Status: Writing asoften as I can :)

Keep Driving

Don't Say Oh Well

“So do you got that sweet devotion
Oh will you follow your heart's plan
Oh why not jump in to that ocean
And run your fingers through your hair”

Upon opening the door, Ivy couldn’t believe that someone in college, younger than her was living here. It was beautiful wonderful and very European. “This is beautiful.”
“El? Where are you?”

“I’m in my room!” Louis lead the way through the beautiful white apartment. We made it to what I could only assume what was her room. It was painted white and everything was gray and silver accents. There were two closets filled with clothes. Her room was clean, a few clothes here and there. The girl, was on her bed surrounded by books and notebooks with her laptop in front of her. She was beautiful, long brown hair, a pale heart shaped face, and even in sweats I still had nothing on her.

“Hi Love,” Louis greeted her with a kiss. “This is Ivy. She’s your savior.” Eleanor threw up a wave and a smile.
“Hello Ivy, I’m sorry about Louis here.”
“It’s completely alright. I could’ve said no, but here I am, and more than happy to help you. What’s your assignment?” Ivy walked closer, and Eleanor made room for her to sit on the bed.
“I have to write a ten page paper on a book and compare it to the time period it’s based upon in the US and watch the film it’s based on then compare both of those."

“I’ve actually had a similar assignment only with British Literature. It was my junior year; I did a cop out and chose Shakespeare. What books can you choose from? Have you started any of it yet?”
“I’ve tried, the book I originally chose was The Great Gatsby, but I think I’m going to change it.”
“What would you change it to?”
“I originally thought it had to be a classic, but when professor handed out the list there were modern books on there too. So, I kind of wanted to do The Help.”

“That’s a phenomenal book, and film. It’s also a remarkable time in history, but so is The Great Gatsby. I’ve read both, but which would be easier for you?”
“The Help.”
“Okay, I’m going to assume you’ve already read the book?” She nodded “Have you seen the film?”

“Nope, but I just bought it.”
“Okay let’s pop it in and multi-task while we find quotes. When is this due?”
“Midnight tonight.” El bit her lip with nervousness.
“That gives us twelve hours, between the two of us we’ll have this done at the latest by six.” She gave Ivy wide unbelieving eyes. “I promise.”

“Well ladies, you seen like you are figuring things out here. I have to go pick up Niall from the airport and bring him home. I have pick up some groceries for the apartment and the boys. I’ll see you two later. Ivy, El will help you get back to your hostel. I’m sure I’ll see you again soon.”

“This film is so good.”
“I know right. Okay, so I found three resources for you to use for the historical portion.”
“You’re brilliant!”

“Just click it.”
“I can’t, I’m too nervous.”
“We’ve done everything we can. I don’t think reading it for a seventh time will do anything.” El sighed.
“Okay” She closed her eyes and clicked the mouse.
“YOU’RE DONE!” Ivy yelled. El hugged her.

“I don’t know how to thank you. I’ll take you back to your hostel, but would you maybe want to make dinner first? I love cooking.”
“I love baking, so I can whip up something for dessert.” They headed to the kitchen. El went to her i-pod dock and began to play music.
“A little Rihanna?” She started dancing and Ivy couldn’t help but follow. “Help yourself, bake whatever you’d like. I’m thinking spaghetti and homemade red sauce?”

“Sounds delicious, I’m going to make brownies, if you have the ingredients?”
“Yes, flour and sugar are in the cupboards next to the stove.” The girls got to work singing and dancing as they readied dinner. “So, it’s Friday. I don’t know how long you’ve been in the UK, but would you want to go out tonight? Some drinking and dancing, get sloshed to celebrate being done with my exams and to you helping me with my paper?”

“I am so game!” El looked at her oddly. “Like for it. I want to?”
“Oh okay. American slang is confusing.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Coming up is the girl's (disastrous) night out. Let me know what you think.

I'm from the East Coast of the states and we're getting like two feet of snow this weekend , so I'm hoping to update asap as I have nothing else to do (other than copious amounts of homework)