The Appointment

The Story

They had nothing to say to each other. Neither of them could look the other in the eye. The silence in the room was so thick you could almost touch it. The only sounds were the clock ticking away the seconds and the sound of their breathing.

Tegan silently filled out the form in front of her trying not to think about what she was about to do. When she was finished she walked over to the lady behind the counter with the sad smile and handed her the forms. The lady named Irene, took the forms with an almost mocking and judgmental smile as if to say she was better than Tegan, and told her the doctor would be right with her.

Returning to her seat she snuck a peak at Parker who sat across from her. He sat hunched over leaning heavily on his thighs and bouncing his foot. What was he so nervous for? It wasn’t like he was the one going through this pregnancy and now its abortion. Tegan sat back and crossed her arms with a huff. Parker looked at her. His eyes were sad and it tugged at her heart strings. Tegan knew the look he was giving her; he didn’t approve but he didn’t want to tell her. Before anything could be said the nurse called her name.

As Tegan turned to walk away a hand stayed her. She looked back to see Parker gripping her coat arm.
“Don’t do it,” he whispered. His eyes held her own with an intensity that almost scared her.
“Just don’t do it,” he repeated. “We’ll raise it together somehow. I’ll get a job, we’ll find a house… just please…”

Tegan didn’t know what to say. Five minutes ago Parker was going to let her go through with this and now here he was telling her not to go through with it. Slowly she pried his hand from her arm and walked over to the nurse. Parker looked heartbroken for a moment and then recovered into a blank stare.

“Thank you,” she told the nurse with a small smile. “I don’t think I need the appointment after all.”