Without You Is How I Disappear

Chapter 1

The sun was shining on my long fringe. I looked up to the sun and thinking on the day that comes to nothing. Yes, like all my other days in school it didn't came to nothing.
Usually I used to be happy because of the sun, but today I wasn't. I don't really know why, but something was wrong. I knew why, but I didn’t want to know why.
Halfway home, my cell phone started to ring. The old signal, like just, de de doe.
- Hello?
My voice sounds pretty weird, but I decided to don’t care about it.
- Hi. Where are you? It’s Edith. Your friend, if you don’t know that”
I laughed. “Of course I know you. We are going to go on a party tonight, right?”
- Yes. Are you ready? Okay it’s more than four hours left but yeah, I like to be sure”
- Ok. I’m ready. Are you happy now?
I was kind of irritated because at the same time I was talking to Edith, I was struggle with my keys to lock up the door.
- You, Edith, I don’t really have the time to talk right now...
- Okay, but i will call you before I go from home. See you.
I hang up the phone and take the first step inside the door.
- Hello, I’m home!?
No answer. But after a minute I heard something.
- Hello there? Is it you Abbie?
- Yes it’s me. Where are you?
But direct after that my mother show up in the gable.
- Where have you been? Huh?
I started to blush. I used to do that when I get embarrassed, or uncomfortable.
- I was with some friends. Just chilling.
But she knew that I was lying.
- I don’t like when you lie to me. Tell me the truth. What were you doing?
I tried to avoid her, but it didn’t work out very well.
- Abbie, I love you, please tell me what’s wrong. I can help you!
I wanted to say No you can’t, but I stopped myself and ran to my room and closed the door.
The truth was that I have be seated on schools stairs and cut myself. Yes, I cut myself in the arms and watched the blood fall. I think it looks fun. Just blood. What’s up with blood? It’s just red and... Beautiful.
When the sun goes down, it says that the life outside dies to. If it’s true, I want to die with it, sometime. But who don’t wanna’?
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Yeah, the first chapter. Please send comments about it, it's my first story in english (i'm from sweden).