Status: New!

Stupid Cat

Prissy Cat

“You’re cute when you’re embarrassed, you know that?” Adrian said grinning down at me as he leaned on my countertop.
At that “I’m here for you” comment, my knees had given out and I crashed into the wooden chair behind me. And, try as I might to keep my balance, I tipped over on the chair and hit the wall behind me….which gave me a headache. I tried glaring at him as I tripped over the chair getting up. It accomplished nothing except sending him into laughter. Is it wrong to hope he would choke?
“WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?!?” I yelled at this smirking jerk in my house. Who does he even think he is? He rolled his eyes at me.
“Oh calm down. I was just having some fun.”
“CALM DOWN?!!?!? I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHO THE HELL YOU ARE!!!” Yes, I have a tendency to freak out. Actually, I was fuming. Something about this guy really got to me. He just kept sitting there, lounging on my counter.
“Why are you even here?” I growled, trying to keep my temper under control. He raised an eyebrow at me in a very condescending way. It didn’t help my mood and it took that much more effort to resist strangling that uppity attitude out of him.
“Tch, you’re the one who brought me here.” He said still rolling his eyes.
“What? I don’t remember inviting and irritatingly smug, flirty stranger in here.” I tried to sneer. He just started laughing at me.
“Is that what’s bugging you sweetheart? The flirting?” He was guffawing now, like it was ridiculous to be embarrassed by that. I flushed again and tried to think of something insulting but drew a blank. I would probably think of something later too. I need more practicing being mean dammit.
After he was done, he jumped down lithely from my counter top. I was convinced he was showing off, my counter is like, not even five feet from the ground. A second grader could see over it. What’s to jump off? I was momentarily distracted from my condescending thoughts when he slinked up to me, putting his arm across my shoulders and laid his head in the crock of my neck. I blushed again as he spoke, his breath tickling my neck.
“Relax about the flirting thing, sweetheart.” He said, still laughing a bit but trying to hold it back. “I’m just having some innocent fun. Like I said, your cute embarrassed.” He yawned and pulled off me, walking towards my couch as I tried to retort but tripped over my tongue and just stuttered stuff even I didn’t understand so I just followed him and glared as he made himself comfortable on my couch. He glanced up at me trying to be threatening and grinned.
“Besides, it’s not like I’d actually go for a human girl anyway.” He said as he flipped on my TV.
“‘Go for a human’? What’s that supposed…to mean.” I stopped short as I remembered how familiar his eyes were. He looked me straight in the eye and grinned again. Then I knew.
“No.” I said flatly. My brain wasn’t really processing this and I turned around as I started to talk to myself. “No, it’s just not possible.” I shook my head and rubbed my skull. It’s just because of when I hit my head on the wall, or when I tripped on those godforsaken steps. J-just kick him out and you’ll be fine. I turned around and I swear all the air just got sucked out of my lungs.
Right there where Adrian just was, sitting there almost grinning at me was a jet-black cat with emerald eyes.
“Mrawo,” said Adrian the cat.
Then I fainted.

When I woke up, I was on the couch with a wet towel on my forehead with a huge headache. I sat up and groaned, rubbing my temples. That was the craziest daydream ever. “I really need to be around people more.” I muttered to myself as I turned on the TV.
I jumped up and there, on my wooden chair, watching me, was Adrian himself (In human form). I moaned as my head throbbed and my vision clouded. I sat down and decided 1) that I was going insane and 2) this crazy fantasy was not worth the pain. I heard Adrian move around and then felt him grab the washcloth from me and I was forced to look up into his emerald eyes. He looked concerned and my face threatened to heat up again. He snorted.
“Are all humans this jumpy?” He dropped the cloth on my face. Well that moment was ruined. I shook my head, flinging the cloth off my face and I smirked at him.
“Nah, you’re just lucky.” I threw the washcloth at him, making him snort as it hit him in the face and causing me to smile. I don’t have good aim so when I hit him, it really made me happy. I sighed contentedly as I nuzzled more comfortably into the couch. I looked over at Adrian who was watching me, with his head cocked as if he were studying an animal that wasn’t reacting the way he thought it should have.
“You’re mighty calm.” He commented lazily. I laughed.
“This is how I usually am. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t freak out to much. You,” I said staring right at him. “Caught me off guard which is why I reacted like that.”
“Really, and here I thought you reacted so well.” He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. I glared at him. “Not every cat I bring home turns into an obnoxious person. I’m was surprised.” He glared at me and huffed a bit.
“I’m hungry.” He stared right at me.
“Good to know.” I said breezily. I kept flipping channels until I felt his stare at me. I turned around and feigned surprise. “Oh you mean me?” He nodded. “Want do you want me to do about it? You have hands now, make yourself something.” He bristled, insulted and tried to stare me down. I stared right back and inside my head I maniacally laughed. Eat it you prissy cat. I’ve faced stare downs with my crabby sister, in the morning, and that is an accomplishment. He looked away and my head-laughter became triumphant.
“I don’t know how.” He said sheepishly. I stared at him.
“What?” I said incredulously. “How could you not?”
He glared at me but I could see a blush rising. I resisted a smirk. “This is my first time in the human realm.” I finally remembered that he said he wouldn’t date a human, which meant that he most likely wasn’t a human either. I stared at him.
“What are you, really?” He glanced over at me and smirked.
“Why, a demon of course.”