Status: New!

Stupid Cat

Demonic Confession

My brain was fizzling out. A…demon…?
My god, what did the lunch ladies put in my milk?
“You can’t be serious,” I said as I felt my face twitch. A demon…in my house. Not possible.
“How do explain my shifting then?” Adrian said as he lounged on my chair like it was a throne. I resisted the urge to kick him off my furniture and focused on speeding my blank mind along. I struggled to think of a reason, other than the school’s help conspiring to drug me or him being otherworldly. I opened my mouth and tried to speak but I found that I couldn’t. Words couldn’t form and I just gushed out hot air. I felt my headache more strongly than before and left to go to the bathroom.
First get Advil, then try to explain disturbing demon/child/omen creature in my living room.

After taking a couple pills and splashing myself with water to completely prove I wasn’t still somehow dreaming and the stray cat I picked up was actually a cat, I sat in my bathroom trying to figure things out. Let’s say, hypothetically of course, he actually was a demon.
First of all that means there is a demon in my house, which probably isn’t the best omen in the world. I don’t want to have an eternally damned creature as a houseguest, or anywhere near me for that matter. And that little fact he can change shapes is frightening. If he is a demon, he might be able to change into some freaky stuff. I already know he can change to a black cat. A black cat demon is not a good luck beacon and karma hates me as it is already.
Of course, there’s a flipside also. I could finally be going insane and he is already cuckoo-for-cocoa-puffs and needs some major medical attention. If he’s crazy enough to believe he’s a demon, he could probably do something demonic to prove it. If I try to throw him out and he doesn’t like it, he could do something to me. I don’t even know what he’s capable of! I don’t want to get involved or anything!
Besides, he hasn’t hurt me yet so I don’t even have a sound reason to throw him out…except of course the fact that he’s a demon…because everyone will believe that right? I sighed, leaning my head against the wall. If he is insane, it’d probably be better to just go along with it then fight him about it just in case…
He’s either a demon or incredibly insane.
Either way I’m screwed.
Why? I thought, banging my head against the wall slowly. Why me? I heard the door creak open and turned to see Adrian there with an eyebrow raised.
“Should I be worried…?” he said resisting the urge to laugh again. My face heated up again and I scrambled to say something to get him out…to get him away and stop him from looking at me.
“GOD! Can’t a girl get privacy in a bathroom?! PERVERT!!” I yelled slamming the door in his face. I sat against the door breathing hard and blushing furiously. Where did that come from? After a few minutes, when I sucked in air and regained some form of composure, I walked out like nothing happened. I faked surprise when I saw Adrian on the floor holding his nose. He glared at me as I blinked at him innocently.
“What happened to your face?” I asked sweetly. His eyes narrowed as he sat up, still glaring at me but a little more warily. That, kiddies, is why you don’t open the bathroom when someone’s in there.
I grabbed the nearest chair and sat backwards facing Adrian. I leaned my chin on the top of the backrest and peered down at him. I looked him over carefully then looked right as his face. He met my eyes. He looked normal enough…
“So…let’s say you are a demon…” I said slowly still watching him. He snorted irritated. I kept talking ignoring this. He can believe whatever he wants. “What are you doing here, since you apparently have this whole other realm, and all.” I said waving my hands and arms around in the air making it clear I didn’t believe a word of it. He glared menacingly.
“First of all, I am a demon.” He said practically growling while never breaking eye contact with me. I stared right back at him, refusing to be intimidated. “Second, the whole reason I’m here is because some demon bastard from a lower class dared to steal something from my family and I was chosen to get it back. I was searching for him when you picked me up and brought me here.” He snarled while mentioned the theft. I leaned a little further away. He glanced at me. “I’m an expert tracker in my realm.” He said smirking at me. Was I supposed to be impressed?
“You mean you were tracking when you got your foot stuck in a sewer drain?” I said flatly, barely trying to conceal a smirk. His eye twitched as the smirk was wiped from his face.
Aislain: 2
Adrian: 0
“Wait, classes? Do you mean like rich and poor or what?” I said as I stared at him. I doubted he meant school classes but my brain was still aching. Note to self: Don’t bang head on wall when you’re trying to get rid of a headache. Adrian glanced at me smirking condescendingly. I swear, if he keeps looking at me like that I’m gonna carve out his eyes with a spork.
“I guess I’ll have to explain it slowly for you.” I resisted the urge to punch him as he cleared his throat.
“There are many realms of demons and the family that lives in mine are shifters. There are various levels of classes, and there based on power not wealth. Pure full bred shifters, like me, are at the top of the class. We control the realm because we are the strongest. We can completely change every aspect of us into something else. Voice, form, species you name it, we can twist it too whatever we want. We tend to have a certain species that we stick with, like mine felines, but we can shift into other creatures as well. “Then below us are the lesser shifters who can only shift their features and shapes slightly. They’re bloods diluted from other demons from other families so they can’t change into other creatures completely. They are useful in certain things like they’re usually the ones who cause bad luck in this realm. They don’t have a certain species that they use though.
“Then there are shadows who are lowest. They can only move into shadows or turn into a shadow. If you see strange shadows it’s usually them. They’re the people who scare little children by acting like the ‘boogeyman.’” He snorted as if it were below him to even think about it but then his face darkened. “It was from their family that our object was taken.”
I watched him and said “So how did whoever get the thing then?” He looked at me confused. “What?” he said agitated. I sighed. “You said someone stole from your family right?” he nodded looking pissed off again. “Well, how did they if you’re highest up there and all?”
“I don’t know!” he yelled frustrated. “He changed into a vapor or something to avoid the cameras. I don’t know how but he somehow got passed the guards and grabbed it. Then he ran here to your realm. I was chosen to come here since I’m a tracker and I’m first born in the family who was holding the object. I’ve tracked him so far to this town, now I just have to pinpoint him.” He got this intense determined look on his face. He was dead serious about this. Crazy or not he’s on a mission and he is dangerous. I watched him warily.
“So, what are you waiting for?” I asked. “Don’t you have to find him? Aren’t you, like, losing time or something?”
He looked at me. “I can sense that he’s still here. Besides, this isn’t a big town you know. It won’t take forever to find him. I just wanted a rest for a bit. I will need a place to stay as well while I’m hunting…” he said looking up at me. Uh oh.
“Oh no, you’re not staying here!” I said getting up and I began to rush off to the kitchen. I swung around the corner with Adrian right behind me. He jumped on the counter and pinned me to the wall. He looked right at me. “Why not?” he demanded.
“I already have enough trouble to deal with!” I said trying to avoid eye contact. I tried to squirm away but he grabbed me, pulling me close.
“Like what? He asked into my ear.
“L-like school, a-and my job and Brielle!!” I stuttered, barely getting the words out. He rubbed his cheek against mine making me stiffen up. No fair using his charms to get to me! I kept struggling but it didn’t do anything.
“Just for awhile….” he murmured as he leaned against me. I got a chill up my spine. “Besides, you’re the one who brought me here.”
Dammit, he got me.
“Fine!” I said shrilly. “You can stay, just let go!” He dropped me and I scurried off to the bathroom, slamming the door shut. This time I locked it and sat down on the top of the toilet seat. I was trying to get my heartbeat back to normal when I heard Adrian still laughing, call out to me, “You don’t have much experience with guys do you?” I didn’t answer just leaned against the wall. Gee, was it that obvious? God I was so embarrassed.
“Oh little spazz~” I heard him call out in a sing-song voice. “Where are you~?” I heard him walk past the door and stop. “Ah ha.” He jiggled the door knob. “You locked it?” he said incredulously. I smirked.
“Well with perverts like you around, a girl like me has to be protected.” He snorted and I heard a click and then the door swung open. I stared at him in shock as he grinned down at me. “What, you thought a first class demon like me couldn’t open a measly lock?”
I was about to make a retort when I heard a horrible noise.
“Az~ I’m home!”