Status: On the 14th of April 2013, I will be editing this story. Most chapters are subject to change, and some may be combined. Stay tuned for the remake.


When Cupid Throws Up

Jeremy’s outburst was on my mind for the days to follow. I’d blown about the school in a dreamy state, wondering what in the hell he was talking about. He hadn’t spoken to me since that morning, and I tried not to think about my reaction to his strange behaviour. I felt so guilty and ashamed now. And he had looked so heartbroken.

The streets seemed particularly busy this morning as I made my way to school. Clouds draped the sky, blanketing the Earth from the sun’s warmth. Whether that was a good or bad thing, I hadn’t decided yet. A chill drifted through the air, biting at my cheeks like a winter kiss and nipping at my fingertips. Breathing into my hands, I huddled further into my disgustingly thin sweater, wondering why I hadn’t grabbed something warmer and cursing myself for not thinking twice about Flora’s absence of late. She had gone home shortly after our coffee outing, and I’d been too preoccupied since then.

When I finally got to school, panting, but thankfully not sweating, I almost turned right back around. In a daze for the past couple of days I had completely forgotten the only day I made sure to miss every year. Rumours always mulled about my disappearance on this particular day, which only boosted my name. Too late to turn around, I stepped through the doors, and walked into the disgustingly pink hallway.

Valentine’s Day.

Oh, how I hated the 14th of February and everything the day brought with it. Even now, as I sauntered down the hall with my head held high and my concentration solely on trying to keep the boredom and disgust off my face.

Streamers were strung up, weaving together in a plait and curling down the entrances of doors. Pink and red balloons bobbed across the ceiling, the floors carpeted in confetti. Jesus, Laura and her cheerleaders had really done a number on the school. It looked as though Cupid himself had thrown up around the joint.

Twisting through the halls, I dreaded having to run by my locker. Though I knew I wouldn’t be expected today, it didn’t stop the damn Valentine’s from attacking my locker. The second worst day of the year after Valentine’s Day, was the day after.

Just as I turned the corner, my heart sank, having caught a Valentine mid-attack. I froze, clueless as to what to do now as the girl hastily shoved a card through the slits in my locker and jammed the stem of the rose in as far as it would go. With a proud grin, she turned, noticed me frozen in the middle of the hall and scurried away doe-eyed.

Oh, God. They’d already done the damage.

I groaned as I trudged my way to my locker, already stuffed full of red roses and I knew that a pile of cards and love notes would fall out as soon as I opened the door. It was like Pandora’s freaking box. Cologne and perfume permeated the air, so strong I felt sick, and knowing that I had to let the air out of my locker.

With a deep breath, notes and cards spilled from my locker in a waterfall of red and white, followed closely by heart boxes and cello wrapped candy. Shit, they’d brought out the chocolates this year too, but more importantly, they’d found a way to open my locker to put it in there. Palming my forehead, I let out another groan only to hear the sound of someone clearing their throat.

Pressing my lips together, I turned to see Bentley beaming at me, his pearly whites shining even brighter than normal. Oh, no. In his hands he held a large bouquet of roses, and a box of chocolates. They looked expensive, and I recognised them from previous years. So he was the culprit who left the largest bouquet he could possibly find.

“Oh, hey, Bent,” I said, giving him a fake smile. “Listen, I’d love to stay and chat, but I just remembered I have something I have to do.”

His smile fell, but before he could say anything, I ambled through the excited students and into an empty classroom. Giggles and chatter died down as soon as I closed the door, and I breathed a sigh of relief suddenly thinking that maybe it wasn’t too to go home.

Just as I’d made the decision to face possible grounding from my parents, the classroom door opened and closed quickly. My small sense of relief cut short way too soon. I should have known that Bentley wouldn’t give up. It was only a matter of time before he would have found me. I should have guessed it would be sooner rather than later. I turned to meet his eyes, ready to shoot out an excuse.

“Raven Diablo, will you be my Valentine?”