Status: School is a bitch...we will try our best!! Stallion Ducks foREVer!!!

Skeletons in My Closet

Turn the Other Way

Johnny's P.O.V

"You think we were a bit to mean to Frank today?" I asked trying to get Shay's attention.

"A bit is an understatement, he was trying to end his life in front of the whole school, that's how mean you guys were to him." He said in a monotone voice not looking up from his phone.

Sometimes I think this guy is a real life version of L from Death Note, but without the dead eyes and he actually bothers to put shoes on and sits normally half of the time.

"And you do realise that today's event was another step to him towards picking up a chainsaw or a gun and killing off half the school, right?" He said actually looking up from his phone, starring at me with those dull green eyes.

"I think you've had enough video games for today." I said and slowly took his phone away from him.

"I guess you're right." He said shrugging and picked up a notebook and pencil. "But it is true, half of the serial killers were bullied in school and that's what lead them to all the killings. You can clearly see which ones were bullied, the ones who torture their victims. The one's who weren't bullied simply kill their victims really quick like stab them in the heart or slice their throats..."

"Okay okay, I think that's enough, I get your point." I said trying to stop him from going into a long lecture about serial killers. "So should I just apologise to him?" I asked.

"I bet he wants you, Matt, Brian, Zacky and Jimmy dead by now, so ap-" He said but got cut off by his brother Charlie who hit him in the back of his head with his shoe.

"That's enough." He said glaring at his twin.

I still can't believe that they're twins, they're nothing like each other. Shay is a creepily calm kid who does nothing but play video games or read all day but still manages to get straight A's in school. While Charlie is like your average teenagers, but he also doesn't have to do anything to get straight A's.

"What Shay was trying to say is that you guys have hurt Frank to the point where he couldn't take it any more, I think if you apologised he still wouldn't be able to trust you guys." Charlie said giving me a sympathetic smile.

"You guys are no help at all." I said with a straight face.

"Yeah, we know." They both said at the sane time also with a straight face, but Charlie was close to cracking up.

I know I'm not exactly fair to Frank since I'm gay too, but if I came out to the guys they'd push me away as well and I don't want that, although Shay has no problem with it since everyone's afraid that he'll creep out of their closets in the middle of the night and cut them open if they just look at him the wrong way, I swear that guy is crazy enough to do it...back to the point, I really don't want to tell anyone, the only people who do know are Shay and Charlie, but I have the bad feeling that someone else might find out soon...
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i know this might not be the best chapter, but i've been sick the past few days so this is pretty much everything i came up with .-.

(~^_^)~ Sammy ~(O.O~)