Hell Is for Heroes


"Do it." He whispered in my ear. "You hate him, just do it. The knife. Its right there. Right there. Do it."
No. It’s wrong so wrong I could never kill him he's my father.
"Don’t think about it."
I scream in my head. He rests his hand on the side of my neck and it slowly slides down my chest. My eyes are wide and my head snaps to look at him.
"Frank?" My mother is looking at me. "Are you alright?" I look at her.
No! I am no where close!
"Yes." I say quietly. And her and my father continues talking. Then he's back. The shadow without a face. The evil thing. He gets so angry with me sometimes. Though I understand why. I just can’t bring myself to do any of the things he asks.
"God damn it!" He yells. He throws the table across the room and my parents are paused, the whole world is momentarily paused. He turns around and shakes me by the shoulders, his eyes. I can see his eyes, for the first time. But they aren’t the eyes of an angry demon man, there the eyes of a scared boy. A scared lost boy, with no hope. But there beautiful. He searches my eyes for a second.
He then grabs my hand and leads me out to the back yard. We sit behind a big tree. Our hands are still clutched together.
"You can save me." He says. "You can save me, and I can save you. But you have to listen to me. It’s the only way we can be together forever. It’s the only way we can be free." His eye's fill up with tears and the faceless man disappears.
I always have to hurt him. 231`

Im back in my kitchen. My parents are talking loudly about my father’s promotion. He has always done every thing right. He only has one regret. Me. I am the one screw up in is life. The one thing he wishes he could take back.
"May I be excused?" I say quietly. My father puts down his fork.
"Frank speak up. No one can understand you when you mumble. How many times do I have to tell you this?" I look back down at my plate.
"What?" My dad says loudly. "I cannot hear you!" I look up and annunciate as best I can, and as loudly as I can.
"May I please be excused?" My mother looks at my plate.
"But Frank honey, you've barely eaten anything."
"Im fine." I say getting up and putting my plate in the sink. I start walking up stairs.
"Im starting to worry about him." My mother’s voice floats up. I stopped where I know they can’t see me and listen.
"Oh Linda, I don’t know why you worry about that boy... Hes’ eating just the same as he usually does. What we should be worrying about is him going to that new school. Hes so different... you know hes not gonna fit in anywhere. He doesn't talk loud enough the teachers are going to get feed up with by the end of his first class. He needs to snap out of this faze and get over him self. ”My mother hesitated with her answer.
"Well, maybe we should get him to talk to the consoler. He seems to be fighting a battle in his head. Haven’t you noticed? He's been acting more... disturbed then normal. Honest to god Franklin. He's worrying me."
"Oh that's not any thing to worry about. All he has to do is fix his little attitude. I told you before. He's just doing this for attention."
"No... Franklin I just don’t think that's it..." I continued to walk upstairs to my room. I flop myself down onto my bed, and stare at the ceiling. He's been acting more... disturbed then normal. the sentence floated about in my head. And then the man’s eyes clouded my vision.
You can save me, and I can save you. But you have to listen to me. It’s the only way we can be together forever. It’s the only way we can be free.
Im going crazy. That's the only way to explain it. I have some mental illness and im gonna end up in some home somewhere... Im crazy. There's a knock at my door and my mother slowly steps in.
"Frank sweetie?" I sit up. She looks around my room.
"Almost done packing I see." I give here a half hearted smile.
"Yeah." I say, quietly. She sites down on the edge of my bed and pats my leg. She leans forward and picks up a shirt that I had carelessly discarded on the ground.
"I know, moving to a new state is never easy. And making new friends is difficult, but I know you'll try your best." She looked up from her folding. "You always do." I stare at her face. There are a few wrinkles scattered here and there. Most from her laughter or smiling. But there are some that didn’t used to be there a few moths ago...
This whole moving thing is hard on her... shes never lived anywhere else then here. The house that she grew up in is only a couple blocks away... And then there’s me. Of course every mother worry's about there kid, but I’ve always been a little more of a trail... especially in the past few moths. Maybe when we move, every thing will get better...
"You always try your hardest to make me proud." Shes leans to her side and strokes my cheek lovingly. "And you do, you never let me down." She leans over more and pulls me into a hug.
"Im not sure, if I want to move..." I tell her honestly. She starts gently rocking me back and forth.
"I know baby, I know..."
"Linda!" My father calls from down stairs. "Come help me with this?!" She pulls away and pats my hand.
"Finish packing and then get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow." I nod and give her another weak smile. She returns it and stands up walking to the door. She opens it and turns around.
"Night baby, love you."
"Night mom, love you to." She turns around and heads back out the door. I sigh and lay back down.
I can tell tomorrow won’t be the best of days...