Status: If any errors are found, please let me know. Much appreciated.

Lost Lies

Chapter Three

“No, Chris -.”

“Oh, come on, it’s a party!”

“A party for Goths,” I pointed out.

“Yes, I know, I know, but it will be fun; we can get away from this dump for a while,” Chris jabbed me in the arm repeatedly, “Come on, come on, come on, come -.”

I batted his hand away. “No!” I snapped.

Chris’ eyes widened in shock and he shuffled down the bed away from me. I stood up and paced in front of the fire that snapped and crackled as it heated up my bedroom in the house my grandma and granddad bought me.

I lived in a local town in Manchester, called Little Hulton; it wasn’t fancy or anything but it was a safe place - sort of. There were many places to go like town and the Trafford centre to shop at. I shared a four bedroom house with Chris, Cara and Evangelina. The only problem was the fact that I lived facing a church and graveyard. When there is fog looming, it’s the scariest place to be.

“Sorry, I-I'm just a bit... how can I put it? Stressed and confused,” I said, trying to sound apologetic but sounding more frustrated than anything.

“You’re not fussing over what Danny said, are you?” Chris whined.

“Haven't you got a party to go to?”

“Yes, but I need a lift, it’s pretty far.” Chris grinned.

I paused in front of my desk and mulled the thought over when it suddenly hit me.

“Morte sarà Chiamata presto!” I blurted.
Chris stared at me in puzzlement. “What are you talking about?”

“Danny said ‘Morte sarà Chiamata presto’ and that is Italian." I turned and snatched my car keys of my desk. "Come on. You’ve got a party to go to and I have a library to go to.”

“You scare me sometimes, Winter,” Chris stood up from the bed and lit a cigarette. He took several puffs before approaching me. “Do you want some?”

“Do I look like I smoke?”

“No,” Chris frowned. “Girl, you need to chill out.”

“Sorry, Chris, my mind’s all over.”

“Over something a lad said. Winter, he could be messing with you, playing with your mind.” Chris shook his head to the thought of me suffering.

“Chris, I know he isn't messing; th-there was something in his eyes that meant it, his eyes turned black for God’s sake!”

Chris attempted an impersonation of my voice “‘Chris, I know he isn't messing; th-there was something in his eyes that meant it, his eyes turned black for God’s sake.’ That's what you sound like, Winter.”

I folded my arms and rolled my eyes. “Get in the car or you're going to be late for your party.”

“Listen, Winter, I’m only trying to protect you. You're my friend and I love you to bits.” Chris smiled and held out his arms for a hug. I let my arms drop to my side and looked down miserably. I stood in silence and Chris stood arms wide, staring at me for a while, but I finally gave in and stepped into his hug.

“I'll do you a deal,” Chris whispered in my ear.

“What would that be?” I muttered.

“I will let you do your research...”

I sighed. “There's a ‘but’ coming, isn't there?”

“But only if you don't get involved with Danny.”

“B-b-but . . .” I spluttered.

“Winter it’s -.”

“It’s for your own safety,” I finished for him. “I know. Deal. And what about, hmm, you know who at the library?”

Chris let go of me and stared at her for a few seconds before he shaking his head. “That's why you are going to the library and coming straight back then.”

I frowned, but I knew it was for my own good, “Fine.”

I shook hands with Chris to seal the deal that I would come straight back home instead and headed out of my room to my mini convertible parked in our garage – well, technically, my garage, since I’m the only one who can drive.

“So where is this party?” I asked as I unlocked the car.

“At Auto Salvage, on the outskirts of town.”

I began to laugh at the thought of a junkyard for cars being the best place to party, but when a shadow fell across the car, I went silent. Chris didn't notice and carried on talking.

“This party is -.”

I spotted the shadow as it lurked across the bonnet of the car. I turned my head to see where the shadow was coming from. It was sat on top of the building across from the house.

It was crouched in the pouring down rain. Its wings were an earthy black that stood out in the dark, illuminated by the moon, and glistened with droplets of rain that dangled off each individual feather.

Its golden, untidy hair was soaked and draped over its face, so it was hard to see its face. I could only see a muscular figure only wearing jeans as it watched from a distance – watching me.

I looked away. I knew things like that didn’t exist outside of the sort of books I loved to read.

“Earth to Winter, come in, Winter,” Chris shouted, rapidly waving his hands in front of my face.

I snapped out of my trance and quickly shot a look back towards the building. The...thing... had disappeared.

“Did you hear a single word I just said?”

“Hmm, no, sorry...I-I thought I saw something.”

“Is that something going to get me to the party on time?”

“Yes . . . no . . . maybe . . . I-I don't know . . . no it won't.”

“Winter, are you ok? You seem a bit agitated.”

“Me? No, I’m not agitated...pft. What a stupid thing to think.” I rubbed the back of my neck.

“Winter!” Chris frowned and folded his arms. “I know when you're lying.” He gave me a stern look, and I dropped my arms back by my side.

I let out a nervous laugh and asked, “How?”

“Because you rub the back of your neck every time you lie.”

“Do I?” I blurted, shocked.

“Yes, all the time, for example . . .”


“Sooo, what did you get me for my birthday?”

“...Y-your birthday?”

“Yes, Winter, my birthday,”

“Only joking, I know it’s your birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPP...”

“Don't embarrass me,” Chris blushed. It was hard to tell with all that make-up, but I could just about see the crimson showing through. Wait, Chris blushed, actually blushed; I couldn't help but laugh so hard I began to cry.

“Oh, oh, your face, its-its hysterical,” I laughed, choking on every word.

After a moments giggle, I began, slowly but surely, to calm down, and wiped away my tears of laughter.

“Oh, I so wish I had a camera,” I grinned.

“Ok, jokes over. Sooo, what did you get me?”

My smile faded in my mind, but outside I kept my smile for his sake. I completely forgot my best friend’s birthday present and actual birthday. What was I going to do now?

I had two options.

Option one: I could lie, and say I left it at home or even it was a present that can't begin until later.

Option two: I admit that I forgot and make it up to him by taking him to his favourite place which was . . . which was . . . wait what was his favourite place? Ugh, what a good friend I was being.

Wait, wait, I had three options, but when I think about it, it was sort of like option one.

“Well, here's the thing . . . I can't give it you.”

“What do you mean?” Chris questioned.

“See here's the thing: I left it at - at the store because . . . it’s getting made specially . . . you see sooo . . . I don't know if it’s done yet.” I smiled trying to look like I meant it and began to rub the back of my neck.

“You’re lying.”

“Nooo, no,” I let out a shaky laugh.

“I know you're lying,” Chris frowned.

“Ok, ok, I forgot your birthday. But I did have something planned but I’m just remembering what it is...hmmmm.”

“It was a party at our house, remember?” Chris tapped my forehead several times before he carried on. “Before you say a word, you told me.”

“Oh, erm, yes ... but wasn’t at our house. My grandma and granddad are of on holiday and let me use their house." I shrugged.

His eyes widened as he asked, “The rich ones that live in a mansion?”

I answered with a nod and a smile.

“Oh, cool, this is going to awesome. Let's go plan a party and make you buy me a gift.” Chris chirped.



“Ok. So I forgot. I made up to you like always. But that's the only time I lied.” I began to rub my neck again, not realizing I was. When I realised what I was doing I dropped my arm back by my side and shoved both hands deep into my pockets.

“Don't lie. Let's see example two - just then. Example three...”

“Ok, I lie . . . a lot. But like I said: I make it up to you.”

I try my hardest not to lie, but it’s always hard for reasons I really don’t want to think about.

“Ok, you're right. You do always make it up to me.”

“Yes. Come on; let's get you to that party.” I smiled.

My mind kept focusing on the one thing I really didn't want to focus on at this moment of time: what I just saw. Stuff like that isn't real; the supernatural only existed in the minds of authors, or in the Holy Bible.

I couldn't help the urge, so I glanced over to where I saw it. The roof top was deserted, only the rain bounced of the slates. Every little crystal rain drop reflected the moon light, giving the roof a shimmering white glow.

“Hey, Earth to -.”

“Yes, yes I am still here. Come on; let's go before the library closes.”

He shot me a warning look. “You’re not going to the library. I have already told you. And by the way the way you keep daydreaming, it’s going to be a very long trip, and it’s only half an hour away to town, e.g. junk yard.”

“Do you want a lift, or am I going to make you walk there in this torturous downpour?” I questioned. In reply, Chris silently shook his head and climbed into the car.

I climbed in after him, started the engine and put the car into revers.

I was backing out of the parking lot when Chris asked, “So, what was it you saw?”

I turned my head and gave a deadly stare, but shook my head and turned back to the front to focus on the road.

“Does it matter?”

“Yes, very much, actually, since you acted all weird about it,”

“If I tell you, you’ll think I’m delusional.”

“I promise you I won't.”

“Ok,” I took a deep breath before explaining what I saw and why it freaked me out so much.

“See, what I saw, what I believe I saw, w-was an angel.” I gave a fake light hearted smile but Chris could tell from my eyes I was afraid.

He didn't laugh, didn't flinch, not even both. With a straight face, Chris said calmly, “An angel ... like, an actual angel? Where did you see it?”

“I saw it on the church roof, crouched, wings stretching high above their head, stretching far and wide; they had golden locks that reached their shoulder, by the build of the body they were male and he only wore what looked to be black jeans and only black jeans, no shirt, no shoes, not even socks,” I blushed at the thoughts of this supposed angel. “That soft glow of his skin as the rain beat down on him...”

“Whoa, stop day dreaming and watch the road!” Chris shouted as the car almost swerved off the road.

“Sorry, there was something not right about . . . you know.”

“Why? What was not right about this . . . angel?”

“The way he sat there. There was some tingling sensation in my body, like he was staring at me and I felt so cold, i-it was like someone walked through my grave.” My mind went blank as I realised what I said.

I could feel my skin grow paler and a gut retching feeling, tug at my insides.

“What's wrong? You look horrified?”

“You know, like, you hear when you’re about to die you see an angel, but no one else does.”

“Yes. Why?” Panic began to rise in Chris voice. “What are you getting at?”

There was silence and tension building up between us both, before I finally spoke. “Chris.”


“What if I’m about to die?”

“That's impossible; you’re wrong, you’re not going to . . . you know . . . die.” The panic finally took over Chris. “You can't die, I won’t allow it.” He frowned at the thought of losing me.

“Chris. How? You can't stop me dying no matter how hard you try. I already had a close meeting with death, just maybe I was meant to . . . die. For all I know, I may not be human, but I just don’t know it. Yet I begin to wonder.” I gave a little smile but it soon faded and I began to cry.

I pulled the car to a stop in front of the junk yard party. Music blared outside and shouting and jeering carried with it. I dropped my head to the steering wheel, not caring about the pain that it caused, and took in several deep shaky breaths.

“Winter, are you ok?” Chris unbuckled his seat belt and edged closer to me, placing an arm across my back, and pulled me towards him.

“Winter, look at me,” Chris whispered, so I raised my head and turned to look at him.

My eyes felt swollen and were probably red; my shirt collar felt soaked and would be blotched with black spots where the mascara had run and dripped onto it.

“I will not let you die, you hear me? They will have to kill me first if they want you and I bet Evangelina and Cara would do the same.”

I nodded, took a deep breath, and sniffled, “Thanks for ch-cheering me up. Y-you’re a good friend, so are Cara and Evangelina.”

“No problem, but talking about them two; I haven't seen them all day.”

“Me neither. Didn't they say they had a meeting or s-something along those lines?”

“Yes . . . I think so. Oh well, we will see them tomorrow . . . hopefully,” Chris whispered the last part and gave a slight frown.

Chris finally said good bye, told me the time to pick him up and climbed out of the car to meet with his gothic friends.

He gave a tap on the window on the driver’s side and I pressed the button to wind it down.

“One last thing: I have always wanted to do this to you.” Chris stuck his head through the window. He placed his left hand on my cheek and slowly placed his lips to mine.

The group whistled and hollered as we kissed.

My heart was racing and my stomach felt like I had butterflies. When Chris finally pulled away, he slowly stroked my face with his thumb before pulling out of the window and back into the pouring rain.

“Well, that was unexpected.” I blushed and smiled.

“I wanted to do that for a while now, but just then felt like the right time.” Chris bent down again and kissed me on the cheek, and he whispered in my ear, before he pulled back, "I love you Winter" ... and turned, walking away into the rain soaked crowd.

I sat in silence, dizzy and feeling reckless after what I just encountered. Minutes ticked by in silence before I fell out of my little trance.

In my mind, I pushed what happened to one side for a while; there was just one thing too important not to leave until the answer was found: Danny.