Status: Just started

The Fuentes Best Friend

Coming Home

Kat wakes up looking around, she sees Mike and Jaime asleep in the chairs on the wall. Vic was resting his head on her stomach and Tony had his head laying right next to her hip. The nurse comes in and smiles.

"Glad to see you awake, they fell asleep a little while ago." She gives her some meds. She takes them and checks my charts. "When they all wake up, you will be able to check out. Everything seems fine now and your concussion is gone."

Kat smiles, "excellent, I will tell them when they do wake up, do you think I could get some pop?"

"I'm sorry, when you're here you can't have any of that." The nurse says, "when you leave hospital ground you will be able to drink all the pop you want." She smiles as she walks out of the room.

Kat sighs, she feels like she's going through caffeine withdraws. The medicine the nurse gave her helped alittle with her headache. She hopes that the boys wake up soon so she could leave.

**Twenty Minutes Later**
Kat patiently waits for the boys to wake up, Jaime is the first to wake up. The first thing he does, is take a picture of me, Vic and Tony in the hospital bed. Mike wakes up short time later, stretching out his long arms as he sits up.

"How long did we sleep?" Mike asks looking at Vic and Tony.

"By the way Kat looks, almost an half hour" Jaime says laughing at Kat. She looks like she could kill someone.

"Haha very funny, I was pop but the nurses wont let me until I’m out of the hospital." Kat says as Tony wakes up. Vic is the only one asleep now. "The nurse said that when you guys wake up I can check out and get out of here. Lets wake Vic up so we can go."

"Let's wait a little longer, we don't want him to be cranky." Mike said. Jaime and Tony laugh her expression.

Pouting she crossed her arms. As she does this Vic wakes up, stretching.

"Ah shit.. Must have fell asleep…" He looks at her. "What's your problem? What did you guys do?" He looks at the others.

Kat smiles big, "Lets go! I want to get out of here. I would like to get caffeine into my body, I have a major headache and medicine isn't working anymore." Vic laughs, Jaime and Tony walk out to get everything set.

"Well, Jaime and Tony will get everything ready, we will just wait here until they are done." Mike says smiling.

"They wouldn't let me wake you up, that's why I was pouting." Kat says smiling at Vic.

Vic kisses her lightly, "Well I'm up, so we can save you from the caffeine restrictors." Kat smiles big kissing Vic back.

Tony comes in with a wheel chair and Kat's clothes. He leaves with Mike, Vic stands to help Kat get dressed. Kat smiles as she slowly gets out of bed.

"You don't have to help, you know that right?" She says as he helps her put her pants on.

Vic smiles buttoning her pants. "I know, but I want to, it will get you out of the hospital faster." He smiles big slipping on Kat's shirt. Kat playfully pushes him as she sits down in the wheelchair.

"I'm ready know, we can wait for the shoes." She says settling down in the wheelchair. Vic laughs putting them on her lap, he then wheels her out into the hallway. Tony, Jaime, and Mike are waiting for them. Vic wheels her into the elevator as the others get in.

Mike pushes the first floor and they go down. Jaime takes over and wheels her fast down the hall. Kat laughs as she holds on. The nurses look at him, giving him a disapproving glare. Mike, Tony, and Vic laugh as they walk outside with Jaime a head of them.

Vic lifts her up and walks up to the bus as Mike takes the wheelchair back to the entrance.

"Ok, you need to lay down, and we will get you a pop when we stop at the gas station, ok?" He puts her into his bed. She nods cuddling with his stuff, when Mike gets on, the bus driver heads to the nearest gas station.

Kat slowly falls asleep before they get to the gas station. The boys are out in the little sitting area, drinking a beer.

"She's ok, we can be grateful for that.." Tony says looking towards the back.

"I can kill Sam… I can't believe he did that!" Jaime says shaking his head in disgust.

Vic sighs, "it scared the shit out of me to see her out like that… I haven't seen Oli that scared either…"

"I'm not surprised he was, they got to become friends when we were at Warped Tour with Bring Me The Horizon. I thought you would be jealous of them Vic." Mike smiles after saying that and nudging Vic.

Vic smiles shaking his head, "I knew Oli didn't like Kat that way though, I could see it by the way they messed around with each other." The guys laugh shaking their head, they talk a little longer before the bus stops at the gas station.
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