Love Will Never Tear Us Apart, but Life Might

Midnight Movies

"Ok, so we all agree: whoever is the last person to go to bed has to put the boat on auto-pilot right?" Matt asked for the millionth time, making sure that everyone knew what to do. And for the millionth time, we all said yes.

"Let's watch a movie!" Johnny shouted randomly. We honestly had nothing better to do on a boat at 11pm, so why not? Plus, we brought almost every DVD that we could think of so I'd say we have a pretty good selection, wouldn't you?

After a 15 minute debate between Bruce Almighty and Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (ironically both Jim Carrey movies) we decided to go with Bruce Almighty, only because that's definitely a favorite of mine. The couch was only 'supposed' to fit four people, but we bent the rules a little and got. . .10 on there. Adam, Jeff, and Pepper got the recliners to the left and right of the couch.

I was squished (literally) in between Matt and Syn. "Jeez, it figures that I would get stuck between the two biggest guys!"

Matt laughed, "Please, girl, you're just jealous of these amazing muscles!" and then him and Syn flexed at the same time, which was kinda weird, but it made me laugh. I couldn't exactly complain either. Do you know how many girls would kill to be in this position, yeah too many to count.

Anyway, another thing about this movie is that me and Janet used to watch it obsessively last year and so of course we knew all the words and began quoting. "B-e-a-utiful!" we said at the same time that Jim Carrey did and then we laughed.

Janet then said, "Haha I remember the first time I saw this movie and he said that I was like, 'Wow, that's awesome!' and I never spelled 'beautiful' wrong ever again!!"

It was so funny, but nobody laughed, that is until Val said kinda awkwardly, "Um, I think that's something you might wanna keep to yourself. . ." Then we all laughed for a good 6 minutes. Actually, come to think of it, I've thought that same thing before, but I didn't admit that out loud, cause that's something that only Janet would do.

Halfway through the movie, we suddenly heard some obnoxious snoring noise. It turns out Zacky fell asleep and had started to drool a little on Janet's arm, which she just now noticed. "Eww, Zacky turn around or something," she said as she nudged him a little to try to make him move. He just kinda mumbled something in response and then started snoring again. . .in fact, he kept that up until Janet had to actually physically turn him around and let's just say it was a good thing that he was sitting near the armrest.

By the time the movie ended, it was close to 1AM. Janet and Zacky had gone to bed, then Johnny and Melissa kinda headed to their room, but I'm sure if they went to bed or not, and Jimmy and Cassie started to play some weird version of charades with only two people and then eventually fell asleep. . .although it sounded like Jimmy actually missed the bed because there was a loud noise that sounded like someone falling off a bed and then I heard Cassie laughing and saying, "Did you seriously just miss the bed?!"

Jimmy replied with, "N-no, it moved when I wasn't looking. Stupid bed!! You're such a traitor."

"Did you just honestly call your bed a traitor and then kick it?"

"Yes, but this just stays between you and me, ok? It can be like um. . .our little secret!"

"Wow, I can't believe that my boyfriend missing the bed and then kicking and talking to it is our secret."

"Someday, Cassie, you will thank me for this!!"

"Riiight, ok I think it's time that you go to bed, Jimmy, and try not to miss the bed this time."

By now, me and Syn were in the hall just to listen to what's going on in there. "I wonder if he knows that we heard all that?" Syn asked while laughing as we walked back to the living room.

"My guess would be no, but hey, that's what makes it even funnier! Hey where did Matt and Val go?" I asked scanning the empty room.

"Oh, we're up here guys! We'll be down in a little bit, ok?" Val shouted back down.

30 minutes passed and they still didn't come down, so we assumed that they assumed that we already went to bed and then just fell asleep on the deck. "Are you even tired yet?" I asked lying across Syn's lap.

"Nope, and it's only 2. Any ideas?"

I smiled a little deviously, "Yeah, actually. Did you by any chance bring your video camera with you?" He nodded.

"Awesome, let's go around and make a documentary of what everyone does in their sleep!"

"That's brilliant," he said, immediately running to get the camera loaded up, "Let's start with Zacky and Janet."

We sneaked into Zacky and Janet's room and turned the camera on. "First of tonight we have Zacky Vengeance and his girlfriend Janet," Syn said into the camera in an announcer-guy voice.

Zacky was sleeping shirtless and was half under the covers and half on top of them. He was lying on his back and Janet was sleeping right next to him. "Let's see what he does if we poke him!" I said creeping over to his side and then poking his side. He shifted his position a little and giggled. "I found Zacky's tickle-spot!" I declared, poking him again.

Then after that he turned away from Janet and started to mumble something. "What did you say?" I asked, not really expecting an answer, but surprisingly I got one! "Mmm your muffins taste yummy with mustard!" he said as he started to chew on his pillow.

Before we could even start to laugh, Janet said, "Uh-uh, muffins taste yucky." Then we started laughing. It was starting to get so loud that we had to run out of the room before we would get caught.

"That was so funny!" I said once I stopped laughing.

"I know, I mean were they seriously talking to each other in their sleep?! This is getting better and better! Ok, let's go to Jimmy and Cassie's room next."

I followed him to the next room to see that Jimmy had secretly taken out his teddy and now Brian saw it, and of course, zoomed in on it with the camera. I decided to spice things up a little by reaching across Jimmy and tapping Cassie on the shoulder repeatedly until she actually responded.

She shoved Jimmy a little who snored in response and then shoved her back. They both started to nudge each other until Cassie suddenly sat up. Me and Syn had to duck down super fast and we just barely got away. "Jimmy, seriously stop freaking hitting me!" she yelled.

Then Jimmy sat up and said, "Um excuse me, you're the one that hit me first, disturbing me from my dream."

"You can't be serious! I think that little fall earlier messed up your brain or something."

"Oh yeah? You know what I have to say to that?"

"What?!" she demanded.

Then he leaned over and they started making out, big time. I mean it sounded like they were about to have sex or something, so we crawled to the door and snuck out and then of course the door had to slam shut and they stopped whatever they were doing.

"Did you hear that? It sounded like someone came into our room," Cassie said.

"Oh my God, it's the boogie man!!"

"Jimmy, don't be stupid. Jeez are you seriously hiding under the covers now?"

We started laughing yet again and moved on to Johnny and Melissa. They looked really cute together and they were cuddling. . .but nothing exciting or random happened, so we decided to head up to the deck to see if Val and Matt were still up there, and they were.

At first it looked like they were just sleeping regularly but then Matt started to snore and Val literally echoed and it was funny, so we got that on tape for a little bit and then decided that if we wanted to do anything tomorrow, we should go to bed.

I changed into my pajamas and when I came out, Syn had the camera on me! "There's my sexy lady," he said while zooming in on me.

I started to walk over to the bed a little slowly and then all the sudden I jumped on top of him and we both fell back into the bed. "Aw, don't tell me you're going to be sleeping in that? It smells like freaking salt water in here. . ."

"Fine, I guess I could change," he said as he took his shirt and shorts off so that he was shirtless in his boxers.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" I said grinning.

We both got under the covers and he still had the camera on. "Please don't tell me you're gonna have that camera on while we sleep?" I asked while laughing a little.

"I guess I could turn it off," he said and then focused the camera on himself and said, "This has been another presentation of 'What Avenged Sevenfold does when no one's looking!' by the Great Synyster Gates and the Beatutiful Sammie Gates!"

"Hey, why don't I get a cool stage name?" I whined.

"We'll have to work on that. . ." he replied as he turned the camera off.

I wonder if anyone will ever find this video? Nah, I think well keep it our little secret.