What Kind of Wonderland is This?


It was like I was stuck in a twisted carnival ride.

A variety of twisting colors circled around me, hues of purples, blues and reds meshing together. They twisted, stretched, and curled in a sickening dance around me. Shapes like black, slithery, snakes coursed through the air, interweaving with the colors. They circled me like vultures. Harlequin tentacles slid in my periphery and coiled inwardly. They weaved in and out of view, coming from the inky darkness below me, teasing me, hypnotically coming towards me then drawing back into the rippling mass. It was like a never ending circus of swirls that were constantly moving, meshing together and separating again into tendrils of inky curls.

I felt carsick at all the twisted motion and closed my eyes to try and block it out. What the hell was happening? First I'm dragged in here by a fucking psycho doppelganger through a fucking funhouse mirror and now I'm watching tentacles dance a fucking mamba in front of me? What is happening?? A tendril slid across my jaw and down my back. A chill ran up my back as I gaged at the slimy feeling.

Ugh, I'm going to need so much therapy after this.

Another, thicker, tendril ran across my chest and wrapped around me, settling in. It squeezed a bit, not enough to choke me but enough to make me want to gag. I gulped as I tried to keep the last contents of my stomach down. I turned away and saw that I was being held by several of these tentacles. They were coiled around my legs, arm and back. My eyes widened as I realized that the tendrils were growing, slowly oozing forward to encompass more of me. I was being absorbed into a glob of colorful tar.

Oh my Lanta I'm going to throw up again. I closed my eyes, trying to force myself not to freak out, panic, and throw up again. Ignore it, Cassandra…don't think about how you're being eaten alive by…whatever the hell it is. Stay calm… just breathe…I felt the tightness of the coil around my chest as I tried to take a deep breath. I shuddered. Just focus on finding a way out. I looked behind me and saw only the shifting motion of tentacles. There was just darkness, like I was in a zero gravity chamber and not being pulled down a hole of doom. I would have believed I wasn't moving at all if not for the wind of the movement blowing my hair into my eyes. I looked to the sides again. All I saw was the twisted chaos spinning erratically around me.

I couldn't look at anymore. The show was making me dizzy. I looked above me, trying to ignore the performance surrounding me. There was a soft, silvery, metallic light right above me. That must be the mirror! The light glowed serenely, as if it wasn't my last hope slowly shrinking away from me. I tried to free the rest of my body to reach for it but I couldn't move it. The more I tried to free the rest of me, the tighter the tentacles squeezed me. I scratched at it, pulled at it, writhed and wiggled but nothing was working! Was there something I could grab? I looked around, twisting my neck to see through my hair.

Suddenly a tendril reached out towards me. I tried to avoid it but there was nothing I could use to move off of and I was still trapped by the other strands, dragging me farther into my personal hell. I screamed as I felt the purple mess trying to close over my mouth. I bit it and felt a reverberation. A sound shot through the air like a jet plane engine screech. Was this thing alive? Gross! The ooze slipped back through my teeth and I nearly gagged. The screech rang out again and I covered my ears. Wait, my other hand is free? The rest of the strands must have loosened after I bit the other one. The other strands tightened again but this time I grabbed one with my hands and bit down as hard as I could.

"OUCH! That little wretch! I'm going to wring her neck!"
"Can you do anything right?"
"Shut it March!"
"What's wrong rat, can't control a little girl?"
"Hatter, clam down. Cyles, March, stop irritating Doris."
"Thank you director sir!"
"Doris, get over yourself and restrain her."

The strands relaxed again. I squirmed and wiggled until I felt the strands slid back into the wall. I could feel myself falling slower now. Weird but I'll think about it later. I need the taste out of my mouth. I spit out the last of the ooze on my tongue then gasped for fresh(er) air. Disgusting. The screech came again as I saw other strands reaching for me, coming out of the ooze like purple seaweed slathered with tar. I tore at them, twisting every which way.

Then, amid the mass of the wall, I saw two bright yellow eyes. What the… A claw made out of the coils swung at me, barely missing my shoulder. I turned my head and saw something else's teeth gleaming at me. The mouth opened up into a grin as another claw caught my hair. I screamed as a lock of hair was nearly pulled from my scalp. Monsters were rising up out of the darkness and trying to kill me. Why me? I felt something sharp graze the back of my neck.

My life sucks.

"Grab her you stupid cat!"
"How about you help rat?"
"I am!"
"Yes, standing there nagging is sooooo helpful."
"Shut it Cyles!"
"All of you focus and be quiet!"
"Yes, director."
"Yes director sir"
"Yes director"
"Yes sir director sir heahahahaha!"

The monsters grinned and showed teeth that glinted at me dangerously. One creature reached towards me with its claws and grinned like a Cheshire cat. I contorted my body to just avoid it as it scratched a monster with big circular ears behind me. It screech the same sound I heard earlier and lashed at the cat with its coils. Red eyes peering out from the shadows peered at me, apparently amused as its grin stretched across its non-existent face, growing wider and wider every second. Then it lunged towards me, jaws open wide, ready to engulf me. I saw purple coil next to me and grabbed on it, pulling myself out of the way. A roar and then a growl erupted from the cat as it stared at me. The coil flicked like a tail, trying to throw me off. I was holding onto a tail. A purple tail connected somehow to the purple cat-beast in front of me. My brain hurts. I looked at it was trying to flick me to and saw it was a…bunny? A bunny? A bunny is trying to kill me.

Okay. I've gone completely insane.

The bunny leered at me with one red eye. The other eye dissolved into a hypnotic spinning colors and lines. I sat there stunned, half by the spinning, half by the fact a psychotic bunny was trying to kill me. I felt bubbles of hysteria threaten to burst out of me. I giggled as a tendril grabbed my jacket. I felt it pull me towards that maniacal grinner again. It laughed with me until I started to cry. I'm so dead no matter what. Should I even try anymore? Do I even care? As it opened its mouth to swallow me whole, I realized, yes. I care.

Quicker than I have ever moved before I pulled my arms over my head and let my sweatshirt slip off of my shoulders. I somersaulted in the air and the pushed off of the tendrils to propel myself down away from them. The grinner crashed into the evil bunny, biting its ear. The bunny growled and snapped toward the grinner, who just kept on grinning. Well at least someone is having a good time. The cat and the other one were fighting again as well. I watched as they fought amongst themselves, completely forgetting about me. It was twistedly fascinating.

I was sickened as I realized the creatures stayed pace with me even though I kept falling. This is a hundred times worse than any funhouse hell I could have ever imagined. The rest of the wall blurred as I gained speed. At least, I'm assuming I'm gaining speed. I don't even know anymore. My mental faculties have officially gone to hell here.

Then, one last monster came out from the wall. It was bigger than the others. That I could tell because the eyes were humongous. One eye was nearly as big as me! And that's just what I could see! It was just a black blob with two ice blue eyes, staring straight at me. Black claws appeared, blocking out everything else as it reached for me, its eyes freezing me right through the soul. I felt paralyzed. It was like its eyes froze my limbs so I couldn't even attempt to escape. I have to do something or I'm doomed. I felt something bubble up inside me. Then, right before it grabbed me, I stopped thinking. Instinct took control of me as I pulled back my arm and punched it right in the left pupil.

The black blob quivered as a mouth was ripped open to roar. Its roar sounded like a thousand people screaming at once, except lower. It resounded through-out the cavernous hole as all the monsters recoiled, afraid, as it snarled. It glared at me but stopped. Coming out of nowhere I heard a noise. I strained to hear it. A small tic-tick-tock noise, but it was growing in volume until it was deafening booms.


The beast turned back towards me, eyes widened. Then it turned to slits instantly and it roared again. My eyes watered and I almost screamed until I realized it wasn't coming to me. Wait, what…why..? I felt warmth on my back and looked back to see a light coming towards me. Wait I was in a tunnel? There's a way out? I will never again mock the phrase " light at the end of a tunnel" ever again! As the light closed in the roar and the ticking became more muffled until it was completely silenced as the light covered me. The light was blinding and warm but I didn't care, I was free! Free from the monsters, the sickening darkness, everything!

Through the blinding brightness I heard a sound like, birds tweeting to each other. I squinted as I tried to see. Was I home? Was I in my own bed and just dreaming all this? I put my arm up to block, I don't know, the sun I guess but it was still too bright. As the light dimmed a bit I moved my arms to see. I didn't see any birds though. All I saw was a gravel road right in front of me. I didn't even have time to gasp before I smacked into it face first and everything went dark.
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Fun fact: This scene is the background image of my stories. Drew it myself haha.