossed him a smile, about to say something when another nurse, this time in baby pink scrubs, entered the room with a clipboard in hand. “Mom, Dad, are we ready to sign the birth certificate?”

Emma smiled wide, reaching out for the pen. “Thomas Keane Conlon.” She said proudly, reading over the information before signing her name.

It was such a surreal moment, seeing that name on such an official document. Two became three. Lonely souls created a family. It was at the last minute that Emma and Tommy decided against Junior and went with Keane- a sharp, keen witted fighter. It only made sense that fighter was in his name. Four weeks premature with a strong beating heart.

Tommy pushed himself away from the furniture and wandered down to the nursery. Seeing his wife stand over the crib, watching over their son, Tommy wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. “I’m sorry.” He muttered, “This is all so new to me still. Don’t know what the hell I’m doing with him half the time.”

Emma turned in his grip and smiled up at him, “We’re both in this together, Tommy. You’re not on your own. Don’t you forget that.” She gave his arms a gentle squeeze before moving out of his arms, “I love you.”

The fighter watched his wife leave the nursery, the smell of her green apple shampoo lingering in the air. He reached into the crib and felt his heart triple in size as Keane wrapped his tiny hands around pointer finger. The rough and tough exterior was slowly breaking away. Fatherhood brought entirely new challenges to a man who so desperately tried to forget his own childhood. There was no role model to follow other than his big brother who lived five hours away.

Keane stirred slightly before letting out an ear splitting scream. Tommy felt uneasy. Surely his wife would come to help him, right? The fighter shook his head, time to sack up. He dipped both hands in the crib and held the fragile life in his worn hands. Tommy bounced in place gently and cradled his son to his best.

As the curdling screams began to subside to nothing, Tommy began to feel more comfortable. Things would be just fine.
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sorry i've been absent. life got in the way? love you all <3