Status: New!

Stupid Cat

Meet Az

“You need a boyfriend.”
I sighed and closed my book. My best friend Kayla who stared down at me with a deadly serious expression. She managed to look threatening even with the fact since we were on a bus and I was sitting behind her, to talk to me, she had to twist her neck in an uncomfortable position. That’s talent right there.
“What?” I said confused.
“You need a boyfriend.” Kayla said flatly.
“Ugh, not this again,” I said turning back to look out the bus window. Kayla reached over the seat to smack my head. “Ow!” I yelped rubbing the spot she assaulted.
“This is why!” She said. “You have no motivation! You barely have a sense of fashion and you’re too lazy to even try to get a guy. All you do I stare out windows or read your friggan’ books!” She huffed as she twisted her neck, trying to get more comfortable to glare at me.
“I know, I know,” I waved her off. “But I already told you, I’m not interested in anyone, so why bother?”
“You’re never interested Az, that’s the problem.” I looked up at her.
“But I thought that no motivation or fashion sense was my problem.” I blinked innocently as she narrowed her eyes at my sarcasm.
“You forgot laziness,” she said as she gathered her stuff to get off.
“Oh, my bad.” I said, oozing sarcasm as best as I could.
“Remember Az,” she yelled as she stood on the steps. “Valentine's Day is in two weeks!”
“Yeah, yeah,” I grumbled as I turned back to my window. “Don’t remind me.”
Kayla’s stop was just before mine so I started to gather my stuff up as the words Valentines Day bounced around my brain. Stupid holiday I though as the bus neared my stop. I lurched as the bus skidded to a stop and proceeded to tripping down the steps as I headed home, mumbling various curses and threats you can only learn in high school. I sighed as I heard laughter, most likely aimed at my oh so graceful departure. I swear the bus driver tries to embarrass me on purpose. Walking down the street, my thoughts drifted back to what Kayla said, no matter how hard I tried to think of something else.
The truth is, I’ve never had a boyfriend. I’ve never really had a crush either unless you count second grade when I liked a cute boy until he pushed me in the sand and called me a freak.
Needless to say I didn’t like him anymore.
It’s not like I don’t like guys, I mean, if my friends want to go to the food court to spy cute guys, I’ll go along and even point some out, but it’s not like I feel anything. Unlike most girls, when I see a hot guy I don’t giggle or try to catch his eye to flirt. I’m more like Hmm, he’s hot and then I’ll focus on something else, like my book or food.
Usually food.
I kicked a pebble angrily. Like it’s my fault I’m not interested. There’s just no one I like. All the guys at school are pricks who only go for slutty girls and are perfect. Perfect.
As I was moped, I began to hear this weird meowing sound, like someone using a cat to play a cello or something. (Now that’s an interesting picture.) I looked to where it was coming from and saw this black cat with its foot caught in the gutter. It was meowing really pitifully, but I was distracted as I stared at it. It had this thick, glossy, black fur, like raven feathers, and these deep emerald eyes. I stood there stupidly for a moment before snapping out of it. It stared at me warily, like it was waiting for me to eat it or something.
I slowly walked over, trying my best to seem as non-threatening as possible. I knew that animals were dangerous if they felt threatened and I had no way of knowing if it was a stray or not (though with that well kept of fur, I doubted it was a stray). As I edged closer the cat tensed up, arching its back and letting out a warning hiss.
“Shh now.” I murmured in a low tone, trying to calm it down. “I won’t hurt you.” As odd as it sounds, it seemed to understand and it relaxed a bit, though never taking its eyes from me. I carefully wrapped my fingers around the caught leg and felt its muscles twitch. I flinched, expecting it to nip but the cat just watched as I gently tugged its foot free.
When the foot was lifted out, the cat moved around, seeming almost surprised. “Its okay, you’re free now.” I said, stroking its back slowly. It could still bite and with its foot free, for all I knew it could go kamikaze cat and launch itself at me. Don’t laugh, its happened before. (Apparently when I was playing outside, I fell on my but into a catnip patch and my friend’s cat really liked catnip. You do not want to know where I got scars from that.)
The cat looked up at me, eyeing me for a second, then it rubbed its head against my leg as if thanking me. “You’re welcome.” I said scratching it behind the ears, feeling it vibrate as it purred. It rubbed its head on my palm. I giggled as its rough tongue licked my fingers. “You’re a sweetheart aren’t you?” I said. The cat looked up at me and meowed. “Well, time for me to go,” I said, checking my watch. “Bye kitty.” I said giving the cat one last pet along its spine. Then I turned and began my walk home again.
I started to hum and then I turned back to check on the cat and curiously enough, it was following me. “Go on, you don’t need to follow me.” I said, waving my hand in the opposite direction. The cat cocked its head and meowed again. I sighed and for a second, considered taking the cat home but destroyed that thought instantly.
As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t keep the cat. My sister and I share an apartment (if you call me paying the rent and her stopping in between boyfriends ‘sharing’) and she hates cats, all pets in general actually. She claims allergies but she just hates pet hair on all of her “designer label” clothes. I turned around and started walking again. I glanced back and saw the cat, padding to my footsteps. I stopped and so did the cat. It was still following me. “Go home.” I said. Then I stopped as a thought struck me. I looked straight into the cat’s eyes. “You have a home right?” The cat rotated its ears and meowed.
“I guess that’s a no huh?” I said putting my hand down as the cat trotted up to it and purred. I absentmindedly petted it as I plotted. Well, my sister barely comes home, and when she does, she’s only at home at night. I could hide the cat in my room during then so why not take it home?
“I think it’ll work…” I said thinking out loud. “Okay then, let’s go home kitty.” I picked the cat up and began walking again, listening to the purr of the cat in harmony with my foot steps