Maybe Again.

Part Four

When I opened my phone, I saw that i had like 5 text from Krystal. Two of them said "we need to talk asap!" and the others said "are u up yet????" I was so scared when I read them, I didnt know what to think. I called her and she said "she was gonna come over." She finally got here and we went up to my room, as we walked up to my room i could feel heartbreak coming.

We sat on my bed, she said "i was raped." I didnt even ask for details. We just sat there and hugged and cried. I cried because I felt as if I wouldnt of left her there then maybe it wouldn't have happened but i never told her that.

As we walked into the police station, i could feel how scared she was so i took her hand. I asked "can we talk to a police officer?", the office lady said "yes take a seat and chief johnson will be with you shortly." After an 30 mins of waiting, he finally came out to lobby where we were waiting. And took Krystal into his office, later on i went in. I told him that "i had been there earlier but she reassured she would be ok and that i had to get home to my son so i went back to my place. And thats all i know. " He said "he would be in contact withme if he had anymore questions."

After that i took krystal to the hospital to get a rape kit done. I stayed in the room with her so she wouldnt be so scared. The doctor came in and said "i need u to change into this gown, then we will do a pap and a few other test to check for sperm or any dna," the doctor left and came back within 5 minutes. Then she said "ok i need u to open ur legs and skoot down. this may hurt a little since it looks like u have been torn" After she checked her she said "it looked like there was evidence of a rape," then the police took some pictures of her where she had bruises. I still couldnt believe this had happened. After that I took her home and I went home hoping for the best.

When I got home i got a call from Brandon. As the phone rang, I could feel my heart drop into the bottom and my stomache hoping it was him even though i shouldnt hope that. I answered:

Me: hello

Him: chayenne?

me : yeah wut?

him : how have u been?

me : fine

him : so have u thought about what we talked about.

Me : kinda, but ive been a lilttle busy

me : hold on

"ok cheyanee," i said to myself, "just give him one more chance and if it dont work u know it wasnt meant to be"

Me : hello

him : yeah

me : ok so ill give you one more chance and if it dont work then we arent meant to be.

him : ok! i love you so u wanna have dinner tomorrow night?

me : yeah but we are starting all over so it wont be an instant touchy feely type deal?

him : ok ill pick you up at 6 pm.

me : ok bye.

him : bye.