

I was twirling around and round, the haunting song of the musician’s spinning me faster, propelling me with the tempo. It was waltz but it was none I could remember. I could feel the steps before told, anticipating each step as if I memorized this dance many times over. Then, I couldn’t feel the floor anymore. It was like I was floating, twirling in air. The other dancers spun around me, light as feathers. They were so beautiful, moving in perfect symmetry with each other. Suddenly someone took my hand. I gasped as the person- no, man- spun me around to put me in position as the partners. I glanced up and felt my body freeze as the man’s eyes glowed into mine. The red hue captured me and hypnotized as I silently stayed in step as he whirled me around. The man smiled at me and I felt a chill of excitement run up my spine. We spun until the waltz came to an end. I stepped back to bow. I felt my heart thump in my chest as the man reached to take my hand again when suddenly a new hand grasped mine pulling me from my partner. I looked up into dark stormy eyes. I tried to open my mouth to scream when I realized I couldn’t. Then, I started to try to breathe when I realized, that too was impossible.

Then, I began to fall