Status: If any errors are found, please let me know. Much appreciated.

Lost Lies

Chapter Thirty-Four

We were an hour into the flight and I was nodding of slowly, my head in in Alex’s lap, his hand gently smoothing my hair.

It took us a good long forty five minutes to get everything up to scratch, including how he knew me before I really did and that my parents (my fosters) were part of the whole plan of killing me, when I was young, that it was a set-up by Casper to hurt me.

“When we first found out who you where, we made a bet on who can kill you first, but when we began to hear rumours, that if we killed you at the age of eighteen, we would gain what power you had,” he explained.

He told me that Danny and Cara were going out and getting along fine and I asked to know more about who I was and what I was, which scared me slightly, when he explained in complete detail.


“Tragically as you already know, you’re the devils daughter, but you don’t gain your powers until your eighteen. Even though you look human, you’re not. Your father seduced the highest grade arch angel a while back, to mate and create a new son for the throne if anything happened to his self. But when your mum gave birth to you and he wasn’t pleased. So he forced your mother to give you away.”

“What a lovely father I have,” I snorted.

“Yeah pretty much,” he laughed bitterly. “But at least I have you out of it.”

“But what about Casper, you knew him when you fell,” I asked, remembering what Alex said, when he explained to me what happened to him.

“Ah yes. He is older yes, but that was a long time ago before I even fell, when your mum was first seduced.”

“So you’re telling me she has been seduced more than once?”

“Yes, but only because Casper betrayed your father, long before you were born.”

“Eww and Casper kissed me to,” I heaved.

“Anything else?”

“Yeah, can I die? I know you said I am immortal, but I have to have a weakness.”

“You do. Ripping your heart out and burning it with devil craft, but I doubt that will happen any time soon, tough you can survive without a heart.”

I looked at him confused.

“Yes I know it’s confusing, but over time you will understand more.”

“Ok,” I nodded.

“Anything else you want to know about?” he asked, leaning down to press a kiss on my forehead.

“Yeah. Why do I have one white wing and one black wing?”

“For that, I don’t have a clue. Casper’s wings where black, but because he was pure evil, but you . . . I think it’s because you’re pure evil and pure kind, like you have two souls or something . . . I really don’t know, it doesn’t make sense,” he said, confusion clouding his face.

“Maybe one day we will find out,” I smiled.

“Yeah maybe,” he smiled back.

“Oh by the way, here, your necklace,” he said, unclasping the chain from his neck and placing in round mine.

“Thank you,” I whispered, pressing my lips against his and then resting my head on his lap, using his leather jacket as pillow and closed my eyes, happy to have him back.


“Winter,” Alex called, nudging my shoulder.

“Hmm,” I moaned, opening my eyes.

“Want a drink?”

“Yeah please. Coke will do.”

“Two cokes please,” Alex asked one of the flight attendants, who was pushing a cart full of food and drinks, down the aisles, when my sight came into focus finally.

I sat up, when Alex handed me the can and the flight attended, moved to the next row of seats.

“Thanks,” I yawned, taking the can and opening it halfway.

“You seem rough,” Alex examined, licking his thumb and pressing it against my cheek.

“You had a bit of mascara on your cheek,” he explained.

“Thanks,” I blushed. “And I am rough because I’m sleepy and I have a bad feeling. Something isn’t right about this flight, it feels . . . of.”

“Strange, I don’t feel anything.”

At that moment, the plain shuddered for a moment and some of Alex’s coke, spilled onto my clothes.

This is your captain speaking; we are having a bit of turbulence, no need to worry.

“No, this isn’t turbulence . . . it doesn’t feel it,” I whispered, as I shuffled past Alex, to go to the bathroom and clean myself up.

“It’s probably just your scenes playing up; you have never been a plane before have you? You’re probably nervous.”

I shook my head. “No, you will know when I am nervous, I can’t keep still. I have to twiddle my thumps or something when I am.”

Before he could reply, I headed to the bathroom, gripping seats, as I steadied myself, from falling over.

You’re not alone, a too familiar voice, echoed through my head. You will never be alone. I will always be there, waiting, watching.

I spun around my heart racing, when a scream echoed from the back of the plane, creating a rippling effect of screams, which became deathly silent after a minuet and I felt the peer eyes of the passengers, pin point on me. Before I turned round, I already knew who it was.

“Hello Winter,” Chris grinned, pressing the cold barrel of the pistol between my eyes.

“Hello Chris,” I hissed bitterly.

“I though you may have burned alive,” he laughed, a bit too optimistically, for my liking.

“I’m sorry it didn’t go to plan,” I laughed sarcastically, a cunning smile tugging at my lips.

“Noticed,” he frowned.

“So why you here,” I asked, pushing the gun from my head.

“To finish you off, of course,” he smiled.

Could use some help here Alex, I thought to him.

I’d love to come and help, but he has tied me down with silver chains, he responded, with a grunt of frustration at the end.


“So Chris, how are you going to kill me, I’m immortal now remember,” I smile optimistically.

“What destroys an angel,” he grinned, a bit too viciously, a fire burning in his eyes.

“No. You can’t. You will bring down this whole plane,” I shuddered.

“Not my problem,” he laughed, before disappearing.

“Everyone stay calm,” I announced, as I made my way to Alex.

I was making my way up the aisles, when two loud explosions echoed from the cot pit and the plane dipped forward fiercely and plummeted forward out the sky. The passengers began to scream in terror as the plane fell from the heavens.

I used all my strength to push myself to Alex.

“Alex, this planes going to come down and kill all these innocent people,” I said, kneeling besides him and began to rip off the chains.

“Don’t help me, stop this plane from crashing,” he moaned, his skin burning from the silver.

I stood up quickly and began to head to the cot pit.

Chris stood blocking the door, his gun pointing at me.

“I know this won’t kill you, but this will,” he laughed bitterly.

Before I could convince him not to do anything stupid, he shot me in the shoulder stunning me. I glanced at the already heeling wound and looked up just in time to see Chris plunge his hand into my chest.

I looked down, my eyes wide, my mouth shaped as an O.

“Why,” I choked, tears rolling down my cheeks.

“Because,” he whispered darkly. “I hate you.”

With a yank of his arm, he tore out my heart, holding it before me. With a small salute, he disappeared.

I stumbled backwards, my breath becoming short and ragged, before I felt myself, tip backwards and hit the floor. I blinked furiously, my head swimming, but trying to keep myself awake as long as possible.

In the distance I heard Alex cry out my name and fight against the chains, his repeated cries of pain and distressed, as the world came crashing down on me.

Were these people going to die because of me? Was Alex going to lose me for good? Was my end nigh?