Status: New!

Stupid Cat


The rest of the day flew by fast, for once. My teachers decided that we “deserved a break” so we got barely any homework (I suspect a quiz soon. They were nice…..too nice.). Sadly other than that, my day pretty much sucked… The whole day I had to dodge Kayla’s stupid lectures on my ‘not-being-girlfriend’ material. Though no matter how hard I tried I couldn‘t escape from her at lunch.
You ever try to eat pizza while someone’s telling you what’s wrong with the way you show off your body shape? It’s pretty hard….and awkward since the table of guy next to us kept staring at me each time she yelled about my ‘chest area’.
As if that wasn’t enough, I had to feel her icy glare the whole bus ride. I’m beginning to think that her face is stuck that way when guys aren’t around.
As soon as my stop came, I couldn’t wait to see Adrian so bad that I almost rocketed off the bus. I actually didn’t trip on the bus this time. After that, I sprinted the rest of the way home. It was gonna feel so nice to come home to someone waiting for me! Maybe after I play with him, I can go to the store and buy some food for him. Actually I need to do that, but I’m bringing him with since I heard cats are super picky. I don’t want to get him something he won’t eat. This is so exciting! I thought laughing out-loud. I jumped a couple time as I ran, feeling stupid but too hyper to care.
I laughed giddily as I raced to my apartment. I ran up the steps, which although I was filled with energy they still drained me to the point of gasping.
Okay, note to self: Don’t sprint home when you a billion fricken’ stairs waiting for you.
As I crawled/dragged to my apartment door, I started digging through my backpack for my key. I actually found the key relatively soon. Today’s luckier then normal. I thought. Must be because of Adrian. He’s my good-luck charm. I giggled to myself. I just clicked my key and called out “I’m back Adrian!” and waltzed through the door and into the living room.
I stopped and felt my jaw drop. Right there in front of me, was a tall, (extremely hot) shirtless guy sitting on my couch/bed. Yup, shirtless. All he had on were some tight jeans. He had shaggy black hair that was styled in that messy yet attractive way. Very attractive. As he turned to look at me and I was sucked into his strangely familiar emerald green eyes. He grinned as he saw me. A very sexy grin I might add. “Hello there,” he murmured as he came towards me. I stepped back, nearly tripping over my legs, and feeling like my face was on fire. It probably looked it too. “I-I’m s-sorry, I-I-I-I must have the wrong room number!!” I stuttered and raced out.
Oh… God. I thought as I slumped to the floor. I slapped my forehead as I realized how stupid I had just been. I had just walked into a new (not to mention sexy) neighbor….and looked completely dorky. What a wonderful first impression. I glanced up at the apartment number and stared.
My apartment.
So….who was that?
I walked back inside, cautiously and almost ran back out. There, only two feet in front of me was mystery guy, leaning against the wall arching, an eyebrow and grinning at me. “Welcome back,” He said. He looked like he had to keep from laughing. “Yeah…um..,” I stalled, glancing down as my face burned again. I tried to think of a nonchalant way to get him to tell me who he was, after a minute of an awkward silence I finally blurted out, “Who are you?” Mystery guy laughed a deep chuckle. Oh very tactful. I thought dryly, resisting the impulse to slap myself. This is why I don’t have a boyfriend.
“My name is Adrian, love.” He said looking at me. Did he say love? I gawked at him, stuck on the ‘love’ part till my brain snapped into place again. “Adrian?” I repeated dumbly. I’ve heard that name before… the cat! “I f-found a cat name Adrian.” I stuttered, tripping over syllables, “A-are y-you Adrian’s owner?”
“His owner?” He purred his grin turning into a smirk. I shuddered at his silky voice. There go my knees. “No, I’m not.” He said watching me thoroughly amused. Now I went blank. There’s a random guy in my apartment, he’s not here for Adrian, he’s sure not from my school, where did he come from and why is he here? Then it came to me. “Oh you must be my sister’s new boyfriend!” I said sighing as I relaxed as I walked to the kitchen. Adrian followed me. “Your sister?” he said as I scrounged in the fridge for something to give to him only finding old salad which was most likely toxic (food close to expiration dates are a bargain….and all I can afford.) and fruit roll-ups. Man, I really need to go shopping. “Yeah, Brielle is my sister. Bet she didn’t say that huh?”
“Brielle?” He cocked his head at me.
I looked at him. “Yeah…didn’t she say her name?” I said getting nervous again. My sister does many things but she usually tells the “man of her dreams” her name. Thinks it makes her seem cultured. “I’m not here for Brielle.” Adrian said coming up close. He grabbed my chin tilting up towards him. My eyes widened in shock. What is going on here?
“I’m here for you Aislin.”