Status: Writing asoften as I can :)

Keep Driving

Sometime Around Midnight

“And it starts
Sometime around midnight
Or at least that's when you lose yourself
For a minute or two

And so there's a change
In your emotions
And all of these memories come rushing like feral waves to your mind
Of the curl of your bodies, like two perfect circles entwined
And you feel hopeless, and homeless, and lost in the haze of the wine”
(The Airborne Toxic Event)

“El, Let’s go.” Eleanor’s hand fumbled for hers and through all her dizziness, pain and one black eye, Ivy lead them through the throngs of people outside. They quickly snagged a taxi, and Ivy ignored his questioning glances in the rearview mirror.

“What’s your address El?”

“I wanta go to Louisss’ss.” She slurred.

“What’s his address then?” Eleanor leaned forward and slurred the address to the driver. “Are you okay El? Did he hurt you? Did he hit you?”

“No no, I’m fine. I am alright, but Ivy you must hate me I’m sorry. Your face. It’s bleeding. Really bleeding badly. I’m sorry. Oh know, if the paps saw that and me. Oh Ivy I’m sorry.”

“El, I don’t hate you. Why would I hate you?”

“That guy punched you!”

“It happens. I had to defend you. He was an asshole-“
“A right wanker!” El threw her arms around Ivy in a messy drunken hug. “You’re the best.”

They pulled up the building and El gave Ivy quite a few bills which she handed the taxi driver.
El was having trouble walking in her heels, so Ivy wrapped an arm around her waist to help her out while trying to fight the dark grey too drunk to function cloud that was fast approaching.

Once they reached the elevator, Eleanor hit the seventh floor button and then leaned her entire body weight on Ivy. Ivy stumbled under her own drunken spell, but pulled it together. The doors opened to the seventh floor.

“It’s seven twenty-three, Seven hundred and twenty-three, 7-2-3.”

“Okay Ivy agreed still bearing their drunken weight, and pain encompassing her head and eye tenfold. Once they reached the door, Ivy made to knock, but Eleanor threw it open.

“Louis! Louis Tomlinson! It’s your fit bird here! Get your own fit arse out here!” A door opened somewhere and Ivy heard footsteps. Louis must have appeared because took off and threw herself onto someone.

“El, what did you drink?”

“Louis, Lou, dear, love listen.”

“El, let’s get you to bed.”

“ Ivy.” Another set of footsteps drew closer. “HARRY!!” I watched Eleanor launch herself onto another boy. “Louis, Harry, Ivy.”

“I know who Ivy is-“

“Blood Hell, what happened to your face?” the boy Ivy assumed was Harry drew closer.

“Eleanor what happened to her face?” Louis asked seemingly worried and confused at the two females current state.

“I was trying to tell you, but you weren’t listening.”

“She really just needs water and sleep. She can tell you everything in the morning.” Ivy slurred, sounding drunker than she realized.

“Ivy saved my life.” What Ivy really wanted to do was leave. Everything was hurt. Harry was in Louis’s band, she found herself remembering.

“What happened to your face? How did you save Eleanor’s life? Harry came closer.

“I’m fine. I’m okay. She’s okay.”

“Ivy drank way more than me Louis, why doesn’t she have to go to bed?” Louis was trying to coax El down the hall towards his room to sleep. “Ivy tell them how you saved me. She’s a superhero really. Ivy you really are. And you can drink. She should drink with Niall. She’s my superhuman.”

“Harry can you help me carry her to my room?” Harry looked away from Ivy and sighed. He looked torn.

“Louis her face is covered is pouring blood and her eye is swelled shut.”

“I see that, but one thing at a time. Once we get El to bed it’ll be easier to handle that.” Ivy grabbed her head, the non injured side. Why did they have to keep yelling? The two boys each threw her arms over their shoulders.

“Boys you need to look at Ivy. Where’s Liam or Zayn or Niall? I bet they’d look after her, unlike you two pricks.” Ivy could hear the boys chuckle slightly.

As the trio disappeared down the hallway, Ivy decided that if she was going to leave now would be the time. It was also the moment she realized she left her wallet at the damn bar. She wanted to face palm herself, or burst into tears. Instead she decided she’d just have to go back.

She heard the trio still yelling down the hall as she slipped out the door. Everything was spinning. She couldn’t tell the floor from the ceiling. She gripped the doorknob trying to steady herself. She saw movement in her peripheral vision.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait. Hope you enjoy it.

Niall's in the next chapter. And the rest will soon be filtering in.

Its a bit detailed for awhile focusing on this one night, maybe about three more chapters, but after that things speed up. It's dragged out because this is vital to what's going to happen it sets up quite a bit for the rest of the story.

Comment if you'd like, it's much appreciated. :)

also check the songs at the start of the chapters, they're often(but not always) a few of my favorites. And I think they fit with the posted chapter.