10 beginning hooks for story's

10 beginning hooks for story's

They're coming to get us. I know they are but no one believes me.

Blood encrusted rusting meat hooks swinging from the sagging ceiling.

Pasty white faces, bulging red noses, scarlet smiles squeaky over-sized shoes. The clowns are coming.

Torn flesh shattered bones. Bleeding heart, punctured lungs, blistered skin, blood shot sunk-in eyes.

The worlds going to end today but I'm having a hard time caring. In fact I don't give a fuck.

Dear everyone: I'm writing this as a confession and as a goodbye.

Death is a friend of mine. Killers see all. Can I Mother please? I like cats. Turkey pudding. Blood salad. Festering wounds are so likable.

It's all my fault. "If it wasn't for you they'd still be alive".

I was born in this hell but I refuse to die in it.

This is the place where dreams die and nightmares are born.