Status: Finally completed after 7 years of work!

So Long and Goodnight...

That Falling Sensation

After school you met Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Ray, and Bob outside in front of the building.

You walked to your house as quickly as you could because you needed to pack a bag of stuff you'd need since you weren't going to be home.

The only reason you were even risking going in your house was that you knew that you dad and step-mom were at work.

The door was locked so you dug your key out of your pocket and opened it.

All six of you went inside and up the stairs to your room.

When you got there everyone sat on your bed, trying to stay out of your way as you packed your stuff.

When you were almost done and ready to walk out of your bedroom door, you heard something that made your blood run cold.

You heard your fathers' car pull up in the driveway.

He was home early.

"Shit," you said as you quickly closed your bedroom door.

He knew you too well.

He knew you would come home to get some things and then leave.

His plan was probably to be sitting there when you walked though the door but the boss most likely said he couldn't leave that early.

"Guys', we have to go out the window," you said hurriedly.

Bob was first, then Ray, then Mikey, then Frank.

Gerard was the last of the guys.

If your dad came in now, (and you knew he would, you could already hear him coming up the stairs) at least he wouldn't see five guys lying on your bed.

That would've been VERY bad.

"Helena," you heard Frank say from the ground. "Throw down your bag."

You did and Frank caught it.

You were in the window and ready to jump when your dad burst through the door.

"What the fuck did I tell you, you little bitch? I told you if you ever snuck out again I'd break you damn legs, didn't I? DIDN'T I?"

His face was red from screaming as he ran at you, his arms outstretched, a look of hate and raw anger on his face.

You wanted to move but you couldn't and as he pushed you out of the window, you could hear yourself scream but didn't feel it.

It was almost as if you were sitting in the branches above your window, watching yourself fall helplessly.

You closed your eyes and everything was black.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kay. Anyone who read my journal post would know that Quizilla was AGAIN being completely and utterly retarded and wouldn't let me log in.
This was a problem since there's no way in Heaven, Hell, or Earth that I was going to type anything I didn't need to.
Besides, it would really bother me if my story on her were different than on Quizilla.
Anyway, as you can all see, problem solved.
No big deal and I'm back to posting so ...yay!

Another thing...
I DO respond to your comments on the message board.
Please check back to see my reply.
I think it's WAY to much of a hassle to comment each of your profiles when there's a perfectly good message system right there so ... keep that in mind. Especially those who ask questions or make suggestions.
I WILL listen to you.

Kay. Thanks for reading.

Chapter Title Cred: Me, Myself, and I(rene) Haha. jk. Great movie though.