Status: New!

Stupid Cat


After a while, I finally reached my apartment. I stood on the steps gazing up at the bland brick building I’m forced to call home. I was going over plans for getting kitty here up to my apartment. I can’t let anyone know I brought home a cat for several reasons: First it’ll increase rent for ‘pet damages’ since my landlord is a penny-pinching miser, and then there’s always the chance that someone will tell my sister who’ll freak if she hears. As funny as it sounds, my sister could scare the Devil when she freaks. I mean there are forks flung into necks when she’s mad enough.
Not. Pretty.
“Now how am I gonna get you in there?” I said looking down at the cat. He just blinked at me and purred.
I can’t really run with it in my arms, and I don’t want to choke it in my coat… I sighed blowing my bangs out of my eyes. This is way more complicated then it needs to be. “I guess we’ll just have to sneak around won’t we?” and pray that no one sees us. I groaned as I trudged up the steps. Maybe the elevators been repaired, it has been broken for months…I looked up and saw the mechanic, still working on it. Like always. I groaned. “Just my luck.” I guess we’re taking the stairs, kitty.” The cat meowed and rubbed its head against my neck. I giggled. Its whiskers tickled. Then I trudged my way toward the stairs. I was going to have to go up twelve sets of stairs. This will not be fun.
After nearly passing out several times on the way, I finally made it to my floor. Okay, I’m seriously going to start working out, my arteries can’t take this abuse. I walked towards my apartment, number 1209, and sighed. Finally. “Okay kitty,” I said placing the cat down. “Just let me get my keys and we can go inside.” The cat sat down right at my feet its tail flicking impatiently. I put my hand in the first pouch and felt along the bottom for the key. It wasn’t there.
I checked my other pouches and sighed, I couldn’t find it there either. Note to self: buy keychain… or a purse. I dumped my whole backpack onto the floor and swished my stuff around, hoping it would be easier to find. I really needed to clean out my backpack, I still had stuff from around fourth grade in there and I’m in tenth now! After about more five minutes of searching, I found the stupid key.
“Found it!” I yelled triumphantly. “Shut up!” my neighbor, Mr. O’Reilly said before slamming his door. The cat gave me a dry look. “Sorry…” I mumbled as I put it in the lock and turned, opening the door.
The door opened and the cat shot in. I watched as it immediately jumped on my couch/bed/futon thing and stretched out as if it owned the place. “Well your making yourself comfortable aren’t you?” I said, more to myself then to the cat. I shook my head then went to the fridge for a snack. Taped to the front was a note from my sister.
Out of milk.
Love Sis.
Great. Out of milk and I bring home a cat. I thought to myself. What else do they eat? The great fridge search began, as I tried to find something to feed the cat that wouldn’t kill it. It was harder than I thought since I seriously needed groceries. After digging through old salad, French fries, and my sisters ;secret’ stash of pure white chocolate (It’s the only chocolate she eats. Bizarre isn‘t it?) I finally saw some imitation crab meat, my sister’s favorite snack. Hmm risk sister’s wrath and feed it to the cat, or let the cat starve? After some mental debate, I decided she most likely wouldn’t find out before it went bad anyway. I carefully cut it up into cat-edible chunks then set it down on the counter.
The cat stirred and then walked over to the crab taking a careful bite. Obviously it liked it because then it gobbled the rest down quickly, as if it would move and run away. I laughed at the cat for a moment, enjoying the fact that I made someone happy, then I poured myself some Sprite and turned on the T.V. I flicked through a couple channels, News, and other stuff I really don’t care about until I came to some cartoons. Since we don’t have a lot of channels, this was a rare treat so I kept it on, laid back and sighed.
Finally, a break.
After the cat was done with its chow fest, it trotted over and jumped onto my lap. It nuzzled against my stomach before falling asleep. It must have been exhausted. I sighed because I knew I had homework and studying to do, but I really didn’t want to wake up the cat. I decided that I would do it later, I had study hall first period anyway. I usually slept during then since school got me up at ungodly hours but I guess I could do my homework then. I scratched the cat behind the ears, feeling its purr vibrate against me.
This will do.
Apparently I fell asleep after that, because I woke up around eight-thirty p.m. I looked around, slightly dazed, wondering what happened. Was I really that tired? It was only four-o-clock! I felt something nudge my stomach and looked down half-surprised to see a cat there.
Then I remembered that I brought it home and all. I scratched its ears and noticed finally that it had a name tag. Had that always been there? Kayla was right, I am un-observant. I sighed, blowing my bangs again. Then I carefully checked the tags. They were a shiny silver color with the name printed dead center.
“Adrian. So that’s your name.” I murmured. The cat stirred a second, then relaxed again. Dang, now I have to give it back. I thought sullenly. I realized I was really excited about keeping Adrian. Oh well, you win some, you lose some. Anyway his owner is probably really missing him. My conscience is already bothering me about this. God I am such a goody-goody.
I checked the tags again but oddly enough, there was no other information. I even flipped them over but the other side only said Male, nothing else. No phone numbers to call, no address, no rabies tag (that one worries me a little) nothing but Adrian. Adrian woke up as I messed with his tags. He blinked up at me with his big green eyes and tilted his head again. “Guess you stay here, until someone puts up posters or something Adrian.” I said petting him. He just purred.