
one of one

Erin let out a long, low whistle as she looked at the farmers market before her that seemed to stretch on forever. She bit her lower lip, glad she had decided on her last minute trip to Ireland. It was so different from the U.S. As she walked through, looking at the bright fruits and vegetables and debating on what to pick she felt the warm sunlight on the back of her neck and smiled, loving the warmth it casted on her skin.

Even in just the short few days she’d been here she was already thinking of moving. Everyone’s accents were so different, and people seemed friendly everywhere she went. She’d have about sixteen offers in just the last few hours to go down to the pub for a pint on the stranger, but she kindly refused. She’d accepted an offer from a lovely group of birds visiting from Dublin and the small blondes had drunk circles around her, leaving Erin tipsy in a matter of two hours, and the American was no lightweight.

Her head was still feeling a bit like a carousel as she reached down to grab one perfect looking potato for dinner when another hand fell on top of hers. She felt like an electric current had ripped through her body as she turned to see the most beautiful pair of blue eyes she’d ever had the pleasure of getting lost in. They reminded her of the ocean as she looked at them for what seemed like forever, unable to tear her gaze away. But finally the eyes blinked and her face turned bright red as she pulled her hand back, feeling like an idiot as she took in the rest of the stranger.

His cheeks were just as red as hers were as he shoved his hands into his pockets, clearing his throat awkwardly before those blue bombshells turned to the ground. His hair was dark brown with several blonde highlights raked through it, contrasting his pale skin. His locks were disheveled, almost as if he’d just woken up, but Erin suspected it was actually from tedious styling. His loose tee shirt exposed sculpted arms, leading down to the hands that had initially grabbed her attention. He finally looked back up at her, both of their faces still warm.

“Sorry about that.” He said quietly. His voice was like velvet, and she just wanted to hear this stranger talk forever. But as she got a good look at his face she froze, feeling her stomach tighten. Not only did she know who he was, in fact, she was slightly in love with him. Niall Horan, one fifth of One Direction was standing in front of her and she couldn’t think of a single thing to say. Finally words flew out of her mouth before she could stop them, her inner fan girl gushing forth.

“Are you Niall Horan?” She flushed again, slapping her free hand over her mouth and cursing herself for being so awkward. But the man simply smiled, his grin making her simply want to melt. He pulled one of his hands out of his pocket and leaned against the stand.

“Why yes I-” He was cut off by the stand collapsing as he crashed to the ground and at least fifty pounds of potatoes rolling on top of him.

“Oh my God!” She cried, kneeling down and helping to unbury him as the owner of the stand was growling something under his breath. Erin then reached out, offering Niall her hand which he gladly took, his cheeks a deep scarlet color as people crowded around.

“Sorry mate.” He said, wincing at the stand owner.

“Sorry isn’t goin’ ta get me a new stand.” The owner snarled, folding his arms in front of him.

“Look, how much do I owe ya?” Niall asked, reaching back for his wallet and approaching the balding man.

“Fer the stand alone a hundred and fifty fer tha potatoes.” Niall quickly pulled a large stack of bills out of his wallet, handing it to the man.

“And fer yer trouble.” Niall said with a small smiled, handing the money to him. “Again, sorry about that.” The old man pressed his lips together before smiling.

“Just don’t let it happen again laddy.” Niall smiled but it came crashing right back down when he turned back to see that the girl who’d caused him all the trouble was gone. He pushed past the few people who were still crowded about and looked frantically in either direction until he saw the brown bun bouncing on top of her head a few stands away. He started jogging after her, desperate not to lose the stunning American.

With her grey eyes that reminded his of the sea after a storm, and how adorable she looked when she blushed, Niall knew he couldn’t let the mysterious beauty get away so easily. “Excuse me miss!” He called out, chasing after her. But as she turned and he saw those eyes again he tripped, hitting the pavement face first and letting out a small groan of pain as he heard her jog over and lift his head up gingerly. As he saw her eyes up close again he froze, getting lost in them like he had the first moment he saw her.

She chuckled nervously as she reached out, wiping dirt and a bit of blood off the cut on his forehead. “Are you drunk?” She asked, chuckling lightly. He smiled; laughing along with her until both of them were howling like loons as Niall pulled himself up, brushing off his clothes.

“Just off that smile of yers.” He said, smiling to himself at how proud Harry would be at that line. “What’s yer name?”

“Erin.” She said, extending her hand to him. He smiled and shook it, both of them grinning like idiots as her eyes moved to his head. “Your head is bleeding by the way.” He reached up, feeling the warm stickiness on his hand as he pulled it away.

“That I am.” He noted, pressing his lips together before his eyes met hers and a smile formed on his face. “I don’t suppose you want to walk me to a hospital?” She giggled again, looking at him.

“I don’t know if you can afford to get hurt anymore, you might get hit by a car or something.” She teased, looking at him. He bit his lower lip, his smile widening.

“Well in that case I’ll have to have ya there so I can say it was all yer fault in the police report.” She started laughing again as he extended his arm to her, smiling. She pressed her lips together looking from his arm to his eyes and back again before looping her own arm through his as they started off for the hospital. “So, are you free tonight?”

“Maybe, why?”

“Well, I know this great pub.” He said, grinning. “I really think ya’d like it. They have wee little glasses for everyone who’s not Irish.” He accented how small they were by holding his forefinger and thumb just a centimeter apart, causing Erin to laugh.

“I’m not the lightweight you think I am.” She promised, looking up at him.

“I hate to disagree, but I’ll have ya drunk in twenty minutes.” She grinned, pushing him lightly and almost causing him to trip again as the two started laughing.

“You are a complete and utter klutz Niall Horan, do you know that?” He blushed lightly, leaning over and kissing her temple, causing her to blush wildly.

“Only around you love.”
♠ ♠ ♠
As said in the summary
This is for the beautiful and lovely Erin, AKA JoStockton
I hope this made you feel better
Even if just a little bit
