Love Will Never Tear Us Apart, but Life Might

Fishing Is Way Harder Than It Looks

Finally, we left the dock and floated out to the Pacific Ocean. Matt, of course, was picked to be the conductor of the boat because Jimmy resigned from the position. "Hey, Jimmy, why don't you go get some beer from the fridge downstairs?" Zacky asked, lounging on the deck.

Jimmy didn't want to seem scared, but he did a bad job hiding it. "Uhh, why don't you get your lazy ass up and go get it?"

I looked over at Jimmy and I could tell that he still thought something 'scary' was down there, even though I showed him that it was Pepper. I sighed, "Fine, Jimmy I'll go down with you!" and then I tugged him downstairs.

"But I don't wanna," he whined.

"Hey, did you bring your Teddy with you?" I asked smirking a little.

He gasped loudly, "How did you know?!"

"I saw it in your room. Anyway, if you have your Teddy then why are you afraid of coming down here?"

He shrugged, "The boogie man is still down here somewhere, mark my words! Oh God, what if he already got Teddy?! I'm coming!"

Then he ran down the stairs ahead of me to go check if his stuffed bear was ok while I was the one who ended up getting the beer.

When the two of us got back up to the deck, Zacky started laughing and asked, "Why the hell was one of you screaming just a minute ago?!" I just pointed over to Jimmy and let him tell his side of the story, "Ok, fine I'll admit, that was me screaming, but it was all for a very good reason. . . you see as I was walking down the stairs I was just chatting with Sam when all the sudden my shoelace magically came undone and next thing I knew I was flying in the air over two whole steps and then landed on the floor!!"

Everyone just kind of stared at him and it was really quiet until Johnny was the first one to start laughing. I guess I should give him props for coming up with that one on the spot. . .

"Can we go swimming yet??" Janet complained. She had already gotten a little sunburn and wanted to jump in the water to try to cool off.

Everyone agreed and we all took turns jumping into the water. It was probably a good thing that no one else was really around us cause we had some Iron Maiden playing on max volume and we were shouting and splashing and totally having a good time.

Matt climbed back on the boat and went to look for his Aviator glasses. He came back two seconds later and said, "Hey, has anyone seen my shades?"

Brian saw that I was wearing them, so we both snuck behind the boat so that Matt couldn't see us in the water. "Why did you take Matt's glasses? Don't you have your own?" Brian asked while laughing.

"Well, of course I do, but I must've taken his by mistake. . .Oh well, he'll never catch us!"

But we didn't know that Matt already realized that Brian and I were missing. He found us leaning against the back of the boat splashing each other and decided to 'get our attention.' Him and Zacky got two buckets of freaking ice cold water and dumped them on top of me and Brian! Now, the ocean water was pretty cold, but not nearly as cold as what they just dumped on us!

"What the hell was that for?!" I shouted up at them.

Matt said, "For stealing my shades, dude!"

"Oh yeah? Well maybe I didn't steal them. . .maybe I got them mixed up with mine!"

"Not really, they were sitting right next to the steering wheel!" Damn, he got me there and everyone knew it cause I couldn't come up with a snazzy comeback.

"Either way, why did you dump that on me too?" Brian complained.

Zacky said, "It was funny." Me and Brian just ignored them, knowing we'd get them back somehow later. . .maybe put some fish or something in their beds?

"Look out below!" Zacky shouted and we looked up to see that Pepper was flying off the deck of the boat and right into my arms.

"What was that for?!" I asked while petting Pepper and making sure he was alright. Matt shrugged, "That little guy did it all on his own."

"Aw, my doggie is such a brave little guy!" Brian said while petting Pepper also.

By then everyone else had found our little 'hiding spot' and wanted their turns playing with Pepper. Suddenly, there was a big shadow coming down over me and Brian and it turns out Zacky and Matt decided to attempt to jump down on top of us, and trust me, we barely got out of their way in time. "You almost squished us!" I said in disbelief, but then I decided to screw the words and go for the action!

I swam after Zacky and Brian took care of Matt. Too bad Zacky didn't know that I was a lifeguard for 2 years back in the day. I quickly caught up to him and somehow managed to dunk his head underwater a few times and then get away before he could get me back. And he kept complaining about how unfair that was blah, blah, blah.

I swam back over to where everyone else was and heard a bunch of random barking; I turned around and saw that Jimmy had Pepper on the water. "What are you doing?! He can't swim!"

Jimmy held up his free hand and said, "Just watch," then he held the dog in the water and said, "Doggy paddle!" and manually moved Pepper's legs up and down.

"Dude, I don't think that's gonna work," Val said skeptically.

And just when we all about thought Jimmy was crazy, Pepper started swimming toward me! I couldn't even believe my eyes. Matt and Brian finally came back over and they couldn't believe it either. "What the hell?" Matt asked while laughing.

We all kind of formed a circle around Pepper just staring in awe and watching as he swam around in the circle. It was really cute.

About an hour later, we all got back on the yacht and got super hungry. . .and guess what, the only thing we had was candy and snacks like that in the fridge. And since Matt didn't feel like steering all the way back to shore to eat right now, we decided to go fishing! "This is no fair, I've never even gone fishing before," Melissa complained.

Zacky shrugged and said, "Hey, at least we're not in some nasty swamp with alligators and frogs fishing out of a little wooden boat!"

Melissa looked a little grossed out and said, "Wow, Zacky, you sure know how to make something better don't you?" She was definitely being a little sarcastic there.

Matt randomly pulled a bunch of fishing rods and stuff like that out of a nearby closet and Zacky said, "Well, someone came prepared." He looked inside the tiny closet to see if anything else would come out, but all he found was some empty shelves.

"You're not gonna find buried treasure in the freaking closet," Cassie said while suppressing a laugh.

Zacky sighed, "Well even I knew that. . .I was just seeing if, um, Matt forgot anything." But something made him sound slightly unbelievable.

"Do any of you guys really even know how to fish?" I asked them and seeing Jimmy spinning his line around his head like in a circle like a cowboy or something.

Brian said, "Trust me, Matt and me are pros at this!"

He demonstrated his major skill once or twice because honestly, I didn't believe him at first. But he did in fact cast his line perfect and brought in a tiny fish. "Is that even enough to feed any of us?" Johnny asked while laughing. Brian and Matt took a dangerous step toward Johnny, who quickly apologized.

"Ok, so now that you've demonstrated your mad skill, I still don't know how to do it!" I complained.

Brian came up behind me and held my arms in the proper positions, kind of like how he taught me to play that solo for "Bat Country."

"Alright, now all you do is pull this arm back a little and then throw it forward sending the string flying into the ocean!" After having him help me with it, and trying for about 15 times, I finally got it down, but still didn't end up catching anything but a little fish, which I felt bad for so I ended up throwing him back in the ocean without anyone seeing, yeah...I'm sneaky like that.

I was about to cast my line again when all of the sudden someone started to sing or hum or somehow make the Jaws theme song. And I tried to just focus on the water and get a fish. So I tried to ignore whoever it was behind me but it wasn't working out too good. He kept doing that until I finally cracked and turned around only to be shocked and see. . .Jimmy. "Do you really need to be doing that right now?" I asked.

He stopped laughing and said, "Um yeah. You see that certain song is stuck in my head right now and-."

"And you can't go by someone else??"

" just wouldn't be the same. . .besides all the other guys might try to beat me up and that wouldn't be too good."

"Ok, fine just keep it down?" He nodded and I trusted him.

I pulled back my line and cast it back out to see and as soon as it hit the water, Jimmy started up again but it was really quiet. Then the weirdest thing happened: something started to tug at my line, and I knew that no little fish could do stuff like that. "Damn, I think I got a big one!" I shouted and Brian and Matt ran over to see.

I began to pull the line back in, but that thing was actually putting up a fight! Brian and Matt ran over and each held onto me, pulling me back and in turn pulling the line back. Right at the height of everything, Jimmy was still singing the Jaws theme and the sad thing was, it actually started to go along with what was happening and he was getting really good at it.

Finally, with all three of us pulling, we beat the fish and this huge-ass fish came flying out of the water and oh so conveniently landed right on top of all three of us! "Ewwww!" I shouted trying to get it off of me, but I was stuck between to large guys and that damn fish kept slipping all over us. And by now, Jimmy finally stopped doing the Jaws theme and was just outright laughing at us.

For some unbelievable reason, the guys weren't freaking out that much at all, so let's just say that I was grossed out enough for all three of us. Jimmy sighed, "Fine, I guess that I'll have to be the one to save you all from the stallion fish!"

He bent down and pulled the fish off of us. That thing really was insanely huge though! Well, at least we knew that we'd be having something tasty for dinner tonight. . .

An hour and a half later, and that fish was gone. We were all so hungry that it didn't take that long at all. "Ugh, I can't even feel my stomach," Zacky complained; he ate the most out of all of us and I'm pretty sure he won't be able to stand up for a while.

I, on the other hand, felt just fine and noticed that the sun was just about to set and decided to go watch the sunset. It got a little cooler out now, so I grabbed an Atreyu hoodie and leaned up against the railing on the deck. The sun looked even better setting on the ocean than anywhere else, hands down.

Suddenly, I felt some arms wrap around my waste and without even looking, I knew it was Brian. "It's so beautiful," I said smiling a little as the sun set beyond what I could see.

"Maybe, but you know what's even more beautiful? You," he replied.

I laughed a little, "Nice original line there, Bri."

"Haha I know, but I just couldn't pass up that opportunity."

"Good point. But eww I still smell like fish!"

"If it makes you feel any better, I smell like fish too. . ."

We both laughed and then things got kind of quiet. I turned around to face him and leaned against the railing. "Can you believe that we're really getting married in less than a month?!" I asked, completely shocked for the first time. I was marrying Synyster Gates.

He smiled and said, "You know, I think that's going to be the longest month of my life! I'm glad that we at least got everything planned out now." I nodded; it took forever to plan everything and narrow down the guest list.

"Aww they are soooo romantic together," Janet said to Zacky while hiding behind a nearby bench listening to me and Brian. Zacky didn't say anything.

"Hey, why don't we get married??" she asked turning away from the sight and looking over at Zacky who was now lying down on the deck.

"You mean like a little runaway wedding in Las Vegas?" he asked, getting interested.

"Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way! I mean, next time A7X goes on tour, we'll just stop off there on the way and then we could be married."

"Alright, but we'll have to keep it our little secret."

"I'm good at keeping secrets," Janet whispered as she turned back to watch us.

"And do you want to know what's even better than us just getting married?" Brian asked taking my hand into his, "We'll be having a baby!"

I can definitely see him being a great dad. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought my lips up to his as we kissed in the moonlight. We need to go on vacation more often!
♠ ♠ ♠
Once again thanks for the messages you guys are amazing!! Just to clear something up, Sammie and Syn are the only ones who know about the baby right now. Even though Zacky and Janet were watching Syn and Sammie at the end there, they didn't exactly hear what they were saying about the baby and all. Sorry about the confusion! More comments = sooner updates!