Hell Is for Heroes


Some one is running there hands threw my hair. I roll over so im lying on my left side. The hand is now running down my arm. I wiggle a little bit as the hand starts to stroke my chest.
"Frankie." A voice whispers in my ear. And the hand is now rubbing in circles on my lower stomach. My eyes shoot open. I slowly turn around.
"Frankie." The faceless man is behind me. Touching me.
I can feel him... that means hes real? But he can’t be real.
"Im real, Frankie." I stare into his eyes. There begging for me to understand.
"Im real, Im hurt, and im running out of time..." A questioning look spreads across my face.
"Please understand. We don’t have alot of time. We need to be together. You need to find me! We need to escape. Please, next time I tell you to do something. Listen!" His voice is filled with urgency. He shook my shoulders gently.
"You just don’t get it do you?" I shake my head.
"No." I whisper. His fingers caress my cheek.
"Im going to be killed soon..." I looked at him.
Hes being serious...
"Frank!" My father shouts from downstairs. "Get up, Time to go!"
The man runs his hands over my lips longingly. And slowly fades to nothing. My dad suddenly bursts threw the door.
"Frank lazy ass, up now! Stop staring at nothing and get ready!" I sigh and drag the covers off my body. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and stand up. Looking at my dad who’s staring at me.
"What?" I asked making sure he could hear me. He shrugged and left the room. I stared after him, and then looked at my room. Every thing in boxes. It was hard knowing that I would never be sleeping here again. I busied myself with getting ready and hour and a half later I was in the back seat of the car staring silently at the house I'd grown up in. My mother was in the passenger seat doing the same. My dad got into the drivers seat and started the car. I said a silent goodbye and we pulled away from the drive way. We drove a couple minutes in silence, until we pasted my mother’s old house. She let out a sniffle.
"You know," My father started. "This is nothing to be upset about. Just think about the new experiences well make. The new people we'll meet. This is a great opportunity and I for one-" I turned on my ipod, tuning him out.
Im going to be killed soon...
The mans voice echoed through my head and I shuddered. Yes the man scared me, very much so. But I didn’t want him to die.
Little harsh much?
im running out of time. I stared the window. The sense of urgency clouding the air.
I need to do what this man says... It would seem as though both our lives depend on it...
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<3 !