Status: On the 14th of April 2013, I will be editing this story. Most chapters are subject to change, and some may be combined. Stay tuned for the remake.


Bouncing like a Collection of Wind-Up Toys

“Flora?” I whispered, my voice cracking slightly. “Flora did this?”

Though my world had already broken, I could feel it shattering again as confusion sent me falling into a reel of memories. Dizziness overcame me, my head swirling so fast that I could feel my head slowly rolling back and forth, unstable as it sat upon my neck.

“You were never really friends,” Bentley replied lightly, clearly enjoying the view as my world crashed down around me. “All those memories, your childhood? It’s all fake. Made up. A ruse to keep you from discovering the truth.” My brows furrowed, focusing my gaze on Bentley but never really looking at him. “They created this world because you were uncontrollable. Unstable. Dangerous. And though you didn’t quite know it yet, they couldn’t risk it ever finding its way out.”

“How long have we been here?” I asked, suddenly backlogging through my memories in an attempt to find the little seam that might indicate where exactly the lies had begun.

“If I remember correctly,” Bentley answered with a curl to his lip. “It wasn’t long before our little midnight fun.”

My eyes just about popped out of their sockets, and I was aware that my mouth was hanging wide open. Eighteen years? I shouldn’t have been surprised, I really shouldn’t. My memories with Jeremy were engraved deeply in my mind. I knew the truth. I knew this life was not real. But I couldn’t help but be caught completely off guard.

“That was barely two weeks ago,” I stammered.

“The first time,” he corrected, indicating to our little eighth grade romance, and my mouth uttered a silent ‘Oh’.

This was clearly the moment that Bentley had been waiting for, because he grinned. This little fact had him twitching eagerly, shifting almost impatiently as his eyes gleamed in pleasure. “The spell didn’t work too well,” he stated cheerily. “See, your three little fairies screwed up. They weren’t supposed to forget, and your huntsman was never meant to remember.”

Studying him suspiciously, I ignored the bait he was fishing with and turned the conversation back around to him. “What about you?” I reminded.

Bentley gave me a sly smile. “What about me?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

“You remember,” I stated. “So what part do you have in this?”

Before he could say a word of reply, a terrifying crack pummelled my head, deafening my ears to a high pitched white noise. The world was shaking violently, chattering my teeth together painfully as my chair shifted away from the small café table. My eyes widened as the world vibrated, every solid object bouncing like a collection of wind-up toys that hop along the surface.

Sliding myself off the seat, I sank to the ground, not knowing what else to do. Coffee jumped from my cup, attacking my shirt in large brown patches, but I barely noticed. It had long gone cold, and my gaze was fixated on the sky as I desperately tried to steady the shaking that vibrated through my body.

Attempting futilely to focus my gaze through the blurring motion of the world, I stared up at a strange discolouring in the sky. Only when the Earth abruptly stopped shaking, was when I realised it looked strangely like a scar.

“What is that?” I breathed, gazing up at the gash in the sky.

The scar was lined with a dark mass revealing a bright blue that shamed the colour of the light sky. I couldn’t help but gaze in wonder at the strange sight, hearing the gasps and questions of others surrounding me, and knowing I needed my suspicions confirmed.

“The wall is crumbling,” Bentley whispered in my ear. “The more you remember, the wider the gate opens.”

I knew exactly what he was referring to. I knew what would happen if the scar grew bigger. More and more of that beautiful blue would appear, but I wanted him to say it. I wanted to hear it outside of my thoughts. “Gate to what?” I asked, feeling the warmth of his presence beside my cheek and he leaned closer, his lips brushing against my ear.

“Our world.”