Status: If any errors are found, please let me know. Much appreciated.

Lost Lies

Chapter Seventeen

Many rides and drinks later, I stumbled into my home, Alex’s arms holding me up so I didn’t tumble to the ground. Danny and Michelle insisted they needed to get home’ they both had ‘duties’ to attend to. Ever and Cara had told me they would go and watch over Michelle now she knew their secret, leaving me and Alex alone...together.

“Ugh,” I groaned as Alex carefully lowered me onto the couch. I let my body flop back, my head angled towards the ceiling, which slowly wobbled and spun in circles.

“It’s your own fault. You drank a bit too much.” Alex snickered, sitting down beside me, his head resting on the back cushion, mirroring me slightly. A soft smile played on his lips.

“Don’t remind me,” I moaned. “Where’s Detective...erm...Detective . . . that’s it! Hapsburg?” I asked.

“He’s probably looking for you; you did a runner and he’s bound to go looking for you.” He replied.

I let out a groan. “Ugh, when Detective Hunt finds out that I didn’t follow his stupid orders, I’m dead.”

I flung my arm over my eyes in despair and I added “Eh, what the heck; I am going to die anyway, if you can’t stop your brother.”

“Don’t say that. You won’t die.” Alex squeezed my leg lightly and then let his hand rest just above my knee.

“Says the one with immortality,” I pointed out. “Anyway, are you going to tell me how you and your brothers came to be?” I added. I peeked out from under my arm. Alex was still gazing up at the ceiling. He blew out a harsh, bitter sigh.

“Long story - something I really don’t want to recall,” there was a ragged, unstable growl in his tone.

“Hey,” I whispered lightly, removing my arm from over my eyes and resting my hand on top of his. I turned my head to face him. He glanced at our hands, then to me. Something flared in his eyes, something akin to happiness, yet with a hint of regret. “If you don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to...or you could tell me later...or whenever you feel like it.”

He glanced at me again, staring in silence. He entwined his fingers with mine, his gaze still locked on me. I looked down at our hands, joined as one. When I looked back up, his eyes were closed. He looked innocent and delicate, but that monster that slept in side of him was more than innocent and delicate; to him, it was a nightmare.

“It’s rude to stare, you know.” Alex hinted.

“Sorry,” I choked; getting caught staring was never the best.

“Apology accepted.” He murmured.

I craned my neck towards the window; the sky was darker than before as time crept closer to midnight. Tomorrow was my birthday, and I would have to deal with the loss of Chris and the business of university and trying to hide from Casper.

I yawned, and a strike of lightning zipped across the sky, the sound of thunder booming over head after, followed by another flash. I let out a shriek and felt Alex’s arms wrap around me from the side in a quick motion.

“Are you ok?” He whispered in my ear. I nodded.

I took a deep breath to slow my fast beating heart and my quivering body. “I think - I think I need to lie down.” I breathed. I shook off Alex and stood up to leave. As I walked away, I felt a hand tug me to a halt.

“Don’t I get a goodbye?” He asked smoothly with affection.

I turned around to face him. “Good -.” Before I could finish my sentence, my lips were pressed shut by Alex’s. He pulled away to look into my eyes.

I thought of the last time I’d kissed Alex, when he’d tried to hurt me...well, technically, it was Casper who had impersonated Alex to get close to me to kill me, but I felt wrong, this felt wrong - what if this was Casper again? As if sensing my doubts, Alex shook his head, locking my hands with his.

“Trust me; I am not Casper. I would never hurt you.” He said, his lips grazing my cheek.

I pulled away, collapsing on the sofa, my head bowed, and my arms hugging my waist. “I-I...I just can’t.”

“Can’t or won’t?”

“Ok, so both then.” I looked up at the photo on the fireplace of Chris and me. It was the day Chris and

I first met. We looked so happy together. I must have been silently crying, because my cheeks felt flushed and my whole body was shaking.

“Hey,” Alex whispered, bending down before me, taking my hands in one hand and wiping the tears that I shed with the sleeve on his other hand. I began to cry again, this time harder. “No need to cry,” he hushed, pulling me into a hug.

“I-I just... I just can’t take it anymore!” I hiccupped, my words muffled as I buried my face into the hollow at the base of Alex’s neck. “Just too many th-things have happened in to short days.” I added.

Alex blew out a sigh, brushed my tear stained cheek with a kiss, and rested his head on top of mine. I pulled away, wiping away the tears with the back of my sleeves. A warm, feather light smile crept onto Alex’s face as he brushed a stray lock of hair behind my ear.

I gazed at him for a moment, taking in things I never really took notice of, like the dash of grey tips at the ends of his hair, the different shades of green in his eyes, how he much he looked like his brother, even though they weren’t blood related. I leaned in, planting a kiss on his lips, pulling away a second later.

Before I could speak, Alex’s lips were pressed against mine, and he wasn’t pulling back and neither was I. His kiss was slow and delicate, guiding mine, to make us one. I wrapped my spare arm around his neck and pulled myself closer in his lap. His left hand slid up my back, his fingers tangling in my hair, his other hand sliding down to my waist. Locking us together, as one, like a finished jigsaw. It felt weirdly strange, yet heavenly, to sit in Alex’s lap and kiss him so deeply.

Alex pulled away, swift but fast, his eyes flickering to the door. I followed his gaze and saw that the door handle was moving slowly down. My eyes darted back to Alex, who still stared at the door, when his voice sounded crystal clear in my mind.

I want you to lie down on the couch and pretend you’re asleep; I will hide and see who walks in. Do you understand?

I nodded, crawling to the couch quickly and quietly as Alex found a place to hide. I lay in silence, my eyes closed, only my ears guiding me as to what was entering. The door creaked open and shut again, and the sound of heavy footsteps began to come my way. Then a hard thud sounded from besides me.

I shot up into a sitting position on the couch and looked before me. Alex had Detective Hapsburg pinned to the floor with his arms twisted behind his back. Alex’s eyes were red orbs and an unsteady growl was caught in the back of his throat. Detective Hapsburg struggled on the floor before Alex realised who it was and stood up quickly, offering out his hand to help him up.

Detective Hapsburg rose to his feet without help, dusting off his suit and rearranging his tie. He glared at Alex and then to me. He pulled out his phone from his pocket, his eyes still pinned to me, and he dialed in a number. He placed the phone to his ear.

“Found her boss...she’s at, she isn’t alone; she is with the boy with the white hair...yes, that’s the one...will do.” Detective Hapsburg clicked off his phone, placing it back in his pocket as he gazed between me and Alex.

“I guess that was Hunt, then?” I asked, rolling my eyes in frustration. Detective Hapsburg glared at me in warning.

“I will just be going, then,” Alex said, edging towards the door. He stopped when I gave him a pointed look and he moved back to the sofa, sitting down beside me.

There was silence for a few minutes before the front door opened. Detective Hull walked in with two other officers following close behind. His eyes pinned me straight away.

“Well, then, here is our mischief maker and her partner in crime.” Detective Hull said flatly. “I bet you’re wondering why I have two officers with me.” He gestured to the two female officers at the door. One was holding a small black brief case; it was marked with white writing I couldn't make out.

“I don’t care why they are here. It was Detective Hapsburg’s fault in the first place; he should have kept a better eye on me.” I noted smugly.

“So, you know what we are doing here, then? Then you should know why I have these two officers with me?”

“Was that a rhetorical question?” I asked sarcastically.

Detective Hunt shook his head as he called to the two officers. “Please put the tag on this young lady.”

I shot up quickly to my feet as the two officers made their way over to me. “What tag? I am not going on any tag!” I choked angrily, confused and ready to defend myself.

“Sit down!” Detective Hapsburg warned, pushing down on my shoulder, forcing me to sit back down.

“I refuse to be tracked like an animal!” I hissed.

I felt Alex’s hand entwine with mine and his voice sounded loud and clear in my head.

Don’t bother; there’s no way of fighting back on this one.

I turned and looked at him. He knew how frustrated I was about this, but I blew out a sigh and rested my head on his shoulder, looking away as I held my leg out.

“Thank you for your cooperation, Winter; at least this way we can keep an eye on you. It’s been less than twenty-four hours and yet you have disobeyed us.” Detective Hull smiled pleasantly when I looked towards him, and then casually nodded at the two officers. They bent before my leg, opening the brief case.

“There are no time restrictions, but we’d appreciate it if you’re home before ten if you ever go out; remember, we will know where you are twenty-four-seven.” Detective Hapsburg said casually.

I buried my face into the hollow at the base of Alex’s neck, cringing as I felt the device click into place around my ankle. There was a small beep from the device and I looked down to examine it. The device was black and leather with a small wireless box that flashed every so often with a tiny red light located in one corner.

The two female officers exited the house with Detective Hapsburg. Detective Hull glanced at his watch and then at me and Alex, pausing at Alex. “You best be getting some sleep; you have university in the morning.” He said directly at me, but his focus was still on Alex, who blankly stared back. “Keep out of trouble.” He ordered, looking directly at me now.

Detective Hull turned and walked away, stopping at the front door as he said over his shoulder, “And don’t drink either; I know about your problem drinking, always have, and it’s illegal at your age.” He exited, shutting the door behind him.

“Well, then, I am screwed until this comes off.” I sighed, looking down at the device.

“It could have been worse.” Alex pointed out as he pushed himself up.

“Whatever,” I barked, raising from the sofa and heading towards the stairs.

“I take that as ‘I must be going’, then.” Alex called after me as I ascended the stairs.

I stopped halfway up the stairs and then turned to walk back down. Alex stood at the front door, his eyes glued to me.

I paused in front of him and looked up into his eyes as I admitted, “I want you to stay here with me tonight; I don’t want to be alone.”

His arms slipped around my waist and he pulled me closer to him. He kissed my forehead and with a quick motion of his arms, I felt myself hung in the air, waves of black shadowing me. It felt like deja vu, but only I knew this had happened before.

I felt Alex’s lips brush my ear as he whispered lightly, “Goodnight, Winter, and sweet dreams.”
Then his lips pressed mine before the world darkened and I fell asleep.