Status: Writing asoften as I can :)

Keep Driving

Now Is The Start

“New start in the end
There is a New heart under there
Beneath these
New parts everywhere
It is a new, new, new, new start
Now is the start”
(A Fine Frenzy)

She stood behind a young man in line. He was tapping his feet and punching texts into his cell phone. He seemed to be enjoying whoever he was talking to because every few taps he’d laugh. He was wearing bright red jeans and a striped shirt. It was a very euro outfit, as her sister would describe. They combined rhythmically.

Ivy had determined she was going to have to ask for help, Two hours she’d been searching for her hostel and now, she was finally admitting defeat. Her map had failed her. She had on a pair of jean shorts and a long-sleeved grey sweater with a white and blue polka dotted scarf. She had on a pair of black Toms and a small messenger bag. Her long brown hair was in a side braid, and her black ray bans covered her eyes.

As the line progressed she fingered her international cell phone debating whether or not to phone her sister in Denmark. She wouldn’t be able to help her find her way back home. Actually she’d probably start an argument about how Ivy never phoned her to check in on her little sister, or ask about her games or boyfriends. The two hadn’t spoken in a while. Both of their schedules were beyond full. KoKo played for the National Women’s Travel team in Denmark. She had dropped out of college to do it, which accounted for a lot of the tension between the two.

Their brother, Chris was visiting KoKo now. They were staying at KoKo’s apartment, paid for by her basketball team. Ivy wanted to see them, but they were one of the last pit stops on her backpacking journey. She had been planning this forever and she wasn’t about to let something like getting lost bring her down.

England was beautiful. It was early June, and while in the states it was relatively warm, London was slightly chillier. Her backpack was stuffed with an assortment of clothes for all types of weather. Now, if only she could get back to wherever her hostel was. As the person in front of her paid for their things, he dropped a few bills in his haste.

Ivy bent down, “Sir!” He continued out of the store and down the street at a brisk pace. “Sir, Excuse me sir!” As he stopped to hail a taxi she tapped his shoulder. He turned rather abruptly. She was only slightly out of breathe, “You dropped this in the store.” Ivy handed him the notes. He looked shocked, but smiled at her none the less. He seemed to be about her age, maybe slightly younger.

“You’re American.”
“You’re British?” He laughed at her.
“Well, yes I am, but we’re in the UK, so it makes sense yeah?”
“Yes, indeed. You’re right.”
“What brings you here?”
“To the UK?” He nodded, “I just graduated from College and now I’m backpacking Europe.”
“That’s wonderful. Is this your first or last stop?
“It’s my first, Ireland will be my last.”
“Wait what did you study at Uni? I know it’s an odd question.”
“I got my degree in English.”
“I know I just met you but, I have a request for you.” He looked hesitant.
“Um, yeah okay. What is it?”
“My girlfriend has this long paper due, for last exams this week. She is not so good at English. Is there any chance you could maybe help her out? I know it’s strange. It’s just she is panicking about it and if you already have your degree you must be good, yeah? So would you, if you’re not busy?”
“Yeah, If you can maybe help me find my hostel after, I’m wicked lost.”

“Oh of course, I’m Louis by the way.” He put his hand out.
“Ivy.” They climbed into the taxi. Louis listed off an address.
“Where are you from in the states?”
“Maine. It’s on the East Coast.”
“Oh Yeah, I’ve never been there, but I know where it would be on a map.”
“So, what’s your girlfriend’s name?
“Eleanor, but she goes by El.”
“Do you guys go to college together?”
“I’m not in school. I’m in a band actually.” He eyed her questionably.
“That’s groovy. I love music. I am big fan of British bands; four of my top five are British.”
“Yeah, what are they?”
“The Who, The Ramones, The Clash, and The Beatles.”
“Great bands, Harry would love you. What’s your fifth?”
“Flogging Molly”
“Another great band, Niall would die. He never meets anyone who enjoys tunes from Ireland.” Ivy laughed.
“He’d love my top ten then, I have three more bands from Ireland.”
“Are Harry and Niall your friends?” Louis laughed.
“They are. They’re also two of my band mates. There’s five of us total.”
“That sounds fun. I always wished I had musical capabilities, but alas I got the writing bug.”

“Do you have siblings?”
“Yeah, I have four siblings, well kind of siblings. Its complicated. I’m the oldest, and then there’s KoKo, Chris, Isabel and Nina. How about you?”
“I’ve got four younger sisters. They drive me mental.”
“Wow, I bet. That’s exciting though.” The cab pulled up to an apartment building.
“We’re here. Follow me. I texted her so she know we’re coming. She was a bit miffed that I found a stranger off the street to help, and an American tourist at that. However, she’s just happy to have some help.”
“It’s no problem really. I mean I tutored in college, and I want to be a college professor eventually. I’m wicked sorry if I talk too much. Or too fast. People often say I do both.”
“You’re fine love. Really, I mean you’re keeping up to me that is a feat.” We went through a gate, a door and up 12 flights of stairs.”
“Thank god I run 5K’s, or that would’ve killed me.” Louis just laughed. He stopped outside of room 1213, and pulled out a key.
♠ ♠ ♠
Let me know what you think. :) More to come soon.
It's relatively slow moving, but there will be time jumps etc to help move things along, it's just the beginning that's looooong. :)