Status: New!

Stupid Cat



I groaned as my irritating alarm blasted through the small apartment. I reached one hand out, trying to feel for the snooze button. I ran my hand across the side, randomly pushing the stupid buttons till I found the snooze button. I clicked it quickly, and then dropped my hand. As I stretched I accidently pushed the clock and the sound of it clattering onto the floor while it kept beeping did nothing for my mood. “Why God?” I moaned as I rubbed my eyes. I had stayed up waaaay to late trying to figure out what to do with Adrian, where to put his food, where to hide him when my sister Brielle comes back, and where he would sleep. He ended up sleeping on top of me though. It was very hard resisting the urge to roll over.
After hitting the snooze one more time, I turned off the alarm and took a shower. I needed it to wake me up so I put it on cold first (don’t try it at home, kids) then put it nice and warm. It felt even better after the cold water. I quickly threw on some jeans and found a clean sweatshirt I tossed on top of my tank-top. I raked the brush through my still wet and ungodly snarly hair trying to bite through the pain.
This is how most of my mornings work. I realize that if I got up a bit earlier I could have a more relaxed and enjoyable morning but honestly, I’m just too lazy. I glanced in the mirror, yawned then went into the kitchen to scrounge for breakfast. I was rummaging through the fridge when I looked up and saw a big black furry thing and screamed.
Adrian jumped too and looked very perturbed that I startled him. “Sorry…” I murmured as I stroked his back to help him relax. I felt like an idiot. How could I forget I now had a cat, especially when I saw him not even twenty minutes ago? I petted him as an apology then gave him the rest of the crab meat chunks for his breakfast. For my breakfast, I cooked myself up some scrambled eggs and crispy bacon miraculously discovered in the dark recesses of my fridge. I bet Brielle was hoarding them there for herself. She claims that she’s on a diet but she steals my chocolate and now is trying to hide food from me? Selfish wench.
After wolfing down my eggs, I warned Adrian about my sister. “If a woman with way too much make-up and too little clothing comes in here, run as fast as you can and hide in the closet.” I said shaking my finger at him sternly. “Especially if she’s yelling for Aislain or in other words, me.” Adrian meowed once and, I don’t know if I’m delusional from sleep deprivation or not, but I swear he nodded or something.
So after I gave him some other rules, I realized I was talking to cat and needed to leave now. I grabbed my bag then realized how much homework I had. Thank god for study Hall I said as I grabbed the apartment key. I threw it in my bag forgetting how much pain I would have to go through to get that out. When I remembered I slapped my forehead then ran out the door.“Bye Adrian, see you after school!” I called out as I ran towards the stairs. I needed to get to the bus stop before the bus. I’m fairly certain that the bus driver hates me so it’s a daily battle between us to race to the bus stop first. Because I was so focused on this, I practically ran down an old person coming up the stairs. She was mad and hit me with her purse a couple times before she realized I was apologizing and went on her merry way. I rubbed the side of my face her leather purse hit as I raced down the rest of the stairs and sprinted the rest of the way to the bus stop. This may have been the most irritating routine ever, but it sure kept me fit.
Right as my bus drove away.
Lucky me, I’m walking today.
As I crawled in panting and late to my first period study hall, I felt an instant chill, like the school hell I was in just froze over. Kayla, who shares most of my classes, was sitting there fuming. I had no idea what I’d done so I slipped to the desk closest to the door just incase I needed an escape. I also pulled out my math book since it was next period and the whole Adrian thing took my homework time and tried to look inconspicuous. It failed.
“Where were you?” Kayla said sliding into the seat in front of me. I wrote down one of my answers, before saying “I missed the bus.” I could just feel the glare emanating from her. Oh crap. “No duh.” She said rolling her eyes. “I need you to tell me what our homework is in English! If I don’t have it Ms. Laraby will totally fail me.” That was it? That’s what she was pissed about. Wow, I sighed. Same old, same old, I thought as I forked over my homework. Then I smiled. At least now, I thought, I have something to look forward to at home.