
Chapter 20

Adrienne's POV

Saturday night at the show

Farore, Alaina and I made our way to the front of the stage. Most of the girls in the crowd hated us because we were practically groupies of the band, but we didn't care. They were just jealous they didn't get to go home with them at the end of the night. It got really silent and Jim, the announcer at Gilman every weekend, walked up.
"OK. Now it's time for everyone's favorite band, Sweet Children!"
The whole crowd went nuts. I had to give it to Billie; the girls sure as hell loved him. The whole band was great. I don't think they would've worked as well if they weren't all in sync or if they all hated each other. Besides, Tre was about a million times better than John. He wasn't as big of an ass, either. Billie and Mike skipped out this time, arm in arm. He always did something weird. That's what I loved about him. Yes. I loved him. But we're taking it slow, trying to build back up our friendship before we started in a relationship. And whose dumb idea was that?
"We're Sweet Children. And we love you guys!" Billie said, raising his arm up and making the crowd grow even more extreme. He smiled and looked at everyone. "This is a really great crowd tonight. I have a special surprise planned for a little later. I'm really excited about it. For all you Sweet Children virgins, I'm Billie Joe fucking Armstrong, that sexy man on bass is my friend Mike Dirnt, the tall dude over there on he other guitar is my dear friend Jason White, and the guy holding the drumstick that's bigger than his penis is Tre Cool. Now we're gonna start into a little song called At the Library."
They started and everyone got pumped. We had to walk away from the mosh pit, we had a pregnant girl for crying out loud, so we walked to the other side of the stage. They played 3 more songs, while talking to the crowd like normally, and then Billie had everyone quiet down.
"OK, OK. Well you know how I told you guys that I had a little surprise earlier?" Everyone jumped and cheered. "Well, unfortunatley, it's only for one person in the crowd." He smiled and some people booed, others laughed. "I'd like to ask Adrienne Nesser to please come up here on the stage." He seearched the crowd for me. I felt my knees lock up. Rory and Lane were nudging me and I was in complete shock. I didn't know if this was good or bad, especially with Billie. He had been good lately, but sometimes he did that just to fool someone.
My knees unlocked and I ran up there.
"This next song is for you. Everyone else knew about it and kept it a secret." He and Jason started playing, then Mike and Tre joined in when he started singing.
"...Oh I love her. Keep dreaming of her. Will I understand if she wants to be my friend?" Then there was a small break. "I'll send a letter to that girl asking her to be my own. But my pen is writing wrong, so I'll sing it in a song. Oh I love you more right now, more than I've ever loved before. Here's these words straight from these lips, I'll need you forever more."
I started crying. I didn't believe it. They broke into an instrumental piece and Billie smiled at me the whole way through. They finished up and he walked over to me.
"So what do you say, Adie? Will you have me back?" He knelt down and took my hand, like he was proposing, but he wasn't. I wiped my eyes and nodded.
"Yeah. Totally. I love you, Billie Joe Armstrong."
He stood up and hugged me and kissed me lightly.
"I love you, too, Adrienne Nesser. Always and forever."
"Always and forever." I smiled. We kissed again and broke apart.
"Well, ladies, looks like I'm taken again. Sorry! But my good friend Jason is free and needs a date for prom! He's way better in bed, anyway."
All the girls screamed and cheered. Mike walked up to the mic. Ha ha, that's funnier than it sounded when I thought it up.
"And I love Farore Alyson Pierce!" He yelled and jumped offstage, running to her. She gave me the thumbs up and wrapped her arms around Mike.
"And I don't know what we're yelling about!" Tre yelled and threw a drumstick into the audience. Then he started tearing up his drumset and making everyone go nuts. Jim walked back out.
"OK, well since they aren't ending the show, I guess I wil. That concludes our show for tonight. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. NOW GET OUT!" Everyone cheered and started walking towards the doors. Alaina, Mike, and Rory walked on stage. Mike had his arm on Rory's shoulder with her hand laced in his.
"Well I think that was the greatest show ever." Rory laughed.
"I can't believe you did that!" Adie said, putting her hands on Billie's cheeks and kissing him.
"And I can't believe YOU did THAT!" Lane said to Tre, pointing at the mess of a drum set that was once there. "Just look at that mess! Who's gonna clean that up now? Your mommy isn't here."
"It sure as hell feels like she is." She smacked him in the back of the head. "Ow. Crazy bitch." He said and laughed. They were so weird.
"I love you, too, baby!" She smiled sarcastically. They kissed and stood there.
"Look, Jason, Tre, Mike and I are gonna go with the crew and smoke for a while. We all have our cell phones on. We'll see you ladies tomorrow?" Billie said, looking over us.
"Well, I'll see Mike later, but yeah. You guys call me if you need ANYTHING. Even a ride. I don't want you guys getting into a wreck or anything. Especially not my loving brother and the uncle of my children and the future husband to my awesome sister in law."
"Aww, how cute. Family love. I wish my brother cared more about me than the person he got knocked up."
"OH! She burned Tre and complimented Mike and Alaina at the same time!" Jason said, high fiving me.
"Thanks, Jace. We'll see you fellas later. I say we all go back to Lane's and order some strippers for the night."
"GREAT IDEA!" Lane and Rory said at the same time and we walked off. We got out to the parking lot and met up at our cars.
"So, what are we doing tonight?" Rory asked, sitting on the hood of my car.
"Hey, biatch, off the hood. You might dent Mike's beloved car that he never drives." Lane said. They both laughed and Rory slid off.
"I don't know. I mean it's already almost midnight. I told my mom I'd be back by then and you know her." I said.
"My grandparents are the same way. They usually don't notice when I sneak out, but they knew I was out this time and you know how old people are." Rory said, rolling her eyes.
"That's cool. Vinnie might still be up anyway and I don't think want you guys in the middle of it. You guys don't need the emotional abuse that Mike and I get. He obviously doesn't mind yelling at kids that aren't even his." Lane said, staring at the ground the whole time and saying the sentence like a bad news reporter reading off a cue card.
"Alaina, you OK?" Rory asked, rubbing her back. She nodded and nudged Rory away.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. You guys better get home. Love ya!" She said, hugging us both and suddenly cheering up.
"OK. Call ya tomorrow guys." I said, walking towards my car. I couldn't shake the feeling that something horrible was about to happen.

Jason White's POV
We were all out in the back of Gilman, doing our usual after-the-show ritual. I lit up my joint and passed the lighter to Billie. He was already half gone because when I threw the lighter at him, it hit him in the face and he cracked up laughing.
"Woah, BJ, slow down there, buddy." I said, patting him on the arm.
"HE CALLED ME BUDDY!" He said, cracking up again. I walked over to Mike and Tre who were talking to some dudes that we knew.
"Yeah. It's totally crazy. Billie threw up doing it one time." Mike said, giggling.
"Wasn't that the time I walked into the stop sign?" Tre asked.
"I think it was!" Mike said, laughing even more. Tre started laughing harder and fell over.
"HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS IT'S JASON!!" Our friend Bob said. He grabbed me and hugged me.
"Hey, Bob."
"HEY JASON! I LOVE YOU, MAN!" Tre yelled, still laying on the ground.
"Love you too, Tre. You need help?"
"Nah. The floor just changed. It's all dark and sparkly. It's really pretty. You think that girl...what's her name...the one I got pregnant..." He said, snapping like he was trying hard to remember.
"MY SISTER!?" Mike said, darting over to him.
"YES! Jason is a fucking genius you guys. I love you, Jason! I wish I was as smart as you. Oh my. Now what are these things under me? They really hurt!"
"Those are rocks, Tre. Watch!" Mike said and picked up one and threw it at him.
"THAT HURTS, DUDE!" He yelled and threw one back.
"ROCK FIGHT!" Billie yelled and ran over.
"NO! DAMMIT! Oh, look, pretty lights!" Another friend, George, yelled.
"OH FUCK IT'S THE FUZZ!" Billie yelled, jumping in place.
"Guys, I'm getting a really bad feeling." Mike said, holding his head.
"You probably need to cut back, Mikey. Let's go."
"No. Like something is wrong at home."
"Yeah, that's why we're going home. Besides, the police are obviously watching us. Next weekend, guys?" I said.
"YEAH! BYE!" Everyone yelled and ran off to their cars. Mike and Billie jumped into Billie's car, Mike was driving of course. Although, I have to admit that Billie is a great driver completely stoned.
What Mike said really freaked me out, though. But I shook it off. He was always a little paranoid when he smoked even one.