Status: This is really just a test for the time being. I'll write a few chapters and if I get good feedback I'll keep going :)

Suffering Builds Character

Occasionally, the suffering will find a place in the world. Occasionally, he has one good card waiting in his hand. He finds his place and the privileged question the state of his mind. Is he brilliant or is he insane? Yes, he is brilliant. The privileged will come to the conclusion that he is insane. But they don't know what he went through. They never had a mirror into his life, into his mind. And to his peers, his fellow suffering souls, he is brilliant. But to suffer is to lose sanity. To be brilliant is to be insane. He will play the game his way, he will change the rules, and in the end, the suffering will win.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything pertaining to The Dark Knight Rises. Or anything related. Or the pictures of their characters. Just little miss Sido and some bits and pieces of the plot.