Love Will Never Tear Us Apart, but Life Might

The New Family Member

Don't ask me why, but it was 5:30 in the morning and I found myself wandering up and down the halls at Matt's house just trying to think of something to do. I accidentally fell asleep at like 8 last night, so I guess that would explain why I couldn't get back to sleep, considering I never get that much sleep anymore. But I really shouldn't be complaining, I mean at least those nightmares have finally ended.

First, I went down to the family room and laid down on the couch staring up at the two story ceiling thinking of how much this room really needs a new color, after all, white can get really boring after a while.

I sighed and decided to head back to my room and maybe try to bother Syn until he wakes up too. As I was walking up the stairs, I was almost positive that I heard someone singing, and it sounded like it was a Britney Spears song? Ok, who the hell would be up now, besides me of course, and singing that?! I had to see who it was.

But as soon as I got closer to the bathroom I could easily identify the voice as Matt, and someone else had to hear this or else no one would believe me. I ran into the first person's room on my left, which happened to be Jimmy's room.

"Hey, Jimmy, get up I need you to see something!" I said as I walked over to his bed.

He was sleeping with a little teddy bear (which I had never seen in his room before) and his mouth was wide open and there was a huge puddle of drool on his pillow. "This is so a Kodak moment!" I decided as I quickly ran to my room to get my camera phone and ran back to take a couple picks. "Jimmy!! Jimmy!" I kept shouting his name, but not too loud so that no one else, especially Matt, could hear me.

I grabbed a lose cymbal off the ground near his drum set and banged it a couple times. . .and on the third time he finally jumped up in his bed, clutching his teddy and shouting, "It wasn't me. . .it was Teddy!" Then he held his bear forward.

I started to laugh, a lot, but still no one heard me. Jimmy slowly looked around his room and realized where he was and that I was in there laughing at him. "What the hell is going on?" he asked as he tried to quickly stuff his bear under his pillow.

"Don't worry, this will so be worth it. Come over here," I said as I walked across the hall.

He followed and as soon as he got near the bathroom door, he stopped dead in his tracks and said, "Please don't tell me that's Matt. Oh my God, this. . .this is amazing!"

Then he suddenly opened the door and the singing abruptly stopped and we saw Matt sitting on the toilet reading a newspaper and looking at us wide-eyed. Jimmy was falling over with laughter and probably couldn't breathe at this point, while I just snapped pictures on my phone. "Ahh, I'm being ambushed!" Matt shouted as he attempted to hide behind his newspaper.

"Were you really just singing what I thought you were singing?" I asked while smiling.

"Uhh, no! It was a fragment of your imagination!!"

"I'm not insane. . ."

"Don't tell anyone else about this, please," he begged.

I promised, then looked behind me to see that Jimmy was long gone and definitely telling everyone else right now. I quickly ran after him to see if I could stop him, since Matt was pretty embarrassed.

"Haha Jimmy get your ass back here!" I shouted, but it was too late, he already woke Syn up who was now running past me in the halls to see if he could get a listen, but obviously Matt stopped. Zacky eventually came out of his room due to the commotion and we all decided to go downstairs and make fun of Matt since the five of us wouldn't be going back to sleep soon.

"Ok, spill, why the hell were you singing Britney?" Zacky demanded as he sat down at the kitchen table.

Matt rolled his eyes, "You guys are totally blowing this out of proportion. I had to go to the bathroom and I was a little constipated and I got bored so I started to sing the first song that popped in my head which happened to be 'Hit Me Baby One More Time.'"

Jimmy laughed, "Fine, but why that song?"

"Well I guess because Val was watching that stupid TMZ show on TV and they had the 'Britney Watch' and we just started making fun of it and they were playing that song in the background. Seriously though, I was freakin half asleep, ok!"

Syn kept complaining about how tired he was, seriously for about 10 minutes straight. "So just go back to bed," I told him.

"Noooo then the bed will be cold and I'll be lonely and I'll be too busy contemplating my loneliness so I wouldn't be able to fall asleep!"

"Ok, fine I'll go with you, but only because that sounded so cute!"

We raced each other up the stairs, and he won by a millisecond only because I couldn't pass him by. We both somehow jumped onto the bed at the same time and landed in each other's arms. . .see, I always knew that if our bands don't work out, then we should play in the Olympics.

"You know what?" he asked.


"I really want a dog." I sat up and looked at him.

"Like today? Seriously?"

"Why not? Dogs are cool."

Well, it looks like today's gonna be one hell of a random day.

"We're getting a doggie?!" Zacky asked shocked when I told him where me and Syn were off to. "Wait for us, me and Janet wanna go too!!"

We all got in Syn's car and drove off to some random animal shelter. "Oooh I want that one!" Zacky shouted pointing to a Dalamtion.

"Wait, why?" Janet asked.

"Because it's got spots, duh!"

"Too bad, cause I like that one!" Syn said pointing to a cute little puppy that had shaggy white fur.

"Awww," me and Janet said at the same time; it was soooo cute!

The dude working there carefully lifted the puppy out of the cage and transferred him to one of those traveling dog cages. Since Syn wanted the dog so bad, he was the one who had to sit through the lectures and stuff like that while me, Zacky, and Janet snuck out to the car, which ended up being a mistake on my part.

"Yay! Let's go party in the backseat!" Janet yelled as her and Zacky went hand in hand to the car. Wow, now I kinda feel like a third wheel.

"I love you!" he said to her as she laid on top of him.

"Love you more!"

"Noooo I love you more!" and it went on like that for 2 minutes before I had enough.

I turned around and said, "Ok, clearly you guys love each other, enough said!"

Zacky sighed, "Fine, I didn't know we were being spied on!" then he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Ummm, I'm sitting in the same car as you. How is that spying?" I asked, but of course he didn't answer because they were back at it again.

"You know what, you're extremely thexy," he said and then I started laughing.

"Uhh I think you mean 'sexy?'"

"Yeah, thexy."

"No, say it with me now sssexy."




Then Syn comes into the car and said, "What the hell are you guys talking about?"

"I'm teaching Zacky how to say 'sexy.'"

"No, she means thexy."

Janet said, "Well, I think thexy sounds cooler! Yay Zacky you invented a new word!" I rolled my eyes and turned back toward the front.

"So, what are you going to name the puppy?" I asked Syn.

Zacky interrupted, "Duh, we're gonna name it Zacky Jr!"

". . .or not?" I said.

Syn said, "I was thinking about either Pepper or Snowball?"

Zacky immediately started laughing, "Dude, those names have nothing in common. Where did you get the idea?!"

"Well, I was gonna name him Salt cause he's white, but that didn't sound as cool as Peppa (Pepper)!"

"Are you really gonna name him Pepper?!" Janet asked shocked, and probably feeling bad for the dog.

"Yes I am, now deal with it!!" he said. I'll admit, it was unusual, but I'm sure we'll get used to it.

Syn walked into the house carrying the cage while the rest of us carried the supplies. "Guess what everyone, there's a new member of this household!!"

Johnny ran into the room, "Oh my God, Sam you had a baby and you didn't even tell us?!"

I laughed, "Uh try again Johnny," and pointed to the dog that Syn was now holding.

Everyone else came in and started petting Pepper and saying how cute he was and how it's about time we got a dog and stuff like that. Matt was the only one who wasn't in the room.

"Hey Matt come here, we have a new puppy!" Val said as she went to go get Matt.

"Wait, where is Matt?" she asked after looking everywhere.

Suddenly, the front door opened and we all saw Matt holding. . .keys?!

"Wait, what are the keys for?" asked Zacky.

Matt grinned, "I just rented out a yacht, cause c'mon every good wedding has to have some kind of bachelor(ette) party, right?"

All of us girls screamed at once, which was weird, but c'mon, we get to spend three days on a yacht!
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a couple random facts: Syn really does have a dog like that, but I don't know it's is a cutie though! I saw it on their MVI. Also, I came up with the word 'thexy' one day when I was making fun of Zacky. It's actually a funny story, so if you wanna hear it sometime, let me know! :)