Status: Just some feelings I've been going through.

Breaking My Heart

Breaking My Heart

My dog has to be put to sleep today. I've had him for eight years and he is ten years old. His name is Kaojen Kid, Kao for short. I was nine years old when we got him and I am now seventeen. I feel like I'm losing a part of me but I know his suffering will end. Leukemia. It took my grandfather a while back as well. Kao's name tag and license are hooked to my keys. I want to wear his tag as a necklace but people would probably look at me as if I am crazy, though I probably will be without Kao. I've cried off and on for days, knowing he'd eventually be gone. Three and a half more hours with him. Every time I listen to a sad song, I cry because it makes me think of him. That doesn't work out too well because my favorite song is a sad song. Never Surrender. I guess I should just listen to the title. This is one of those tests in life where God is trying to see if you can be strong, make it through, make others strong. It's just sad that there is death along the way. Death is a part of life. Life is a part of death. You can't have one without the other. I just hope Kao knows how much I love him, and that I always will. My heart is broken, but will heal as time passes. I can't wait to go through the Golden Gates in the middle of the sun and see my Kaojen Kid waiting for me at Rainbow Bridge.