Status: a work in progress:)

I'm Crying Underwater So You Don't Hear a Sound

I Would Kill just to Feel less Invisible

It's rare that someone is glad when a plan or decision goes downhill. They usually quit because they're afraid that they will get hurt even more. But I was the exact opposite. When Austin and I started to hang out the purpose was to find out if he was my soulmate or not. The plan failed because my eyes never saw the the hours on his timer. I can't complain.because over the past two months we've become intimate. It's nothing exclusive but we enjoy each other's company. So why complicate it?

Right as I finished taking a warm bath I wrapped a towel around my body. It was a slow start to what I hope what will be an eventful day. All of a sudden I felt Austin's cold long fingers trace the back of my neck. It caused me to shiver. I turned around and smiled. He kissed me softly while his hands tugged at my towel.

"Austin! Not now im trying to get ready," I commented as I playfully pushed him away.

He placed his lips on my neck and chuckled. His eyes met mine. "Come on babe. You're no fun," he said pulling me close. I shook my head lightly.

It was hard to deny him because he knew how to have fun in the sheets. But I had to get ready for the pool party at Alan's house and my apartment is not close either.

I slightly tilted my head and laughed. "Tonight I promise. But remember you and the band have to get your in-ear molds done," I grabbed his hand dragging him to the door.

He rolled his eyes. I went on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek. "Okay but I left something on the bed for you," he replied before leaving.

I walked to my bed where I saw a paper bag with Austin's clothing line brand on the side. What would he get me from that? The first thing I noticed was a note in his scribbled handwriting saying, "Wear this to the party. It's a prototype but I know you'll look amazing." My hands pulled out a small red bikini. On the top part it had the heart with arrows and the bottom had "AC."

It was actually really cute. So I got dressed and texted Karen that I was on my way. I couldn't wait to see her. Her and Alan went on a trip to Mexico for a week. They were already serious about each other. I was kind of jealous.

When I finally arrived I was greeted by the other girlfriends/fiances of Aaron, Tino and Phil. They told me that Karen was in the kitchen cooking. So that's where I went. I punched her in the arm. "Dude dont ever leave me for that long again," I said.

She rubbed her arm and sort of laughed. "Fuck that hurt. You've been gaining some muscle from all those handjobs," she replied. My jaw dropped open and I shook my head.

She pointed at some celery and onions which meant she wanted me to chop them up. For that while that's what we did. We chatted and prepped the food. We didn't mind doing it because the guys would of bought a bunch of fast food. And honestly if I see any more pizza i'll hurl.

"So still haven't seen his timer?" Karen asked with her right eyebrow raised. It made me choke on my gum.

"Umm no. I'm happy with him so why does it matter?" I muttered. She chuckled.

"Miranda you guys are fuck friends. And once he finds his soulmate he's going to drop your pretty ass," she scoffed. I rolled my eyes.

"It's more than that and why do you think im not his?" I questioned. She.crossed her arms.

All of a sudden there was screams coming down from the hall. Alan came in hugging Karen from the back and kissing her.

"Damn this food is amazing!" I heard Tino comment as him and Phil picked at it. But then Austin and Aaron walked in together and I smiled.

I always forgot how tall he was. He towered over me as he placed his hands on my hips. "Wow I knew the bikini would fit. Im gonna rip it off later," he whispered. I giggled.

"I like it alot so dont. Come on let's go outside everybody's here," I suggested. He held my hand.

Almost every inch of the backyard was full of band members. He greeted about all of them. I got all of the same compliments that I was hot but not beautiful.

Mike's POV

I hate having band practice before we go to a party. Like all I wanna do is drink and smoke. The guys are just always up my ass now. I guess I haven't had the best attitude lately from what Vic's told me.

"Who's gonna be at that pool party?" Jaime asked Tony and Vic.

"Tino told me almost every band member you can think of," Tony replied.

"Okay enough questions. Let's fucking go already," I demanded. They all laughed. I watched them put all of the instruments and equipment away.

All day I've been waiting to go to Alan's pool party. Now he knows how to have fun. It's actually my first time going out with the guys since my brother's birthday. None of them know that I have been going to clubs and sleeping around. It's horrible but it was the only way to keep my mind off HER. They probably think im a ticking time bomb.

When we arrived the first person I saw was David Schmitt. He greeted us and stated that mostly everybody was outside. He was right but all I kept my eyes on were the half naked girls in bikinis. This is what I needed.

Vic and Tony stayed with David and Jesse Lawson inside. Jaime and I joined Alan and his girl, poolside. She was sitting on his lap and every few seconds he would kiss her shoulder. I noticed that she looked familiar with her red hair and height. Her eyes met mine but she quickly looked away.

Alan started to pull something out of his pocket. But I noticed the rolled up green substance in it and smiled. "Want some?" he asked.

"Fuck yeah," I grabbed the rolled paper and did the deed. It was a great way to start this party. Then the drinks were surrounding us.

It was pretty awesome hanging.out with fellow band members again. Smoking was one of many stress relievers. Tino soon joined us. We instantly got into a conversation about drum kits, sticks and all that stuff.

The sun was setting so there was still some natural light. So my eyes could see, maybe it was the weed going to my head. Austin was walking over to us and he was holding hands with Miranda! She was smiling as he kissed her cheek. Wow she looked amazing in that bikini. I nudged Jaime and pointed at them. He looked at me wide eyed.

"Yo Alan, Tino who's that with Austin?" I questioned not trying to syke myself out.

"Oh that's Miranda. They've had a thing for a little while," Tino answered. My knuckles tightened. What the actual fuck!?

I didn't know what to do. One half of my mind wanted to go up there and kiss her and the other wanted to leave this party. I got up from my seat mumbling the things im gonna do to Austin. But Jaime pulled my arm.

"Mike come on not here," he stated.

All of my anger, jealously, sadness balled up. "Why? She is mine!" I muttered pushing him with so much force that he fell into the pool.

There was no remorse in my mind. I looked back where everybody was staring at me even Miranda. She seemed the most shocked. But then she tried to hide her face.
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I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Hope you like:) Leave some comments, recommend, subscribe!