Status: Finished

To Die For

Waking Up

God, Cain was a little rough with that last wrestling match. My side is killing me. Wait where am I.

"Ah shit, that wasn't a dream," Ares said as she opened her eyes.

"Nice to see you too Ms. Suna," a man in a white robe said to her.

"By that comment, I'm guessing I've been out of it awhile," Ares replied, still trying to get her bearings.

"Oh, only three days," the doctor replied.

"Three days?" Ares said raising an eyebrow, "You're telling me I've been out of it three fucking days for a simple bullet wound? WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP SOONER?"

"Easy Ms. Suna. We couldn't risk waking you, we had to let you wake up naturally due to the anesthetic we gave you when we removed the bullet."

"Anesthetic. Are you serious? Who the fuck uses anesthetics anymore? I was already out of it, I wouldn't have given a damn if you ran me over with a 100-ton armored tank," Ares replied closing her eyes.

"Be that as it may Ari, most people don't feel that way. They have to assume everyone is a wimp who can't handle a bullet like you can. Thanks Doc, I'll watch out for her for awhile," Cain said walking into the room.

"Thanks Cain," the doctor said, leaving the room.

"You let me sleep for three days?" Ares asked turning to Cain and opening her eyes.

"You took a bullet, I thought you could do with the rest," Cain told her.

"Why would I need the rest? I'm not a wuss, I-"

"Ares. You. Are. An. Idiot." Cain glowered at her. "You think I don't know you're not a wuss? You moved five feet in less than the time it took for him to fire the trigger and took a bullet for me. I know you're not a wuss, but WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING? You could have died Ari. Why would you-"

"So could you," she returned quietly. "You would have died Cain, and I wasn't going to let that happen. You know me. I have no sense of self-preservation and even if I did, my friends are far more important than I am anyway," she finished giving him a devil-may-care smile.

"Idiot," Cain said turning to walk out, "And Ari," he said pausing before the door, "If you ever get hurt trying to save me again, I will slit the person who hurt you's throat and then double what they did to you to myself. I'm not a wuss either, and I'll take my own punishments for whatever I deserve them for. I won't have you hurt on my behalf again,"he said walking out of the room.

Dammit. I wanted him to find me some pudding
♠ ♠ ♠
So the first line and the last line are Ares's thoughts. I couldn't really think of a way to really make that obvious. I couldn't find how to italicize them, so I suppose it'll do for now.