Maybe Again.

Part Six

I dont know really.............

well tonight u can stay at my house if u want??

yeah thats fine.

but we have to be quit cuz rylan is sleeping (btw rylan is my son)

ok ill be quiet as a mouse

ok lets go.

on our walk home thoughts just raced through my head of how we were never gonna be able to go out during the day or how he was gonna deal with this or if he could maybe be turned back into a human.

we finally got home quietly creeped up the stairs and i told him where my room was. i went and checked on rylan to make sure he was ok and comfy. When i got back to my room he was already asleep. :) so i just laid down with him and eventually fell asleep. when i woke up i noticed something wasnt right with brandon. He kinda looked like he was.....DEAD. but no that couldnt be we just decided to work things out.

I checked his pulse and tried waking him up. but no luck. he had died through the night as we were in each others arms.......

I called the cops and told them what happened. they came over and so did the coronor. i couldnt believe this happened. all i did was cry but i had to keep it together since i did have my son i had to take care of.

A week later i found out that he had no medical reason for passing. they said he just died in his sleep. the day after that was his funderal. A lot of ppl came and everyone cried. He was a really sweet guy and kind hearted, always trying to help everyone out no matter what i took. He would give the shirt off his back to help someone out. But that was one of the hardest days of my life.

How would i explain to rylan that his dad had died and that he was a vampire.