

Dallon was lying in bed, looking up at the ceiling. Brendon was asleep next to him. Tour had ended a few days ago, and this was the first night Brendon had fallen asleep before 4 a.m. Dallon rolled over and wrapped his arm around Brendon's waist, "I love you," he whispered quietly.
Brendon stirred but didn't wake completely. Dallon stayed like that for a few more minutes before rolling away to look at the clock, "Only 3:30?" he sighed.
When he rolled back, Brendon was looking at him, his eyes barely staying open as he blinked a few times. "Why aren't you sleeping?" he asked as he scooted close to Dallon.
"I just couldn't fall asleep. I was just gonna wait for you to wake up in the morning."
"Oh," Brendon rubbed his eyes, "Well, I'm awake now."
He moved so he was as close to Dallon as he could get and he kissed him. Dallon kissed back softly, not wanting to be rough with Brendon while he was still sleepy.
Brendon pulled away, "Love you, Dallykins," he said around a yawn.
Dallon smiled, "Love you too, Brenny."
They stayed like that for twenty minutes, until Brendon started to doze off. Dallon rocked him until he snored. Brendon curled up against Dallon and he kissed his forehead. He fell asleep soon after, snoring loudly. Brendon had a tendency to do things while he was asleep, and he flung his arms at Dallon's face until he stopped snoring. They slept peacefully after that.

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sorry this is total shit