Status: Hiatus

With You Is Where I Want to Be

Bruised Neck

"I lost consciousness for almost 24 hours. The doctors said I should take it easy today, take a day off of school. Though, yeah I do feel fine, that's why I went walking around."

"It was that bad?" Derek asked again, not knowing how serious my hospitalization really was. Though it was that serious, I feel like my parents did not think I was going to wake up for another day. However I came around and finally was rested enough to wake up.

"Unfortunately yes."

"I thought you fainted and then just woke back up?" Derek assumed looking over at me.

"I wish. But Allison choked me much longer than that, she held on until I finally pushed her off. My body was so tired that I took almost an entire day to repair," I explained pulling the scarf off of my neck, revealing the fresh bruise. I watched as Derek looked at my neck and reached out; I flinched as he softly stroked my neck with his finger. I looked down at his hand following his arm to his shoulder and then to his face. Derek had a grim look on his face, he could relate to my pain. Before I could say anything he looked up, noticing I was staring at him, he quickly pulled his hand away and looked elsewhere. I took a breath out and looked away, wrapping the scarf back around my bruised neck.

"I can't believe she would hurt you like that, although she's an Argent. Her father is into all kinds of hunting, she was basically raised a hunter," Derek explained, his eyebrows meeting at the thought of the Argents. Something happened between Derek and the Argents. I just wondered if the girl he talked about was related to them, it was possible in this small town.

"I never expected a girl like her to have that much strength," I said looking at Derek, watching him grab something from within his car. He found a pen and an old fast food restaurant napkin. I watched as he scribbled a number onto it, the same number Boyd gave me yesterday. For some reason I was about to receive his number for the second time in a row.

"Now I want you to promise me that you will call me anytime you need me. Whether for an emergency or just to talk. Okay?" Derek told me, handing over his cell phone number. I smiled, grabbing it, putting the napkin safely into my pocket.

"I will, I promise. Though does this mean we're friends? It's not like everyday a good looking guy gives me his cell phone number," I blurted out.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. Friends. But you really think I'm good looking?" Derek asked, surprisingly talking on the subject. I thought he would ignore the compliment, thinking I was just being awkward.

"Of course, but you're nice as well. This is twice now that you've helped me out."

"Thanks, but you're just as nice. Though it's not an often occurrence that a girl throws herself at me," Derek laughed looking over to see the expression on my face. My eyes widened and I started laughing with him. I was surprised that he was being so playful.

"Whoa, both of those are total lies! I'm not throwing myself at you and I'm sure you do get by with your looks. If you just smile at a girl I bet you could make her ovaries explode," I explained, making Derek smile over at me on purpose. Though, okay the first bit was a lie, I was kinda flirting with him. However, I was not throwing myself at him, I am not that easy.
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Click here to see Derek's outfit.

Click here to see Jessica's outfit.

Click here to see Stiles' outfit.

Fact #19: The restaurant napkin was from In-N-Out Burger.