Status: a work in progress:)

I'm Crying Underwater So You Don't Hear a Sound

I Got Something To Tell You and It Just Can't Wait.

Austin seemed very jittery and anxious while he dragged me near the pool. He usually tells me stuff out in the open. So it's very weird.

The seats closest to the edge of the pool were available so we sat there. He fiddled with his fingers. I got out of my seat and sat in his lap. The.tension in his body lowered a little. He smiled as his head buried between my chest and arm. I giggled because I was ticklish.

I lifted his face up where his brown eyes met mine. "Why did you bring me out here?" I asked.
His shoulders shrugged while he smirked at me. "I wanted to take you away from all the chaos," he sofly spoke.

"Bullshit," I muttered. He looked at me wide eyed. Then again began to fiddle with his fingers.

"Let's make it official," he stated. I tilted my head from confusion. He placed his hand on my cheek and laughed.

"Be my lady and move in with me," he said. My eyebrow raised. I got up from his lap and stood in front of him. He soon followed.

"Move in?" I asked for reassurance. He nodded his head pulling me in close.

It was weird there were no words coming out of my mouth. I wanted to say yes but my throat went dry. I placed my hand on his bicep. "I'm sorry Austin I just don't know." I replied.
The smile on his face started to slowly turn upside down. He was really quiet and it made me feel bad. "Wow that fucking backfired," he mumbled.

"Well i'm not positive on what I want. I really like you Austin but it's not a great time," I stated. He looked down and kissed my check.

"That's understandable. But do you still want to spend the night at mine?" He questioned.

"No i'm tired and have a huge headache. I'll just ask Vic to take me home," I answered. He pouted and I giggled.

He hugged me tight and gave me a long kiss. Then I went back inside to search for Vic. That whole situation made me feel like a bitch and hypocrite. For the longest time I wanted Austin to make it official. So why was I so hesitant?

Mike's POV
The rest of the party dragged on. Sitting alone was best for me. Also drinking beer seemed like a good way to distract myself. With the many that I consumed it made me even more upset. If only I had the balls to go up to Miranda and take her away from Austin.

All of a sudden I saw some smoke coming from the hallway. The scent was way too familiar. Alan walked into the living room and sat across from me. He put out his arm for me to grab the small burning paper from his right hand.

The smoke calmed me down. It's my other escape other than drumming. "I was fucking right," Alan muttered looking at his iPhone screen.

"What happened?" I asked passing back his joint. He quickly inhaled some.

"Austin didn't listen to me. I told him not to make it official with Miranda. I was right and she was unsure," he stated almost laughing.

My eyes opened wide. This was great news! A smile began to form on my face but I surely shook it off so Alan wouldn't notice.

"He knew it was wrong from the beginning to try and steal some other guy's soulmate but he didn't fucking stay away," Alan mumbled.

"Dude I agree," I replied. Fuck yeah its wrong! She's mine. Now I might get the chance to lure her away from Austin.

Tony, Jaime, Vic came strolling up with Miranda. I smiled like a kid in a candy shop. "Mike were taking Miranda home. So you can crash here or come along," Vic demanded.

I almost jumped off the couch in excitement. My head nodded. "Great party Alan," I said as we bro hugged.

When we got into the van Jaime and Tony sat with Miranda. Jealousy was in the air. I wanted to be the one next to her so I could charm her. It was one of the first few steps to make her realize I’m her soulmate.

It was a long drive back to her house. Each time I would try to start a conversation with her; one of the guys would interrupt me. Who knows if it was malicious or not. I couldn’t help but catch a glance of her. With her light brown hair in a messy bun some long strands of hair touched her collar bones. Her big brown eyes shined in the moonlight. She’s absolutely perfect.

The horrible stop of the van made me come back to reality. We were in front of her apartment. It was about 1 am and I didn’t want her to walk in the pitch dark. My legs had a mind of their own and I sprinted after her.

“Hey Miranda wait!” I screamed. She turned around almost stunned. I caught up to her and had to fight all the urges to touch her.

“Did I leave something?” she asked pulling her hair behind her right ear.

“No I just wanted to make sure you got inside safely,” I answered. She giggled as we walked towards the front door.

She giggled quite loudly. “For being full of tattoos and piercing you’re quite the gentleman Mike,” she stated. My cheeks turned red.

“That’s how I was brought up I guess,” I muttered. She smiled me as she got her keys out of her purse. It was silent for that moment. Was I boring her? But all of a sudden I realized that she was going to be alone all night.

“Are you going to be okay alone tonight? I could stay to protect you if you want,” I suggested. She laughed while opening the door.

“Yeah that would be nice,” she answered. I smiled widely. I waved at the guys to leave.

Wow is this real? It’s just me and Miranda alone in her apartment. I don’t expect to do anything intimate but hopefully I show her why I’m here. This is the start of getting my soulmate back.
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It took me way too long to update. Sorry bout that! Hope you enjoy! :) Leave some comments, subscribe, recommend!