‹ Prequel: Here and Now
Sequel: Let You In

Love. Sex. Magic.


Patrick didn't call Whitney at all the next two days. He knew he had messed up and he knew she was pissed. On Tuesday, he met Jonathan at the gym they were training at. He frowned as soon as Pat walked in the door and they didn't talk much during their workout. After showering and changing, Patrick cornered him.

"How mad is she?" He asked Jon.

"She's still pretty pissed. We're supposed to leave tomorrow and I don't even know if she'll have a good time because she's so worked up about you. You realize all Whitney wants is for you to have what she has, right?"

Patrick smirked. "You're not my type Tazer."

Jon rolled his eyes. "Do you ever think before you speak? Do you ever just shut up and really listen to what people say to you? She's your best friend but that doesn't mean she's your babysitter. She has her own life and it does not revolve around you."

"I'm sorry, okay?"

"I'm not the person you owe an apology to."

Patrick sighed. "What do I do then?"

"That's just it, Pat. I can't tell you how to fix this. You should know how to fix this. You've known Whitney for twenty some odd years; you've been best friends since high school. You lived together for six months. You know her better than anyone or at least you should so if you can't figure this out, well then you're hopeless."

Two hours later, Patrick knocked on Jon's front door. He smiled sheepishly when Whitney swung the door open. She glared at him.

"What do you want Pat?"

"I'm sorry?"

"You're asking or telling me? Because if you're asking I'm closing the door."

"I'm sorry, Whit. I'm a terrible friend and I was out of line and disrespectful the other night, to you and your friend Aria."

"You remember her name? I'm impressed." She opened the door wider. "You might as well come in."
He grinned and reached down, grabbing a basket and bouquet. "These are for you," he said, handing her the flowers.

Whitney smiled. "At least you can get something right Patty Cakes."

"It's hard to forget that birds of paradise are your favorite flower." He followed her to the kitchen where she found a vase and arranged them. He set the basket on the counter. "I got you this too." Whitney turned and looked at the basket.

"All my favorite junk food I see. Suck up much?" Whitney teased him. She moved around to hug him. "I forgive you," she said as he squeezed her tightly.

"You should've made him sweat it out," Jonathan said as he came into the kitchen.

"But he got me chocolate, the really good stuff that you won't buy me, even when I ask really nice," Whitney told him.

"That's because Kaner messed up and he wants back in your good graces. I don't mess up; I know better."

"Ugh!" Pat pulled a face and made a gagging noise. "Quit trying to show me up."

Jon laughed. "I don't have to try. I just do." Whitney giggled.

"Yeah well you don't play fair, taking her on expensive vacations," Pat retorted.

"What are you talking about?" Whitney asked.

"Thanks a lot, Kaner," Jon said.


"I hadn't told her yet."

"You said you leave tomorrow!"

"What are you two talking about?" Whitney asked again.

Jon sighed. "I'm taking you on vacation for two weeks."

"We already went on vacation, at the start of the summer. We went to Winnipeg, we saw Will in New York, and we saw my dad in Thunder Bay."

"A real vacation, Whit. Just me, you and the French Riveria."

"Holy shit! Are you kidding me?!" Whitney exclaimed. She threw her arms around him, placing light kisses all over his face.

"It was supposed to be a surprise," Jon complained.

"I am surprised," Whitney replied. "And excited. I need to pack."

"You need that little yellow bikini. I'll buy you everything else when we get there." She giggled and buried her face in the crook of his neck.

"I love you," Whitney whispered into him, kissing him lightly on his collarbone.

"Love you too," he said, pulling her in tightly and kissing her lips with a smile.

"You two make me sick," Patrick said. "I'm out. Have fun."

"Bye Pat," Whitney said, going round to kiss his cheek.

"Hey, do you think I could get Aria's number before you leave?"

"Hell no!"


"No! Now get the fuck out of here and promise you won't get into too much trouble without me and Jon here to bail you out."

"I'll be on my best behavior," he promised.

"I don't believe you but it was nice to hear."

Patrick was headed home when he decided to text Viktor. He hadn't apologized to him yet and he knew he needed to.

I'm sorry about the other night. Her friend was cute and I'm sorry you didn't get laid.

It's not always about getting laid, Kaner.

Isn't it???

No. At the end of the day, what everyone wants is the same: someone to come home too. Someone to share your life with, to go through the good and the bad with, together. Someone who makes you feel like you're on top of the world and can conquer anything, as long as they're beside you.

So basically you're saying everyone wants to be pussy whipped, like Jon. No thanks bro; I'll stick with the dickmatizing.

Whitney's right; you need to grow up.

Whatever. Look, did you get that girls number? I was hoping you could get Aria's number for me.

You remember her name? I'm impressed.

Why do people keep saying that???

Because you're a prick who fucks girls and doesn't bother with their names. And I'm not helping you.
So you do have the friends number!

The friends name is Leia and I'm taking her out tonight before I leave for home. I will not pass along your number. End of discussion.



Wait.. You're leaving too?

I'm going to Sweden for a week.

I'm gonna be all alone for a week?!

You're never alone. You always find a warm body to take home. And Duncs and Seabs are still in town. Sharpie too.

Can I come to Sweden with you?