Love Will Never Tear Us Apart, but Life Might

Captain Jimmy or Captain Sanders?

You would tend to think that with 12 people packing to go on the same trip that things would go extra quickly and easily. . .but no, that was not the case here. I started packing up all of me and Syn's clothes in the suitcase and I decided to also put in my bikini and his trunks and stuff like that. Literally 5 seconds later, Syn starts tearing our closet apart and freaking out yelling, "Where are my trunks?!"

I wasn't sure if I should tell him that I already packed them, or just laugh at him as he ran back and forth across the room. I laughed at him for a couple of minutes and then finally said, "Relax, Bri, I already packed your trunks."

He stopped dead in his tracks and said, "Excuse me?? Couldn't you have told me like forever ago when I started spazing out?"

"But I think it's kinda cute when you start spazing out. . ."

I bit my lower lip a little and just like that we were leaning up against the wall making out.

The Rev came strolling in with a captain's hat on and what looked like a fake army lieutenant's outfit. "Inspection!" he shouted as he went through all the stuff we already packed, not even seeing us kissing in the corner. "Hmm, it seems that you have everything you need here, I'd say-," and then he turned around and said, "Oh, no, no, no. This is no time to be kissing! We have to get packing and just because you two happen to have the most packed so far doesn't mean that you can just go all out here!"

Brian broke the kiss, "And just what do you plan to do about that one?"

Jimmy held onto the handle of the suitcase and said, "This!" Then he dragged it out the room and down the hall while it was still open! So basically all our clothes and stuff were scattered across the floor in the hallway. "Ahh, Jimmy I'm so gonna get you!" I shouted as he ran down the stairs.

Brian and I quickly stuffed all our things inside, zipped it shut, and then ran down the stairs because now we were the last ones packed. "Jeez that took you long enough," Zacky said while laughing because he knew all about what Jimmy did.

"Does everyone have everything?" Matt asked as he locked the front door.

We all said yes and then got in the two separate cars. Half way through the subdivision, Cassie asked, "Hey, Jimmy, you have the keys to the yacht right?"

Jimmy started panicking, "Uh, uh, uh of course. . .not. Why the hell was I the one who was supposed to bring those when Matt was the one who got them in the first place?!"

**Flashback (Last Night)**

We were all drinking to celebrate the fact that we get to go on a vacation. Jimmy walked over to Matt wearing the outfit that he wore today. "Dude, where did you get that mismatched sailor outfit?"

"Out of the deep depths of my closet!! Hey, do you think I could keep track of those keys for you?"

". . .why?"

"Duh! Because I clearly fit the part of ship captain with my outfit and I want to hold onto the keys to the SS Jimmy."

Matt replied, "First of all, our ship is not going to be called the SS Jimmy. Second, are you sure that you will remember the keys?"

"Who do you think you're dealing with here?! Of course I'll remember the keys!"

Matt reluctantly gave the keys over to Jimmy. "Dude, let's bet on this. I bet he won't remember," Brian said to Zacky.

"I think he might remember. I mean, who can forget a pair of keys? You just stick them in your pocket or something?"

**End flashback**

"Haha, I win!" Brian shouted as Zacky sadly coughed up the $10.

"Yes, I'm $10 richer!!!"

"Now do you remember why you had the keys?!" Cassie asked Jimmy kind of annoyed as she quickly u-turned back to the house.

"Well, yeah but I still blame Matt. Everyone should know to not trust me when I'm drunk!"

Cassie kicked Jimmy out of the car to go get the keys. Then when he got back in, she sped off back to the highway. "Are we there yet?" Zacky asked staring out the window.

"No," Cassie replied making a lane change.

Five seconds later: "Are we there now?"


"What about now?"

"I don't think so"

"Hmm, what about now?!"

Cassie sighed, "Yes, Zacky we are there."

"But we're still driving. . ."

Jimmy said, "Don't worry, I'll handle this one," then he turned toward Janet and said, "Shut him up please," and of course Janet caught on right away. She immediately locked lips with Zacky, and let's just say after that he didn't ask if we were there yet anymore.

As we were driving along the highway, Brian pointed out, "Hey look! I bet that's Matt and everyone else in that car."

Zacky added, "And no one else is really on the road, so. . ."

"Let's race them!" Jimmy finished.

Cassie got in the left lane and sped up so that she was right behind Matt's car nearly touching the bumper! "Dude, who the hell is riding my ass?!" Matt said looking in the rear view mirror. He sped up a little but Cassie quickly caught up to him. He couldn't see into the car because this car had tinted windows.

"Haha he's probably freaking out right about now!" Jimmy laughed.

Cassie got back over in the right lane and drove right next to Matt while Brian rolled his window down so they could see who it was. "I think they want a race," Adam told Matt.

"Well, I guess we'll have time for that." Matt pushed down hard on the accelerator and was immediately way ahead of the others.

"Damn, that was fast. . .but not fast enough!" Cassie sped up and soon both cars were neck and neck.

"It seems there's only one way to win this race. . .distraction!" Zacky declared as he took out a random piece of a poster board that he had with him along with some Sharpies. He wrote 'Matt looks pregnant' and had Brian tape it on the outside of his window.

Then Cassie sped up a little so Matt could read it. Johnny started laughing, "Hahahaha dude, you're preggers?"

Matt said, "What the hell did you say?!"

Everyone else saw the sign out the window and started laughing too. Eventually Matt looked and couldn't even believe it, so the others had just enough time to speed up and finally surpass Matt. "At least no one who sees that will know they were talking about 'M. Shadows,'" Val tried to comfort, even though she couldn't help but laugh because Matt's face was so funny.

Adam added, "Dude, how could you lose a street race to a girl??"

But Matt had an excuse, "This car is way bigger and, and her car has a freakin' Hemi engine!"

Once the others were past Matt, Jimmy said, "Wouldn't it be funny if we wrote 'aka M. Shadows' on that poster board, so people know who we're talking about?"

"Haha brilliant dude!" Brian said as he added the extra words.

Once both cars pulled into the parking lot, Johnny fell out of the car laughing because he saw right away what Brian wrote. When Matt found out, he started chasing Brian around the car while Brian shouted, "Hey it wasn't my idea!"

We finally found the yacht in the shipyard and wow was it huge! And on the inside, it looked like an apartment. There was a kitchen and table, a living room with a flat plasma screen, a Jacuzzi/hot tub, and three bedrooms complete with bunk beds, stereo systems, and band posters. "I think I'm in heaven," Melissa said as she walked into the bedrooms, "This whole thing is bigger than my old apartment was!"

Jimmy took his sailor hat off and put it on Matt's head. "Um I don't want your hat. . .besides I thought you got all dressed up like that because you wanted to be the captain?"

"Yeah, well I realized that that would be too much work for me, so alas, I pass the hat to you. Use it well Captain Sanders!!" Then Jimmy saluted him and went to go watch Star Wars on the plasma.

"Ahhh it is so hot outside!" Janet complained as she stepped into the air conditioned lower level of the boat. "Why don't we go swimming?" Val suggested.

We all got changed and then met back on top of the boat. Jimmy was the last one to get changed. He had a hard time getting out of all those army clothes he was wearing. As he was changing, he thought that he heard some heavy breathing and maybe even some growling. "Oh my God, it's the boogie man!" he shouted and then screamed in a slightly high-pitched voice.

I was the one closest to the stairs, so I went down to see what the problem was. I saw Jimmy hiding in the corner with a blanket over his head. "Jimmy, what are you doing?" I asked laughing.

He lifted the blanket off his head and said, "The boogie man is gonna get me!" and then he pointed somewhere over by the luggage. I walked over there and I heard the breathing and growling too, but I knew it wasn't the boogie man.

I unzipped one of the suitcases and Jimmy yelled, "No Sam don't do it! He'll eat you alive!"

I rolled my eyes and felt around inside the bag and then I found Pepper! "Aww look who decided to sneak into the bag!" I said as I turned around holding Pepper.

Jimmy covered up with the blanket and said, "Stupid demon dog!"

I brought Pepper back upstairs with me and showed everyone who came along. "Now that's my brave little doggie!" Syn said as he came over and held the puppy.

We all took turns petting him, but then I realized, "Uh-oh, what are Alex and Brandon gonna do at the house. . .they were supposed to dog sit?"

Syn laughed and said, "I'm sure they'll be able to figure it out. . ."

*Alex's POV*

"Alright so Syn said that we'll have to check on the dog every couple hours. That doesn't sound too hard," I told Brandon as we walked across the yards to Matt's house.

"Oh man I love dogs!" Brandon said; hmm I never knew that about him.

We walked inside the house and didn't see anyone home, as expected. So we checked all the bedrooms and didn't find any dog. "Hey Salt! Salt, where are you?" Brandon shouted into each room.

I pulled him aside and said, "Uh I think the dog's name is Pepper."

"Yeah, that's what I said."

"No you were saying Salt."

"That's what you just said!"


We went down into the kitchen to look and Brandon even checked in the refridgerator. "Dude, do you really think they would leave a dog in there?"

"Maybe...and I might be a little hungry."

"I figured."

We continued looking for that dog for at least 3 hours. "Hey Pepper, come out!! We won't hurt you...but if you don't come out then that might be a differnt story. We're not scary, well actually, I'm not scary, but Brandon might be a little... Oh great, now I'm just talking to myself. Brandon?!"

There was no response. Apparently, he decided to go back home about 45 minutes ago. I came to the conclusion that no dog lives here and then left. What a crazy day...
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Thanks to everyone who commented and who knew the real name of Syn's dog! haha Umm the next chapter will be out tomorrow, especially if I get lots of comments! ^-^