Maybe Again.

Part Three

As she walked in the door of her house she got a text from her friend, Krystal, saying "hey are u still up to go to that party with me?" and she thought to herself "well im pretty down but maybe it'll put my spirits back up" so she texted her back saying "yeah." Then she went to her bedroom and got a denim mini skirt and a black halter top and jumped in the shower. Then straightened her hair and put her make-up on. It was 9 o' clock and krystal came driving up and she jumped in her car and before she knew it they were there.

There were tons of people there, all the guys were yelling and drinking and the girls were just standing around talking. As they walked in, they both kinda went our seperate ways. One of cheyanee's guy friends, james, walked over to her and they started talking but she didnt tell him wut had happen cuz even though he never said it she knew he always had a thing for her. She drank some but not to much cuz she knew that she would get trashed fast and that was not good cuz she couldnt walk when ishe was trashed. After a while her and crystal met back up. Crystal was really wasted and didnt wanna leave plus she had a place to stay, which made cheyanee feel pretty uneasy cuz she didnt wanna leave her cuz what if something happened but crystal reassured her.

So james gave her a ride home but on the ride home he tried feeling her up and all that. She was so scared that he was gonna try to rape her cuz she had been there done that. Finally they got to her house and she walked inside really fast. She tried to be quiet so she wouldnt wake her parents even though he wouldnt care as long as she hadnt been driving but the damn dog was barking but no one woke up. She went straight up to her room and changed into her pjs and laid down. She laid there for an hour, thinkin about brandon and that whole deal.

The next day she woke up with like 5 text on her phone from krystal........