Status: Rewriting

Chemicals, Romance, and Coffee

I feel like a stalker

Lyn-z’s POV

“Thanks, I had fun.” Gerard and I just got back to my house from the park. Right now we are standing on my porch. It was 5:30 PM, we hung out all day! I’m really tired, but I’m not complaining. I really like Gerard he’s so sweet, I don’t understand why anyone would wanna hurt him.
Anytime, it was fun. We should do this more often.” He replied. And I gave him a smile. I was about to turn away, then he grabbed my wrists and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I could smell the coffee and nicotine on him. We stayed like that for a while, just hugging. Then he pulled away. “Bye.”

I was in my dull, cold bedroom, reading an x-men comic Frank suggested to me. My phone started to buzz. I looked at the caller ID and smiled. I pressed answer, and held the device to my ear.
“KITTY!!!!” Kitty and I have been best friends since kindergarten. We went through everything together! Puberty, boys, etc.
“I miss you so much!! Hows NJ??”
“Its alright, I made a group of friends, met a bitch, got a new t-shirt. You know, the usual.”
“Oh yeah you told me about them! Well the friends, not the bitch. Who’s the bitch?”
“Haha, her names Pepper. She is soooo stuck up!! You wouldn't believe me if I told you!! So how is everyone??”
“Oh everyones fine. Steve got a job at Guitar Center, I Jimmy now insists to wear his hair in a bunch of spikes.”
“Tell Stevie I said congrats, and hahaha no way!! You have to send me a picture!!” Talking to Kitty felt like old times. Remind me to make them get their butts over here some time!


“Ugh!! I really hate mondays.” I replied frustrated.
“Its not that bad. I mean, you get to see me!!”
“Shut up Frank!”
“Someones feels shitfaced today.”
“Haha real funny.” I sarcastically said. BRINNGG!!!
“See you in science Lyn.”
“See ya!” I was gonna be late. My crappy locker wouldn't fucking open, and I couldn't find my notebook. “Shit.” I mumbled to myself. I was about to turn right when something caught my eye. It was just some chick making out with this wanker of a jock named Chris. Wait a minute. That wasn't just any chick. It was MOTHERFUCKING PEPPER!!!! I quickly hid behind a wall and listened in to what they were saying. Wow, I feel like a stalker.
“So you gonna break up with that emo kid yet?”
“Yup, I got all the information we need haha.” Information? What? Ok, now I REALLY hate her. I gotta tell someone about this!!