Status: New!

Stupid Cat


It was her- the high pitched voice of doom herself.
Since when does she come home during the day?? I glanced over at Adrian who was looking as high and mighty as usual, not even slightly afraid of my sister as he should be. I rubbed my temples as I tried to think clearly. Now, how am I gonna explain having a demon cat-boy in our apartment? As I looked over at him I realized he still didn’t have a shirt on. I blushed furiously. How did I not notice this the whole time he was here?
“What the hell Adrian!?” I hissed at him, throwing a towel at him. He looked surprised at the towel that was launched at his face (ha, point for me). He narrowed his eyes at me, irritated.
“Where is your shirt?” I said pointing at his apparently-bare-through-everything chest. He glanced down then back at me.
“I didn’t bring one.” He shrugged. I felt my blood pressure rise.
“You brought pants but not a shirt?!” I whispered angrily, waving my arms around. What kind of thinking is that? He smirked at me. What was there to smile about?
”These aren’t my pants.” He said matter-of-factly as he leaned against the wall. I stared at him dumb-founded. You’ve got to be kidding me...
“I found these in the closet when you were away.”
“Couldn’t you find a shirt?!” I choked, breathless from trying to yell quietly.
“I didn’t like any in there.” He said haughtily. I’m gonna smother that uppity little...
I was about to yell at him more when I heard Brielle call out for me and her footsteps grow closer. I quickly yelled out “I’m in the bathroom!” as I shoved him into the bathroom with me. Adrian stared at me as I locked the door and turned on the faucet. His body started shaking and I realized he was trying not to laugh. I hissed at him to shut up as I threw more towels at him.
I heard Brielle’s high heels outside the door suddenly and froze. She was not coming in here was she? She knocked on the door.
“Hey, do we have crab meat still?” She asked. I sighed as I thought for a second before I stammered out. “Uh, no. I threw it out…”
“Whhhhhhhy? I’m huuuungry!” She whined. I sighed extremely irritated. “That’s lovely but it was expired.” I said sarcastically. She huffed and went back to the kitchen, and I’m assuming the fridge, to scavenge for more food she and her diet deems edible. I heard choking noises and looked down realizing I was still smothering Adrian. I let off the pressure and watched as he gasped for air. He glared up at me.
“Are you trying to kill me?!” he hissed angrily.
“If I was trying to kill you, trust me, you’d be dead.” I hissed back, returning his glare. “The only reason I did that was because you were gonna laugh! You could have giving yourself away!” He pouted at me and flipped the hair out of his eyes as he muttered curses against me. I rolled my eyes. I’m done with this.
“Either go cat and hide in the closet or find a shirt.” I said flatly. He gave me a haughty look.
“What if I don’t?” he said, irritated at being commanded.
“I’ll kick you outside and leave you there.” He blinked at me surprised at the threat. Hey, just because he could twist words to confuse me mean he can walk all over me.
“But it’s gonna rain….” He gave me a puppy-eyed, pity-me face and I stared down at him trying to ignore the question of how he could know the weather. I’m immune to that puppy dog face crap.
“That’ll be your problem won’t it?” I said off-handedly as a smirk crossed my face.
I win.
He glared darkly at me before conceding. “Fine.” Then he slipped into a cat. I victory danced in my head. One more point for Az! I looked down at cat-Adrian. Okay, now I’m in here with a cat with pants on…I looked down at Adrian who looked at me sullenly. I slowly opened the door as he picked up the pants in his mouth.
“I’ll distract Brielle as you head to the closet.” I said cautiously going out when I heard Brielle.
I bit my lip as I resisted the urge to explain the concept of eating to her.
“Nope. You’re the only one who likes white chocolate, remember?” I said as I saw Adrian sprint over to the closet. Somehow he closed the door and I heard a little rustling so I quickly went over to the kitchen, seeing Brielle’s barely covered mini-skirted butt sticking out. Nice.
Brielle’s face was still in the fridge and she didn’t acknowledge me coming in and shouted out “Well, what happened to it then?!” She turned and glared at me. Her blonde curls framed her face perfectly and she would have been really pretty if she hadn’t caked on rouge, lipstick and sea foam green eye-shadow. I sighed. When she came home looking for her chocolate it meant she struck out and I was going to have to listen to her rag on the guy and scream about my faults and how she could see me being dumped but not her then pointing out how pathetic I was to have never dated.
Family fun, right?
Though at least I didn’t parade in a belt for a skirt and a three sizes too tight shirt that was practically ripping at the seams to get a guy like someone. She was still waiting for my answer so I shrugged then pretended to have an epiphany. “Maybe a burglar came in when I was a school and ate some.” I said innocently, resisting the urge to laugh as she got a well-known fear look on her face. “You think a burglar would come in the daylight?” she said as she glanced around as if a big baddy would jump out from our fridge.
My sister is incredibly paranoid of burglars and having things stolen from her. Once when she thought a burglar was coming in she grabbed a bat and hid behind the couch, crying her eyes out for me to do something. Then the door opened and it turned out that dad just was giving us mail that was still being delivered to his house. I use to mess with her head by taking little things like earrings and hiding them under my bed when she made fun of me. It was fun watching her freak out until I came up with them, claiming I found them where she left them. Bwhahaha.
I was still smiling over the memory when I realized Brielle had stopped her bitching and was glaring at me.
“What?” I said confused. She sighed and rolled her eyes irritably, like she had to deal with a little kid who wasn’t listening which she had no right to do. That was only half true.
“I said go get groceries!” she said before lying out on the couch, in a way that reminded me of Adrian. I glanced at the closet and it was dark and still. Guess he decided to hide in there as a cat then.
I jolted and stared at Brielle. She was staring at me like she couldn’t believe I would dare to ignore her, proof that she doesn’t know me that well. I sighed and decided to play along, mostly because her voice is so high when she yells she breaks the sound barrier and I’d rather not hear that again.
“Why do I have to?!” I whined back.
“Because I’m tired, had a bad day and I’m older then you and say so.” She smirked, acting like her reasons were so brilliant I couldn’t counter them. Usually I would fight back, using the whole ‘you-are-older-so-act-like-it’ thing. Actually though, usually end up doing it anyway cause she just keeps whining and giving me a migraine and she’ll be ‘too tired’ (lazy) too, so I decided to let her have one victory.
“Fine.” Brielle raised an eyebrow and grinned. Ugh, she‘s gonna lord this over me, I can feel it. I grabbed my purse, (she makes me use my money to pay for everything, even the electric bills the moocher) and my coat, and slipped on my shoes. “Bye, Bri.” I called out as I grabbed the keys. I forgot them once and had to wait for maintenance to unlock it for me since Brielle ‘fell asleep’. (actually, she locked me out on purpose because I replaced her fake-tan with glue and she was stuck to the couch for an hour before she cut out the cushion which stuck, fluffing and all, to her butt.)
“Hope no burglars come while I’m gone…..” I laughed as I quickly ran out, dodging the shoe she threw at me. Muwahaha, chalk up another point for me!