Love Will Never Tear Us Apart, but Life Might

You Kinky Freaks!

Since Johnny would continue talking non-stop about this ‘great’ idea of his, we all decided to take a break from the paint and chill in the living room, the only room that didn’t smell like paint. “So what’s the big deal Johnny? Jeez, you’d think it’s Christmas or something,” Janet said with a laugh.

Johnny stood up and said, “Ok, so get this – I was driving to go get some more beer and all of the sudden I look out the widow and see this fucking huge American flag blowing in the wind. The only thing I could think after that was, ‘Damn, I haven’t played Capture the Flag in forever!’ So I went ahead and called Matt and Jason and they’ve already turned the entire forest in the backyard into a Capture the Flag field!”

We were all kind of silent for a minute, just thinking of the sheer brillance of his plan. Jimmy finally said, “Dude, that has got to be the randomest/coolest thing I’ve heard all day today!”

So the teams were: Matt, Val, Brian, Me; Alex, Brandon, Jason, Matt; Zacky, Janet, Melissa, Johnny; Jimmy, Cassie, Travis, Dan, Marc. The game was on!

All the teams stormed through the back yard and into the forest. The sun was just about setting and could barely be seen from where we were in the woods. Looks like we’ll be playing this game at night, which makes it all the more fun. “So, do you guys really want to win this game?” Matt asked, slowing down his pace a little bit so we could all huddle and strategize.

“Of course we do!” I said with lots of enthusiasm.

“That’s what I thought.”

“Do you have a plan, Matt?” Val asked.

He nodded, “Yeah, we split up. I’ll guard our team’s flag, cause we all know I’m the strongest.” Brian laughed sarcastically at that. “And then Val can sneak around and spy on the progress of the other groups while Brian and Sammie strike and steal other flags.”

“Sounds simple enough,” Brian said.

We all put our hands in the middle of our circle, as if we were about to go play a football game or something, and shouted, “BREAK!” Val ran off in one direction while Brian and I ran off in the opposite.

“Today sure has been a busy day,” I said as we slowed down to a walk, “I mean we got back home, I…’talked’ to my mom, got my wedding dress, painted half the house, and now we’re playing Capture the Flag!” Even though it was dark, I could still tell that he was smiling.

“Yeah, but the worst part was the fact that you left me alone with the guys for hours!”

“Oh, c’mon, you’re being so dramatic! How could you stand being on tour with them then?”

“We haven’t been on tour all summer…”

“Ok, well what about when you guys do go on tour?”

“You’ll be there with me.”


“That’s right. And the best part is – AHHHHH!”

All of the sudden, the ground was gone and we were falling into some kind of random hole. Brian fell in first and I fell right on top of him. “Oooouch!” he shouted.

“Thanks for…breaking my fall,” I replied.

“Ah, no problem. And that didn’t really hurt either.”

“Oh, sure. That’s what she said.”

“Oh God, don’t start that shit up. Remember that one time Jimmy first heard that phrase and then he would use it almost every single time someone said something to him?”

I started laughing extremely hard at that memory. “Right, I actually almost forgot about that.”

“It only happened a year ago…”

“Hmm I must be getting old!”

“That’s what she said.”

I playfully hit his chest as we shared a laugh. “I love how we just fell into a freaking hole and all we’re doing is laughing about Jimmy,” I said.

“Well,” he began, “if you don’t want to be doing that, then I’m sure I can think of a few other things we could be doing…”

“Really, now? What exactly do you have in mind?”

He sat up and scooted back so he was leaning up against the dirt wall. I crawled over toward him until I was sitting in his lap. “I have a feeling you know exactly what I have in mind,” he said.

I switched positions so that I was straddling him and kneeling on the ground. I wrapped my arms lazily around his neck as his hands rested on my thighs. His phone started to ring quietly, but he just ignored it. We were too much in the mood now to be interuppted, even though we were stuck in a hole and our friends were probably looking for us. That didn’t matter right now.

I tilted my head to the right and he tilted his to the left and within seconds our lips were touching. This is the way he always kissed – he started out slow, sometimes with just a peck, and then before you could say ‘Synyster Gates,’ our tongues would be exploring each other’s mouths, battling for dominance.

He slowly moved his hands up to my stomach and lifted up my shirt to reveal my 4-month-pregnant belly. He rubbed my stomach in circular motions, completely relaxing me and the baby.

While he was doing that, our lips broke apart and I began leaving trails of kisses down his neck until I found the perfect spot and started sucking, tenderly biting down on the skin.

Neither of us held back anything – which meant we were moaning like no tomorrow, and it didn’t help that both of us were screamers, and happened to be unusually horny.

Brian kept one of his hands on my stomach, and the other one made its way toward my shorts. In one swift motion, he unbuckled my multiple studded belts, unzipped my shorts, and inserted two of his fingers. I could feel his fingers exploring my insides and sending me into absolute bliss.

“Ooooh, fuck Brian!” I moaned as he continued his actions. What can I say, the man is a total expert!

*Johnny’s POV*

Everyone was so intoplaying winning the game, that it ended in 30 minutes. Jimmy’s team ended up winning, but c’mon, they had five players while everyone else only had four – unfair! Anyway, we noticed right away that there were two people missing from the ‘awards ceremony’ and they were Sammie and Brian.

“I wonder where they could be, I mean wouldn’t one of us have seen them after we all split up? This forest isn’t that big,” Alex reasoned.

Something must’ve been wrong. I suddenly remembered that while I was guarding our team’s flag, I heard some screaming, like someone fell or got hurt. That was right near where I was standing – maybe that was them! I told them that and then ran off in that direction, before anyone could come with me.

Well running out here by myself was a seriously messed up idea. I’m terrible with my sense of direction, and I keep hearing all these weird noises. I could be wrong – but they sound like animals. Scary animals. I slowed down my pace and quietly called out Brian and Sammie’s names as I shined the flashlight in every direction.

“Ooooh!” There was that noise again! Oh God, it’s probably some crazed, evil racoon that’s gonna eat me. Maybe I should just turn back now…no, I came out here to find them and I’m not going back until they’re with me.

I took a few more steps at a quicker pace, but then stopped right away when I heard the noise again, only this time I heard words…it sounded like Sam. I found them! I shined the flashlight around again, scanning the area when I noticed there was a huge hole in the middle of the ground. I leaned forward to get a better look inside…and I found them.

I started laughing a little, “You kinky freaks…practically having sex in the middle of a hole?!”

They immediately stopped what they were doing and then threw some little rocks at me.

“Wow thanks for ruining such a good moment, Christ,” Brian said.

“Well excuse me for trying to save you guys! Can you manage to get out of there?”

Brian and Sam obvserved the wall, and figured with some luck they’d be able to make it. Brian lifted Sam up on his shoulders to help her get out and she held onto my hand as she steadied her stance on the ground. Brian then ran to the opposite end of the hole, ran toward us and jumped up as high as he could. Sam and I quickly grabbed his hands and pulled him out.

“Thanks for ‘saving’ us, Johnny,” Sam said as we started walking back.

Finally, I was the hero of the night.

*Normal POV*

By the time the three of us arrived back home, everyone else had gone inside and gotten some beer. Nice to know how much they miss us. We walked inside and as soon as we did, Janet hugged me and shouted, “Oh my God, Sammie! I thought you and Brian got eaten by wild deers!”

“Deer aren’t wild, just think of Bambi! Bambi would never hurt anyone,” Zacky replied.

Janet rolled her eyes, “Well yeah of course a deer isn’t evil by itself, but deers are terrifying!”

“Whatever you say, Janet. Whatever you say.”

A little while later, we all decided to light up the fire place and just hang out and get drunk. The rest of Atreyu, along with the Berry’s, went home after the game. I rested my hand on my stomach as I laid across Brian’s lap.

And I remembered something – I’m freaking pregnant…what if that fall did something to hurt the baby?! I instantly sat up in and up-right position and I couldn’t take my eyes off my stomach. I didn’t realize it, but I became really quiet, the fear and concern was just building up inside of me.

Would I feel better if I told someone? I glanced around the room and saw that everyone was pretty much wasted, so they wouldn’t remember tomorrow. More importantly, why am I so secretive about this in the first place?! Just to prove to myself that somehow everything’s gonna be ok, I prepared myself to tell Janet the truth – simply because she’s my cousin and she was sitting next to me.

But, before I could say something, she did, “Heyyyyy Sammie, why do you keep looking at your tummy? And why haven’t you said anything lately?” Talk about coincidence.

“Um, Janet, can I tell you a secret?” I guess it must have been because of my grave expression, but it seemed as if she sobered up all the sudden.

“Sure, what is it?” she asked, leaning closer.

I sighed before I whispered, “Janet…I’m pregnant. Actually, I’m four months along.”

She had taken a sip of beer right before I told her, and I guess she must’ve been pretty shocked because she backed away quickly and ended up spitting the beer all over Zacky.

“YOU’RE PREGGERS?!” she shouted, making everyone in the room go quiet, execpt for the sound of someone spitting their drink out on the person next to them – which would’ve been hella funny, in a different situation.

Almost immediately after the beer incident, Val, Cassie, and Melissa ran over to me with big smiles on their faces. “Oh my God, Sam, you’re gonna have a baby and you haven’t told us yet?!” Val exclaimed, “How far are you?”

“Four months,” I said with a small smile.

Then they all proceeded to attack me with hugs. The guys were kind of dumb-struck…they just kinda sat there, then Jimmy said, “I’m gonna be an uncle!”

Everyone was so excited and happy. I really do wish that I would have told them sooner.

“Why are you so quiet, though?” Janet asked again. I gulped…I was kind of scared.

“Um, well me and Brian fell into a hole during the game, that’s why we took forever to get back, and well it just now hit me – what if that fall did something to hurt the baby?”
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I really really really want lots of comments!! C'mon, don't you guys want to know what's gonna happen to the baby??